2019 national defense survey

2019 National Defense Survey Briefing Slides About the Survey - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2019 National Defense Survey Briefing Slides About the Survey Telephone survey conducted by trained professional interviewers from a central, monitored Mode location. Respondents interviewed on landlines (50%) and cellphones (50%). Sample

  1. 2019 National Defense Survey Briefing Slides

  2. About the Survey Telephone survey conducted by trained professional interviewers from a central, monitored Mode location. Respondents interviewed on landlines (50%) and cellphones (50%). Sample 1,003 U.S. Adults. Dates October 24-30, 2019. Slight weights were applied to ensure the sample accurately reflects the demographic profile Weights of the U.S. population. Margin of ±3% at the 95% confidence level for the entire sample; the margin of error for subgroups is Error higher. Research Partnership Note Some data may not add to 100% due to rounding.

  3. Table of Contents Views Toward the Military……………………………………………………3 U.S. Leadership and Alliances………………...……………………………9 Freedom and Democracy…………………………………………………....14 China……………………………………………………………………....................18 Russia…………………………………………………………………………………..26 Middle East…………………………………………………………………...........29 Presidents……………………………………………………………………………33 Executive Memorandum……………………………………………………..34


  5. The military is more trusted than other institutions. Great / Some confidence A little / Not much confidence The military 63% 23% 8% 5% Police and law 40% 34% 14% 10% enforcement The Supreme Court 26% 36% 20% 14% Public schools 19% 39% 23% 17% The Presidency 27% 18% 11% 43% The news media 15% 26% 17% 38% Congress 8% 25% 24% 39% Note: Remainder Don’t know Q4 – Q10: For each of the following groups or institutions, please tell us how much trust and confidence you have in them?

  6. Loss in confidence in military largest among young people, communities of color. Total Confidence 86% Overall 69% Age 18 – 29 84% 30 – 45 92% 45+ 90% White 74% Nonwhite 79% Democrat 87% Independent 92% Republican 90% Veteran 85% Non-veteran Q8: For each of the following groups or institutions, please tell us how much trust and confidence you have in them? The military.

  7. Though 76% of Americans support increasing defense spending, health care and education are higher priorities. Top priority 2nd priority Health care 31% 30% 61% Education 30% 31% 61% The military 10% 24% 34% Border security 20% 12% 32% Foreign aid 3% Q24: Of all the areas I just mentioned, which one should be the highest priority for increased funding? AND Q25: And which should be the next-highest priority?

  8. Older Americans and Republicans are most in favor of increasing government spending on the military. Total Favor 76% Overall 60% Age 18 – 29 74% 30 – 45 81% 45+ 78% White 62% Black 77% Latino 64% Democrat 74% Independent 88% Republican 75% Economic threat See 83% China as: Military threat Q19: Please tell me if you favor or oppose increasing government spending in each of the following areas. The military.

  9. Americans are extremely concerned about the threat of cyber-attacks. Extremely Somewhat Total concerned Cyber-attacks on 57% 32% 89% government and the grid Cyber-attacks on 53% 34% 87% personal computers U.S. political divisions 51% 33% 84% leading to violence Terrorist attacks on the 42% 42% 84% homeland 25% 37% 62% Attacks on space assets 24% 34% 58% Thermo-nuclear war 20% 36% 56% Conventional military attacks Q59 – Q65: How concerned are you about the threat of each of the following in the next five years?


  11. Americans want the U.S. to be more engaged and take the lead in international events. More engaged 50% and take the lead Less engaged 33% and react to events Note: Remainder Depends / Don’t know Q54A: When it comes to international events, do you think it is better for the United States to be more engaged and take the lead, or to be less engaged and react to events?

  12. Americans strongly support maintaining an overseas military base presence. Party Affiliation Age Democrat 64% 18 - 29 53% Maintain bases 65% Independent 62% 30 – 44 61% Republican 66% 45+ 70% Reduce presence 28% Note: Remainder Don’t know Q55: In general, do you think it is better for the U.S. to maintain military bases around the world to deter attacks and respond quickly if something happens, or do you think the U.S. should reduce our military presence overseas and only deploy troops in response to aggression?

  13. While Americans support alliances, majorities think NATO and Indo-Pacific allies should do more. NATO allies Indo-Pacific allies They do They do their fair their fair 27% 34% share share They should They should 58% 51% do more do more Note: Remainder Don’t know Q90: Do you think our NATO allies do their fair share or should they do more? AND Q91: Do you think our allies on the Pacific Rim, including Australia, Japan, and South Korea do their fair share or should they do more?

  14. Overview of Allies and Enemies Enemy Ally Great Britain Australia France Germany Japan Poland India Israel Mexico South Korea Taiwan Ukraine Saudi Arabia Turkey Venezuela Note: Remainder Don’t know China Pakistan Russia Afghanistan Iraq Syria North Korea Iran 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Q31 – Q53: For each of the following countries, please tell us whether you see them as a strong ally, something of an ally, something of an enemy, or a strong enemy?


  16. Large majorities support a U.S. military role in deterring aggression and defending freedom. Extremely Somewhat Total support Eliminating potential threats to the U.S. 61% 25% 86% before they strike Preventing human rights violations in 34% 42% 76% other countries Defending freedom 29% 47% 76% in other countries Q56 – Q58: In general, how likely are you to support the use of the U.S. military in each of the following situations?

  17. Bipartisan majorities support democracy in Hong Kong, even at the expense of relations with China. Support the pro-democracy Democrat 70% 68% movement, even Republican 72% if it angers China Support the Chinese government, even if it 14% means abandoning a pro-democracy movement Note: Remainder Don’t know Q74: Which of the following is closer to your view about what the U.S. should do with regard to the situation in Hong Kong?

  18. Americans agree with the NDS: our strategic competitors are the countries that pose the greatest threat to the U.S. China 28% Russia 25% North Korea 14% Iran 9% Iraq 5% USA / Ourselves 4% Afghanistan 3% Syria 3% Note: Asked as an open-ended question. Responses under 2% are not shown. Note: Remainder Not sure / Refused Q54: Which country do you see as the greatest threat to the U.S.?

  19. C HINA

  20. Majority of Americans view China as an enemy, but young people are split. Ally Enemy Overall 36% 60% Age 18-29 48% 49% 30-45 44% 53% 45+ 29% 68% Democrat 40% 56% Independent 40% 55% Republican 30% 67% Q46 Please tell us whether you see China as a strong ally, something of an ally, something of an enemy, or a strong enemy?

  21. Americans see China as more of an economic threat than a military threat. Democrat 65% Economic threat 64% Independent 57% Republican 65% Military threat 15% (Both) 15% Note: Remainder Neither / Don’t know Q69: Do you view China as more of an economic threat to the United States or more of a military threat?

  22. Biggest concerns with China center on economics and trade. China holding $1.2 trillion in 33% U.S. government debt China over-taking the U.S. as 17% the world’s #1 super power Technology theft 14% Unfair trade practices 13% Chinese military build-up 10% The isolation of Taiwan 3% Note: Remainder Don’t know Q68: Thinking now about China, which of the following most concerns you about U.S. relations with China?

  23. Americans are split along party lines on the trade war. Democrat 27% Support 49% Independent 43% Republican 74% Democrat 68% Independent 51% Oppose 46% Republican 22% Note: Remainder Don’t know Q70: Do you support or oppose the trade war the United States in currently engaged in with China?

  24. Many are concerned with Chinese military buildup in the South China Sea… Extremely / Somewhat Concerned 48% 71% 23% Not at all / Not very Not concerned 18% 24% 6% Note: Remainder Don’t know Q72: How concerned are you with Chinese military buildup in the South China Sea?

  25. … And concern increases as voters learn more about Chinese actions. Extremely / Somewhat One-third of the Concerned 82% 45% 37% world’s ocean -based trade goes through the South China Sea, and there are disputes between several countries about who Not at all / Not very controls the area and its natural resources. Since 2013, China has built a series of naval and military bases in Not 13% the region and moved 10% 3% concerned to claim territory. Note: Remainder Don’t know Q73: Knowing this, how concerned are you with these actions by China?

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