2020 2025 strategic plan update

2020-2025 Strategic Plan Update November 18, 2019 1 Agenda Purpose - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2020-2025 Strategic Plan Update November 18, 2019 1 Agenda Purpose Purpose To provide an update to the community on the development of the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Background for the development of the strategic plan Gather feedback

  1. 2020-2025 Strategic Plan Update November 18, 2019 1

  2. Agenda Purpose Purpose To provide an update to the community on the development of the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Background for the development of the strategic plan • Gather feedback from stakeholders on the proposed plan. • Share a draft strategic plan content with the community • Listen to feedback from stakeholders on the proposed plan • components. 2 11/15/2019

  3. Norms • We will be engaged and fully present • We will have one conversation • We will stay focused on the topic of conversation • We will share the air • We will respect each other • We will respect our time together (time will be provided at the end of the meeting for individual questions) 3

  4. What’s Different in the Proposed 2020 -2025 Strategic Plan? In this plan you will see: o Clear Direction • Three Strategic Goals anchored in our mission • A Theory of Action for change and improvement o Equity • Revised mission statement • Embedded in all strategic plan components o Continuous Improvement • Removed silos • Clearly defined district support for schools • A focus on monitoring progress at the school and district level o Your Feedback • Internal and external feedback guided the development of the goals, priorities and many of the objectives 4

  5. Context and Intro to the Strategic Plan Our focus for the past five years has been strengthening our students, schools, staff, and system. We reorganized as a charter system, giving principals and schools greater autonomy to implement decisions that make sense for their students and families. We organized schools into neighborhood-based clusters, creating alignment across schools allowing students to build expertise in signature programs selected by community collaboration in each cluster. These shifts empowered school sites to make decisions for their students and engage communities in decisions to support their schools. This work of strengthening our district has achieved significant achievement: Our graduation rate has increased to 77.9% with a district high of 2,506 on-time student graduates in 2019. We are also proud of our investment in facilities improvements that have provided upgrades to several campuses and brand new buildings. With greater localized decision-making, flexibility, and alignment in place, we are ready for the next critical step in preparing every APS student for college and career readiness: a district-wide focus on building equity. Excellence, equity, ethics, and engagement have consistently guided our work, and the time is right for equity to move to the forefront of our strategy for excellence for all. 5

  6. Components of the Strategic Plan Mission Vision A picture of APS’ future Why APS exists Guiding Principles Core Values Joint School Board APS’ value and beliefs guiding APS’ employees’ beliefs guiding decision-making how they work & District Administration Theory of Action Responsibility APS’ belief in what will lead to long -term success Priorities Strategic Goals Broad Areas of Focus Specific and measurable targets related to district Priorities Strategic Initiatives District Specific projects related to Priorities that help to achieve the Strategic Goals Administration Action Steps Responsibility A plan of what needs to occur, by when, and by whom * Adapted from the District Management Council; Strategy in Action : Curtis & City; Strategic Plan Examples (Los Angeles, Ottawa, Washington, DC, Des Moines, Charlotte-Mecklenburg); Association of Strategic Planning 6

  7. District Mission (REVISED) The current mission statement should be updated to emphasize and be more explicit about a district focus on equity. Through a caring culture of equity, trust, and collaboration, every student will graduate ready for college, career, and life. 7

  8. Foundation Vis ision Mis ission Through a caring culture of A high-performing school equity, trust, and collaboration, district where students love to every student will graduate learn, educators inspire, ready for college, career, and families engage and the life. community trusts the system. Cor ore Val alues Guid Gu idin ing Prin rincip iples Excellence in everything we do 1. Putting Students and Engagement with our school Schools First community 2. Commit to Teamwork Ethics to rebuild our integrity 3. Focus on Communication Equity in our approach to 4. Demonstrate Respect for decision-making Others 5. Be Accountable 6. Act with Integrity 7. Embrace and Drive Change 8

  9. Theory of Action and… If we… and… then … So that … We will be Assess progress, positioned to engage Every student, act with Define Empower stakeholders, regardless of urgency and criteria schools to set identify background, revise against goals and success, and will attain the strategies to which priorities and commit to a skills, take action schools equip them timeline and knowledge, when criteria and the with capacity effective and tools to are not being support succeed in District are and equitable met or measured resources strategies for college and showing continual career significant improvement progress 9

  10. Areas of Focus identified by APS BOE September 2019 The following priority areas were identified by the APS BOE during the September Board retreat. • Close the Achievement Gap and Address Equity • Focus on Early Childhood and Literacy • Empower Effective School Leaders and Staff • Identify, Prioritize, and Meet the Needs of Students and Schools • Continue to Strengthen District and School Culture 10

  11. Multi-Year Areas of Focus: DRAFT as of 10/17/2019 from Budget Parameters discussion Themes pending completion of Strategic Planning Processes*: o The district will make investments to eliminate the racial achievement gap o The district will make investments in teacher/staff well-being initiatives to support staff recruitment and retention o The district will make investments in alignment with the overall district strategic plan to support Reading / Literacy initiatives o The district will make investments in alignment with the overall district strategic plan to support Math initiatives 11

  12. DRAFT: Strategic Goals I NCREASE THE P ERCENT C LOSE THE G AP I NCREASE THE P ERCENT of African-American in Graduation Rates of students proficient or above in 8 th grade and Hispanic students between APS and the reading on grade level State math 12

  13. Excellence Through Equity 13

  14. Excellence Through Equity o Atlanta Public Schools will build a culture of equity, trust and collaboration, preparing every student to graduate ready for college and career. Over the next five years, our guiding principles of excellence and equity will move to the forefront of our work to advance our mission for all students. The measures of success will be defined for all schools in a way that will empower all staff of the Atlanta Public Schools family to measure progress and to drive action together. o We will also align our focus behind key priorities across Atlanta Public Schools that will close gaps and drive resources and support for schools. We will do this through aligning behind four key priorities (see next slide): 14

  15. Strategic Priorities We are fostering academic excellence for all. The gaps in access that have allowed for uneven outcomes are being closed. We are identifying and addressing the needs of each student, regardless of background, so they have the skills, knowledge, and tools to succeed in college and career. We are building a culture of student support. Students are attending schools and learning in classrooms that are inclusive, caring, joyful, safe, and collaborative. The student-centered culture is inclusive and equitable, responsively providing for the well-being and development of each student. We are uniting to invest in student success. We are rallying teachers, staff, volunteers, families, and community members to create a cohesive coalition of support for each student, investing in his/her/their success. We are working together to enthusiastically champion each child, PK-12, through their academic journey at APS. We are equipping and empowering APS staff. With a focus on capacity-building and growth, every staff member is given the training, support, coaching, and advocacy needed to build their skills and raise the bar for excellence. By providing staff with resources and autonomy, schools are better positioned to address the needs of their students and their community. 15


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