21-2-2019 www.RdHTraining.nl ‘‘ I'll explain it to you Visie one more time …’ Waarom RdH Training ? Omdat wij samen met u resultaten bewerkstelligen, onder andere door middel van: 1. Leiderschapsontwikkeling 2. Team- en organisatieontwikkeling (continuïteit) 3. Coachen naar beweging- verandering (individueel, teams en groepen) 4. Loopbaanontwikkeling (gecertificeerd TMA partner http://www.tmamethod.com/NL/) 5. Persoonlijke effectiviteit (verzuimreductie en werkvreugde) 6. Motiverende Gespreksvoering implementeren www.RdHTraining.nl 1
21-2-2019 Breaking news this morning! Watching TV causes baldness! Damage especially cuased by watching at the end of the day: After 3 years hair loss; After 5 years 90% are bald What do you do? 1. I keep watching pre-contemplation 2. I’m in doubt: maybe it’s better to watch less - contemplation 3. I want to change, but how can I do that? preparation 4. I stop watching televison immediately action Stages of change Relapse Pre-contemplation Contemplation New behavior Decision making Action Preparation 2
21-2-2019 Be ready for …. Pre-contemplation� Action� 15 % 15 % Decision� making� 15 % 55 % Contemplation� 3
21-2-2019 The call for change often comes from the wrong person! Emily Bobrow is a journalist and regular contributor to The Economist and the Wall Street Journal. 4
21-2-2019 Self-determination theory ‘‘ I'll explain it to you one more time …’ 5
21-2-2019 Self-determination theory Need for Autonomy: people have a need to feel that they are the masters of their own destiny and that they have at least some control over their lives; most importantly, people have a need to feel that they are in control of their own behavior. Need for Competence: people have a need to build their competence and develop mastery over tasks that are important to them. Need for Relatedness (also called Connection): people need to have a sense of belonging and connectedness with others; each of us needs other people to some degree. Self-determination theory A self-determined individual is someone who: • Believes she is in control of her own life. • Takes responsibility for her own behavior (taking credit and blame when either is warranted). • Is self- motivated instead of driven by others’ standards or external sources. • Determines her actions based on her own internal values and goals. 6
21-2-2019 Self-determination theory Marshall, Graham & Hine, Donald & East, Miriam. (2017). CAN COMMUNITY-BASED GOVERNANCE STRENGTHEN CITIZENSHIP IN SUPPORT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION? TESTING INSIGHTS FROM SELF- DETERMINATION THEORY. What is more effective in this Australian experiment? a community-based scenario in which community members were afforded a high level of autonomy in designing and allocating funding within a trust fund to help their community adapt to climate change. or a government-centred scenario in which decision making regarding the trust fund remained with government officials. Self-determination theory Marshall, Graham & Hine, Donald & East, Miriam. (2017). CAN COMMUNITY-BASED GOVERNANCE STRENGTHEN CITIZENSHIP IN SUPPORT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION? TESTING INSIGHTS FROM SELF- DETERMINATION THEORY. What is more effective in this Australian experiment? a community-based scenario in which community members were afforded a high level of autonomy in designing and allocating funding within a trust fund to help their community adapt to climate change or a government-centred scenario in which decision making regarding the trust fund remained with government officials Ambivalence am·biv·a·lent [am-biv-uh-luhnt] adjective 1 having mixed feelings about someone or something; being unable to choose between two (usually opposing) courses of action: am·biv·a·lence [am-biv-uh-luhns] noun 1 the presence at the same time or one after the other of opposing values 2 [psych.] the simultaneous presence and expression of opposing tendencies 7
21-2-2019 Ambivalence Ambivalence ‘ I want to …or I don’t want to …’ No Change Change Advantages Downsides Downsides Advantages of not of not of of changing changing changing changing People are generally better persuaded by the reasons which they have themselves discovered, than by those which have come into the mind of others.” Blaise Pascal, Pensées , (1670) What can be learned form other attempts to change behavior? Smoking in The Netherlands 8
21-2-2019 Evoke language of change 1. Why do you want to change this? 2. Suppose you decide to do it, how would you go about it? 3. Which are the 3 best reasons to do this? 4. How important is this change on a scale of 0 to 10? 5. Why X (eg. 4) instead of 2-3? - Summarize and ask: what is your idea now? Provide information effectively Ask permission: May I…? Elicit: What do you know about..? Provide: What we know about … Research has shown that … It is our experience that … Etc. Elicit: What would that mean to you? How does that apply to you? 9
21-2-2019 Conclusions • Start with those people who fully accept the reality of climate challenge Do not use Fear factors to promote behavior • change • Focus on practices that have strategic value • Support people change certain social practices (often called 'habits') Conclusions • Do not focus on creating sustain talk but evoke change talk Design the change in a way that promotes social • diffusion to shift social norms and shape political will at a local level • Involve all stakeholders – high level autonomy, competence & relatedness Thanks for your attention We commit ourselves to your results www.RdHTraining.nl 10
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