2018 19 budget message highlights presenting a balanced

2018/19 Budget Message Highlights Presenting a balanced budget - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2018/19 Budget Message Highlights Presenting a balanced budget Economic Environment Development Process Resources Assumptions Economic Environment Student FTE 6,500 6,000 6,232 5,764 5,500 5,890 5,495 5,000 5,333 4,884

  1. 2018/19 Budget Message Highlights  Presenting a balanced budget  Economic Environment  Development Process  Resources  Assumptions

  2. Economic Environment Student FTE 6,500 6,000 6,232 5,764 5,500 5,890 5,495 5,000 5,333 4,884 4,999 4,500 4,547 4,502 4,277 4,277 4,000 3,500 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 Est.

  3. Economic Environment State Reimbursement (millions) $600 $25.0 $550 $570 $550 $19.0 $18.4 $20.0 $17.1 $16.9 $15.8 $19.2 $18.7 $500 $13.0 $11.2 $15.0 $500 $465 $450 $10.0 $428 $432 $400 $411 $395.5 $375 $5.0 $350 $300 $ ‐ 2001 ‐ 03 2003 ‐ 052005 ‐ 072007 ‐ 09 2009 ‐ 11 2011 ‐ 13 2013 ‐ 15 2015 ‐ 17 2017 ‐ 19 State Appropriations Rogue's Share

  4. Development Process and Resources

  5. Revenues (General Fund and College Services Fund) 2018 ‐ 2019 Proposed Budget Other Revenue Tuition & Fees & Transfers In 32.9% 12.6% State Operations 22.0% Property Taxes 32.5%

  6. Budget Changes – Revenues General Fund and College Services Fund Combined FY 2017/18 Adopted Budget $ 47,207,321 State Operations $ 729,559 Property Taxes $ 612,230 Tuition and Fees $ (571,852) Other $ (18,000) Transfers In $ 2,542,863 Beginning Fund Balance $ 1,459,249 FY 2018/19 Proposed Budget $ 51,961,370

  7. EXPENDITURES * (GENERAL FUND AND COLLEGE SERVICES FUND) 2018 ‐ 2019 PROPOSED BUDGET Material & Services and Capital 20.1% Personnel & Other 68.6% Transfers Out 11.4% *Excludes Contingencies and Reserves for Future Years

  8. Budget Changes – Expenditures General Fund and College Services Fund Combined FY 2017/18 Adopted Budget $ 47,207,321 Personnel $ 606,696 Other Personnel $ 661,424 Materials and Services District $ 2,939,375 Materials and Services Non District $ 16,715 Capital $ 25,402 Transfers $ 305,071 Contingency $ (78,084) Reserve for Future Expenditures $ (120,922 FY 2018/19 Proposed Budget $ 51,961,370

  9. 2019/20 Budget Assumptions  Tuition Increase  Enrollment decline  PERS Increase  New facility costs  Significant draw on reserves and one time dollars  Community College Support Fund

  10. Questions?  Curtis Sommerfeld  541 ‐ 956 ‐ 7238  curt@roguecc.edu  Lisa Stanton  541 ‐ 956 ‐ 7024  lstanton@roguecc.edu


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