June 22, 2020 Board of Supervisors Meeting E a r l y Vo t i n g , E l e c t i o n D a y & E m e r g e n c y Vo t i n g P l a n s 2020 AUGUST PRIMARY E L E CT ION Maricopa County Elections Department
2020 Aug ust Prima ry E le c tio n Maric icopa County ty i is pr provid iding v vote ters with with s safe votin ting o optio ptions It is critical that Maricopa County provide voters with a safe and secure primary election. When developing our plan for the primary election, our top priority was to COV OVID-19 19 provide voters safe voting options so they can cast their ballot in the manner in Resp sponse se which they choose. Voters will be able to cast their ballot by mail, dropping their early ballot off at a drop box locations, or by visiting an in-person voting location. These se op option ons wil ill prov ovideaccessi sible le, secure, e, rel eliabl blean andsafe fevot otingoption ons. Maricopa County Elections Department | 602-506-1511 | Maricopa.Vote
F ACT ORS IMPACT ING T HE 2020 E L E CT IONS POLL LL W WORK RKERS RS BALL LLOTS A AND ND ENV NVELOPES o Prior election experience is required & needed o Order lead time of 3 ½ months o Traditional Model: 3,600 vs. Revised Model: 1,000 o Paper shortages o Physical Distancing Training Considerations (Classes begin in o Over 8,000 ballot styles in August June / 10 attendees) EXIST STING P POLLIN ING L LOC OCATIONS S o PW Correspondence: “Will only work if voting locations are safe” o Non-responsive PERSONAL S SAFETY ETY AND CLEA EANING S SUPPL UPPLIES o Not available o We need masks, gloves, disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizer o Too small for physical distancing o Products are in short supply, however, some of our back orders are being fulfilled. Maricopa County Elections Department | 602-506-1511 | Maricopa.Vote
KEY DA TES August 2 t 2020 P 0 Primary y Electio ion JULY 8 JULY 24 JUNE 15 JULY 6 Ballo Ba llots m s mail iled, Las Last D Day ay t to Mili ilitary a and d Voter Vo in in-pers rson vo n voting Request st a a Ba Ball llot Overse seas s Registra ration n avail ilable le in t n the he M Mail il Ballo Ba llots M s Mailed Deadli dline AUGUST 4 JULY 29 JULY 25 Last D Day t to Wee eeken end Electi tion Da Day! Mail B l Back Voting Vo You our B Ballot ot Availa labl ble Maricopa County Elections Department | 602-506-1511 | Maricopa.Vote
Vote r Re gistr ation Inc r e ase s by Par ty Sinc e August 2018 Vo te r Re g istra tio n 900,000 & E a rly Vo te rs 839,339 • Registration Deadline: 7/6/2020 789,329 800,000 798,858 • Open partisan primary (except for 788,549 Libertarians) 749,491 • Permanent Early Voter List (PEVL)* 700,000 • 74.3% of all active voters • 78.4% of all active Republicans 648,980 • 81.6% of all active Democrats • 40.6% of all active Libertarians 600,000 • 62.92% of active Other Voters *PEVL Percentages as of 6/16/2020 Repu publ blican Democra crat OTHE THER ( (IND, PN PND, LBT, T, G GRN) Maricopa County Elections Department | 602-506-1511 | Maricopa.Vote
STRA TEG IES TO M A INTA IN SEC URITY/ INTEG RITY August 2 t 2020 P 0 Primary y Electio ion VOT OTING B BY M MAIL TAB ABULATION N o Only verified registered voters receive a ballot o Shared Oversight o Early Ballots are tracked to the voters mailbox – and all o EAC & SOS certified addresses are pre-verified (NCOA, ACS, Return Service o Party observers Requested, etc.). o Badge access, tabulation employees only o 100% Signature verified / multiple checks o Hardwired isolated network (not connected to the o Staff trained by forensic experts internet) IN IN-PE PERS RSON V N VOTING NG o Live camera video feed (24 hours a day / 7 days a week) o Logic & Accuracy tests before and after an election o Bipartisan poll workers o Hand count audit o Secure transportation of equipment o Partnerships with ACTIC/MCSO/FBI/Homeland Security Maricopa County Elections Department | 602-506-1511 | Maricopa.Vote
STRA TEG IES TO IM PRO VE A C C ESS August 2 t 2020 P 0 Primary y Electio ion INCREA EASING ACCES ESS TO VOTE B E BY M MAIL o Sending mailers to non-PEVL Voters o Easier to request an early ballot One-time or permanently Request.Maricopa.Vote / Solicitud.Maricopa.Voto o BeBallotReady.Vote New notifications Maricopa County Elections Department | 602-506-1511 | Maricopa.Vote
STRA TEG IES TO IM PRO VE A C C ESS August 2 t 2020 P 0 Primary y Electio ion More Early Voting Centers o Phased openings (27, 14, 7, 1 day) o Includes Weekends and Evenings “Vote Anywhere” Vote Centers o Ballot on Demand Printers o 41 vs 90 - 100 Located along light-rail / bus routes Located in high density and includes locations that serve Native American & Rural communities Maricopa County Elections Department | 602-506-1511 | Maricopa.Vote
IMPRO ROVI VING AC ACCESS In- Pe r son Point De nsity Map 2016 & 2018 Pr imar y & Ge ne r al E le c tions
F or e c ast Mode l 2020 T urno ut 2016 2018 (Estimated Range* ge*) Ite m F o re c a st 2,056,458 2,229,718 2,395,738 – 2,450,000** Ac tive Re giste re d Vote rs T urnout Pe rc e ntage 27% 31.4% 29.2 – 31.4% Three Forecast Models (Ac tive Vote rs Only) o Recent Primary Elections 483,047 699,636 T otal T urnout 623,797 – 760,429 Most recent similar elections E le c tion Day - E ligible (2012, 2016, 2018) 84,581 101,464 96,577 – 114,197 Vote rs Only In-person voters E le c tion Day – Forecasting Turnout helps us: 1,681 2,178 2,026 – 2,178 Provisionals (not o Counte d) Determine resource needs Implement wait-time reduction E le c tion Day T urnout strategies 98,603 – 116,375 (E le c tion Day & 86,272 103,642 Provisionals) *Estimated range is was developed for planning purposes only. ** Voter Registration as of 6/16/2020 – 2,402,874 Maricopa County Elections Department | 602-506-1511 | Maricopa.Vote
T URNO UT & WA IT T IMES Prelim limin inarily ily F Forecast 4.75% 116,000 2,450,000 In-Person Turnout Registered Voters In-Person Ballots Cast 2016: 6: 3.4% 4% / 20 2018: 4.65 65%: As of 4/10/202 020: 2,381,27 279: 201 016: 70,6 0,601 / 2018: 103,6 ,642 Amou ount nt of Voting ng Locations ons Average ge wa wait-time me 5-7p 7pm Rev evised ed based d on strategy egy* 75Vote Centers 31.6 Minutes 23.7 Minutes Estimated Voters Per-Site 5pm – 7pm: 295 100Vote Centers 17.8 Minutes 13.3 Minutes Estimated Voters Per-Site 5pm – 7pm: 221 * Strategy includes direct mailers, 27,14, & 7 days of continuous voting, encouraging early ballot requests Maricopa County Elections Department | 602-506-1511 | Maricopa.Vote
STRA TEG IES TO IM PRO VE RELIA BILITY August 2 t 2020 P 0 Primary y Electio ion Stress Testing (BOD Printers, Tabulators) Ensuring we have sufficient paper to meet demand for early ballot requests Leasing retail spaces, convention centers, mall store fronts Recruiting, training, and retaining poll workers and central boards o 10 poll workers per site o 30 additional inspector level poll workers o Moving to online training, while still providing small, in person classes Cleaning, sanitizing, and safety supplies and equipment Vote-Anywhere Vote Centers Maricopa County Elections Department | 602-506-1511 | Maricopa.Vote
o IN IN-PERSON V N VOTING NG Stra te g ie s to Large locations with physical distancing I mpro ve Sa fe ty Gloves for all voters PPE for poll workers Frequent cleaning of high touch surfaces o VOTER TER OUTR TREA EACH Direct Mailer(s) 90-Day Notice / Early Ballot Request Card / Sample Ballot. Emails to PEVL Independents and Non-PEVL Voters Encourage early & weekend voting (emergency voting) o SCR CREENING & & PHYSI SICAL DI DIST STANCING @ @ M MCT CTEC Temperature Checks Similar Groups / Shifts Physical Distancing & Masks Maricopa County Elections Department | 602-506-1511 | Maricopa.Vote
REC RUITM ENT & LO C A TIO NS UPDA TE August 2 t 2020 P 0 Primary y Electio ion LOCAT ATIONS o Ample space for physical distancing is our top priority o Over 60 Locations Close to Public Transportation o Over 950 Check-in Stations 1,200 poll workers (Goal – 1,000 – o 5 Locations at 27 Days (Goal 5) 1,100) Initial outreach included poll workers o 54 Locations at 14 Days (Goal 55) that were not in high risk categories o 18 Locations at 7 Days (Goal 25) Overcome 30 – 40% absenteeism o 14 Election Day Only (Goal 15) o 92 Total Locations (Goal 100) THA NK YO U TO O UR PA RTNERS! Maricopa County Elections Department | 602-506-1511 | Maricopa.Vote
Stra te g ie s to I mpro ve T a b ula tio n s - Dominion Voting Systems - $6.1 million lease New - Counts votes faster Tab abula latio ion - 3,000 vs 6,000 – 8,000 Equi uipm pment - New Ballot Style (ovals not arrows) - Single vote electronic adjudication capabilities - Maintains & improves security Maricopa County Elections Department | 602-506-1511 | Maricopa.Vote
QUE ST IONS? Scott Jarrett Director of Election Day & Emergency Voting Maricopa County Elections Department @MaricopaVote Rey Valenzuela Director of Election Services & Early Voting Maricopa County Elections Department @RecorderFontes June 22, 2020 Board of Supervisors Meeting
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