
2019 Interim Result Market Briefing 12 August 2019 Agenda 3 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2019 Interim Result Market Briefing 12 August 2019 Agenda 3 2019 Interim Result Highlights | Bob Johnston 6 Financial Summary & Capital Management | Anastasia Clarke 10 Office & Logistics | Matthew Faddy 19 Retail | Chris

  1. 2019 Interim Result Market Briefing 12 August 2019

  2. Agenda 3 2019 Interim Result Highlights | Bob Johnston 6 Financial Summary & Capital Management | Anastasia Clarke 10 Office & Logistics | Matthew Faddy 19 Retail | Chris Barnett 24 Funds Management | Nicholas Harris 26 Summary & Outlook | Bob Johnston Interim Result 2019

  3. + Growing our Office & Logistics Delivering attractive Our Strategic portfolio returns + Retaining high weighting to NSW Focus and VIC markets 5yr avg. NTAps 8.2 % + Increased the development growth pipeline to an expected end value 5yr avg. FFOps 4.3 % of over $1.6 billion growth + Total Assets Under Management of 5yr avg. DPS 4.6 % $24.8 billion growth Shifting our 2010 2019 1 GROUP EARNINGS FOCUS strategic COMPOSITION SYDNEY & MELBOURNE asset Logistics Office allocation Office Logistics NSW Office Logistics 32% 15% 41% 16% 53% 9% 37% 30 June 30 June VIC 2019 35% 2019 Funds Retail Retail Management Retail 42% NT QLD 43% 6% 59% 2% 10% 1. Portfolio metrics includes acquisitions concluded post balance date 3 The GPT Group | 2019 Interim Result | 12 August 2019

  4. Executing on growth strategy Office and Retail Darling Park Acquisition & Developments Development Opportunity Expected end value, including Cockle Bay Park development, of >$1 billion 1 Expected end value of $800 million + Darling Park 1&2 and Cockle Bay Wharf Current - 25% interest in the premium Sydney CBD $2.1 billion office and retail complex with an initial yield of 5.3% and average fixed + 32 Smith Street, Parramatta, office rental growth profile of 4.0% per annum development + Cockle Bay Park Development - Expected yield on cost of approximately - 25% interest in a $2 billion landmark Sydney CBD office development opportunity that will provide future growth with an expected 6.75% and an end value >$300 million IRR of >12%. Development cost of approximately $400 million (GPT’s share) Proposed Growing GPT’s Investment in + 300 Lonsdale office development - Expected yield on cost of >6.5% and an Logistics end value of $200 million - Subject to securing a pre-commitment Expected end value of >$800 million + Melbourne Central retail expansion + - Western Sydney logistics acquisitions $70 million expansion and an expected - Acquisition of 5 assets for $212 million with an initial yield of 5.4% yield on cost of >6.5% + + Rouse Hill Town Centre, Sydney, retail Truganina, Melbourne logistics development - expansion Stage 1: 26,400sqm uncommitted development targeting a yield on cost of >6%, with 5 future stages planned - + $200 million expenditure with an expected Wembley Business Park, Brisbane logistics development - yield on cost of >6.0% Commencing construction of three new facilities, two of which are pre-committed to an international logistics company, with an expected yield on cost of >6% + Western Sydney Logistics Opportunity - Secured 50,000sqm fund-through opportunity + Future acquisitions - Target an average of $200 million per annum of investment assets and replenish land bank 1. GPT direct interest 4 The GPT Group | 2019 Interim Result | 12 August 2019

  5. 2019 Consistently delivering strong returns Interim Result 2.0 % 4.0 % 9.6 % $ 5.66 FINANCIAL FFO GROWTH DISTRIBUTION NTA PER TOTAL PER SECURITY GROWTH PER SECURITY RETURN HIGHLIGHTS SECURITY UP 1.4 PER CENT Investment Portfolio $ 131 M Portfolio Revaluation 95.7 % occupancy 1 gains Like for like Weighted Average 4.99 % 3.5 % Capitalisation Rate 1 income growth 161 Castlereagh Street, Sydney 1. Portfolio metrics includes acquisitions concluded post balance date 5 The GPT Group | 2019 Interim Result | 12 August 2019

  6. Finance & Treasury Interim Result 2019 Artists impression – 550 Bourke Street and 181 Williams Street, Melbourne

  7. Financial Summary 6 Months to 30 June ($ million) 2019 2018 Change Funds From Operations (FFO) 295.9 289.4 2.2% $ 352.6 M Valuation increases 130.8 456.7 STATUTORY NET PROFIT Treasury instruments marked to market (82.3) (8.9) AFTER TAX Other items 8.2 (8.7) 2.0 % Net Profit After Tax (NPAT) 352.6 728.5 (51.6%) Funds From Operations (cents per stapled security) 16.36 16.04 2.0% FFO PER SECURITY GROWTH Funds From Operations (FFO) 295.9 289.4 2.2% Maintenance capex (30.8) (26.7) 4.0 % Lease incentives (23.0) (29.8) DISTRIBUTION PER SECURITY GROWTH Adjusted Funds From Operations (AFFO) 242.1 232.9 4.0% Distribution (cents per stapled security) 13.11 12.61 4.0% 7 The GPT Group | 2019 Interim Result | 12 August 2019 7

  8. Segment Result 6 Months to 30 June ($ million) 2019 2018 Change Comments Operations net income up 0.8% due to fixed rent increases offset by lower Retail 157.3 157.8 ▼ (0.3%) turnover rent, downtime and a lower development contribution. Strong comparable income growth of 6.5% driven by leasing success and Office 138.7 133.5 ▲ 3.9% fixed rental reviews, offset by lost income from the sale of MLC Centre. Operations net income up 9.8% driven by acquisitions and development 57.1 57.8 Logistics ▼ (1.2%) completions, offset by a lower development contribution. Funds Management 22.7 21.1 ▲ 7.6% Strong growth due to an increase in assets under management. 375.8 370.2 Net Income Net interest expense (59.5) (58.8) ▲ 1.2% Higher average debt levels offset by lower average cost of debt. (14.4) (14.0) Corporate overheads Tax expense (6.0) (8.0) (79.9) (80.8) Corporate 295.9 289.4 Funds From Operations 8 The GPT Group | 2019 Interim Result | 12 August 2019 8

  9. Capital Management Domestic bank debt 2% Foreign bank debt CPI Bonds + 5% 2% Conservative gearing policy of 25-35% with Secured bank debt preference to be below 30% 3% + Sources of Successfully completed $867 million equity raising to Commecial Paper 9% fund acquisition and growth opportunities Drawn Bank Debt + Hedging reduced following the sale of MLC Centre USPP 10% Debt 47% + Debt Capital Increased liquidity to $1.4 billion As at 30 June 2019 1 Markets + Issued US$400 million US Private Placement for an 90% average term of 12.9 years and margin of 170 basis Domestic MTNs points 24% + S&P A and Moody’s A2 credit ratings Foreign MTNs Key Statistics Jun Dec 8% Debt 2019 2018 800 Maturity 700 Net tangible assets per security $5.66 $5.58 Profile 600 Net gearing 1 22.0% 26.3% 500 As at 30 June 2019 1 $ millions Weighted average cost of debt 3.8% 4.2% 400 300 Weighted average term to maturity 1 8.2 years 6.3 years 200 Interest cover ratio 6.0x 5.7x 100 Credit ratings (S&P / Moody’s) A / A2 A / A2 0 1H 2H 1H 2H 1H 2H 1H 2H 1H 2H 1H 2H 1H 2H 1H 2H 1H 2H 1H 2H 1H 2H 1H 2H 1H 2H 1H 2H 1H 2H 1H 2H Drawn debt hedging 1 75% 83% 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 1. Proforma for transactions post 30 June CPI Bonds US Private Placements Medium Term Notes Drawn Bank Facilities Undrawn Bank Facilities 9 The GPT Group | 2019 Interim Result | 12 August 2019 9

  10. Office & Logistics Interim Result 2019

  11. Office Highlights Portfolio Size & Geographic Exposure 1 6.5 % 10.9 % $ 114.8 M PORTFOLIO TOTAL PORTFOLIO VALUATION Office Retail LIKE FOR LIKE RETURN UPLIFT $6.3bn $5.9bn INCOME GROWTH (12 MONTHS) Sydney 59% Melbourne 31% Key Brisbane 10% Highlights + Office valuation gains driven by Melbourne and Sydney assets, WACR of 4.94% 1 + Portfolio occupancy of 97.1% 1 and WALE of 5.0 years 1 + Logistics Operations Net Income up 3.6% to $137.7 million as result of strong like for like portfolio $2.3bn growth and including the effect of acquisitions and divestments + Divested MLC Centre for $800 million and acquired stake in Darling Park 1 & 2 for $531.3 million + Leases signed totalling 37,900sqm and terms agreed for a further 78,900sqm + Low vacancy in key markets of Sydney and Melbourne Space&Co., 530 Collins Street, Melbourne 1. Portfolio metrics includes acquisitions concluded post balance date 11 The GPT Group | 2019 Interim Result | 12 August 2019

  12. Office Valuations & Market Fundamentals + Market rental growth has driven over 70% of valuation uplift Office Portfolio + Gains led by Melbourne Central Tower, 181 William/550 Bourke Streets and Australia Square + $ 114.8 M Sydney and Melbourne experiencing low vacancy, with the Brisbane market improving, supporting effective rental growth in the 12 months to June 2019 + An increase in supply is expected, however, vacancy rates are forecast to remain below long term averages VALUATION UPLIFT Net Supply vs Vacancy Rate by Market Prime Net Effective Rental Growth by Market 12 Month Growth Net Supply (LHS) Vacancy Rate (RHS) Vacancy Rate - 10y Avg. $/sqm pa sqm 300,000 20% Sydney CBD $900 3.4% 250,000 $835 3.4% $800 15% 12.8% 200,000 $700 150,000 10% 1 11.0% $600 7.8% 7.6% 2.7% 100,000 1 1 $500 Melbourne CBD 4.1% 3.8% 2.7% 5% 50,000 $400 $386 0 $300 0% $275 -50,000 4.6% $200 Brisbane CBD 4.6% -100,000 -5% $100 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Dec-13 Jun-14 Dec-14 Jun-15 Dec-15 Jun-16 Dec-16 Jun-17 Dec-17 Jun-18 Dec-18 Jun-19 Dec-19 Syd CBD Melb CBD Bris CBD Sydney CBD Melbourne CBD Brisbane CBD Source: Data includes all grades; JLL Research, GPT Research. 1. Vacancy rate as at 2Q19 12 The GPT Group | 2019 Interim Result | 12 August 2019

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