2020 2021 reopening update


2020-2021 REOPENING UPDATE SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING AUGUST 10, 2020 Presentation can be accessed at www.brookline.k12.ma.us/reopen 2 AGENDA Guiding Principles Health & Safety Recommendation Academics Social


  2. Presentation can be accessed at www.brookline.k12.ma.us/reopen 2

  3. AGENDA Guiding Principles ▸ Health & Safety ▸ Recommendation ▸ Academics ▸ Social Emotional & Physical Wellness ▸ Next Steps/Questions ▸ 3

  4. GUIDING PRINCIPLES ▸ Prioritize the health and safety of PSB students, staff and families. Provide a robust and seamless academic experience and ▸ peer cohort for all students regardless of learning model Bring students back in-person as public health and ▸ facilities establish safety Prioritize youngest and most vulnerable learners first ▹ Simplify choices that students and families need to make ▸ Social emotional wellness at the foundation of student ▸ success 4

  5. HEALTH & SAFETY Challenges: Ensure all schools are equipped with operable windows and ▸ appropriate HVAC and/or portable filtration systems Likely October 2020 until all classrooms are updated ▹ Physical distance requirements limit the number of students/staff ▸ in each classroom Additional staff, space, furniture needs ▹ Uncertainty of outdoor space use ▸ Tent purchases, available locations ▹ Change in instructional practice ▹ Changing level of community spread ▸ 5

  6. SUMMARY BEEP students and PSB most vulnerable students will begin ▸ the school year in-person The remainder of PSB students in Grades K-12 will begin the ▸ school year fully remote. Fully remote students will be given in-person ▹ opportunities to connect with peers and PSB staff outside at their school buildings ( “ RemotePlus ” ) Grades K-12 will phase into a hybrid learning model as ▹ health and safety benchmarks* are met. School hours will remain the same as Fall 2019-20. ▸ *To be determined in consultation with Town Department of Health and Exper Panel 4 6


  8. RemotePlus Beginning September 16, 2020 1. Offer outstanding remote education as baseline experience 2. Phase into in-person (hybrid) for remaining K-12 students as deemed safe 3. Provide seamless academic experience and peer cohort regardless of health/safety needs throughout the year 8

  9. MOST VULNERABLE (K-12) Students with IEPs: ▸ Designated as “ high needs ” on “ Primary ▹ Disability/Level of Need PL3 ” Cannot access due to disability related needs ▹ Students from low income households ▸ Students who are homeless, in foster or congregate ▸ care students Students who primarily use aided and augmentative ▸ communication Students identified as English Learners and have ▸ complex and significant needs 9

  10. RemotePlus Preparation 9/1 Staff report to school buildings to begin training and professional development Date In-Person Hybrid Remote Phase 1 9/16** BEEP N/A All remaining K-12 students Most vulnerable K-12 Phase 2 TBD, BEEP Grades K-12* Remote Learning Academy Ongoing Most vulnerable K-12 *Students in Grades K-12 will enter the hybrid learning model, grade by grade, as health and safety benchmarks are met. Students in the youngest grade levels will be prioritized. **Tentative start date 10

  11. PSB Fall 2020 Learning Model Timeline BEEP & Most Vulnerable (Full In-Person) Option 1: K-12 Staggered Start (Hybrid) CHOICE K-12 (Full Remote) POINT Option 2: K-12 Remote Learning Academy Parent/Guardian Decision SEPT. 2020 11

  12. WHY PHASE-IN? Knowledge that youngest students are less vulnerable to the virus ▸ and older students are more capable of learning in a remote environment. Minimize risk to our students, families, and staff by gradually ▸ increasing density in buildings while modifying classrooms to ensure proper air flow and ventilation. Ensure PSB has enough time for necessary training on safety ▸ protocols and instructional tools, as well as develop a hybrid learning model that is sustainable and effective. 12

  13. VENTILATION UPDATE ▸ Many PSB classrooms need modifications to air flow/filtration to meet health and safety benchmarks according to Dept. of Health and Expert Panel 4 Poor ventilation in classrooms could be fixed through: ▸ Window repair; ▹ HVAC replacement; AND/OR ▹ Portable HEPA filters ▹ PSB teams will: ▸ Measure air flow changes in each classroom against max ▹ capacity Update HVAC systems where applicable ▹ Purchase and install HEPA portable filters where needed ▹ Timeline: TBD based on analysis of classrooms and procurement 13

  14. PREPARATION August - September 15 Students and Families Staff - Office of Teaching and Learning will begin supplying students who - Continued professional development offerings for require technology support for remote learning with Chromebooks, school and district staff internet access, and additional materials - All School Building Staff will receive training in: - Special Education will begin outreach to families to coordinate IEP - Health and Safety Protocols services and accommodations for students, as appropriate - Building Protocols - Remote Learning Tools - English Learner Education staff will finalize screenings and placements for students who qualify for English Learner services - Operations staff will work with school staff to reconfigure classrooms and set up appropriate - Food Service will begin providing students who qualify for Free and learning spaces Reduced Lunches meals - Operations staff will continue air quality and - School Leaders will finalize classroom and cohort placements for ventilation inventory, maintenance and repair Phase 1 - Curriculum Coordinators will work with school staff - Students and families are provided training and video support for to refine expectations and curriculum for remote best practices in accessing email, Google Classrooms, and other learning instructional software - School Leaders will work with school staff to finalize - PSB will send expectations/policy on remote learning daily and weekly schedules for remote learning 14

  15. PHASE 1 September 16 - TBD* *Date pending Approval from the Dept. of Health and review by members of Expert Panel 4 Students Staff - BEEP students begin in-person learning five (5) - School and district staff begin in-person instruction days a week for most vulnerable students - Most vulnerable students K-12 begin in-person - School and district staff continue in-person learning five (5) days a week instruction for BEEP students - All students in K-12 begin receiving remote - School and district staff begin remote instruction instruction at home for K-12 students - Students learning remotely will receive - Related service providers will deliver services in-person opportunities at school outside as remotely from their offices or at students’ homes scheduled by individual schools - Students and families receive technical support for remote learning tools and instructional software. Regardless of phase, parents/guardians of students in Grades K-12 may choose to keep their child(ren) in a full remote learning environment. 15

  16. PHASE 2 TBD* *Date pending Approval from the Dept. of Public Health and review by members of Expert Panel 4 Students Staff - BEEP students continue in-person learning five (5) days a week - School and district staff continue in-person instruction for BEEP and most vulnerable students - Students in Grades K-12 begin phase in to a hybrid - School and district staff begin hybrid learning model model by grade level at designated grade level(s) - Students in Grades K-12 enrolled in Remote Learning - School and district staff continue remote instruction Academies will continue remote learning five (5) days for all K-12 students not entering hybrid a week - Related service providers continue to deliver services - Students continue to receive in-person remotely from their offices or at students’ homes opportunities at school outside as scheduled by individual schools - Staff check in with families Regardless of phase, parents/guardians of students in Grades K-12 may choose to keep their child(ren) in a full remote learning environment. 16

  17. ACADEMICS In-Person Hybrid Remote Academic schedules and expectations remain the same regardless of learning model

  18. SUMMER PREPARATIONS FOR 2020-21 Professional Development Summer 2020 Made possible through a combination of PSB funding and a generous gift from the Brookline Education Foundation (BEF) and the Innovation Fund Learning Management System (SeeSaw, Google Classroom, Canvas) 790 participants* Seesaw, Google Classroom and Canvas for common learning experiences Remote Learning pedagogical practices ● Executive Functioning skills ● Engagement strategies *Does not include Unconference at BHS ● Assessment strategies Continued work Strategies in a remote setting for EL and Special Ed with Expert Panel 3 will help to Adapting content and curriculum for a remote setting inform the next steps. Specialized reading program training for special education and reading instructors 18

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