2018 system performance measures

2018 System Performance Measures Salt Lake Valley Coalition to End - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2018 System Performance Measures Salt Lake Valley Coalition to End Homelessness Steering Committee Meeting June 12, 2019 There was an increase in sheltered persons of 5% between FFY17 and FFY18. Reported by an annual HMIS sheltered count

  1. 2018 System Performance Measures Salt Lake Valley Coalition to End Homelessness Steering Committee Meeting – June 12, 2019

  2. There was an increase in sheltered persons of 5% between FFY17 and FFY18. Reported by an annual HMIS sheltered count (SPM) and a single night sheltered and unsheltered count (PIT). 9,000 SPM: Sheltered homeless 9,534 9,332 9,081 persons. Federal Fiscal Year 8,624 (FFY), October 1 to September 7,000 30. 5,000 PIT: Sheltered 3,000 2,176 2,047 1,891 1,844 1,804 and unsheltered persons on a 1,000 single night in January. 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 SPM: Federal Fiscal Year/PIT: Year of January Count

  3. The Average Length Of Time Homeless decreased by 10%. Average Length Of Time Homeless. 100 94 90 Persons in Emergency Shelter and 77 80 74 Transitional 70 Housing. 70 67 Persons in 66 60 Emergency 61 60 Shelter 50 FFY 2015 FFY 2016 FFY 2017 FFY 2018 Data questions? hmis@utah.gov

  4. Total Returns to Homelessness remained constant. Returns to Homelessness as a percentage. 50% 42% 42% 41% Total returns 39% 40% in 2 years. 30% Less than 6 25% 23% 22% months 20% 20% 11% 10% 10% 9% 6 to 12 months 10% 9% 13 to 24 months 8% 8% 8% 0% FFY 2015 FFY 2016 FFY 2017 FFY 2018 Data questions? hmis@utah.gov

  5. The number of people exited to a Permanent Housing destination increased by 3% Percent of exits from Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing and Rapid Rehousing projects to Permanent Housing. 50% 41% 40% 31% [VALUE] 28% 38% State of 30% Utah 20% 23% Salt Lake [VALUE] County CoC 17% 10% 0% FFY 2015 FFY 2016 FFY 2017 FFY 2018 Data questions? hmis@utah.gov

  6. People in Permanent Housing projects are either exiting to Permanent Housing or Retaining their housing status at steady levels. Percent of Permanent Housing exits to Permanent Housing destinations, or retention of Permanent Housing. 100% 95% 94% 94% 94% Salt Lake 93% County CoC 92% 92% State of 92% 90% Utah 89% 85% FFY 2015 FFY 2016 FFY 2017 FFY 2018 Data questions? hmis@utah.gov


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