
2017 You have THE most important job in Pop Warner - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2017 You have THE most important job in Pop Warner Scholastics-Eligibility Participant must have a 2.0 to be eligible to play if not and eligibility form must be filled out and put in certification book with report card. This must also

  1. 2017

  2. You have THE most important job in Pop Warner

  3. Scholastics-Eligibility Participant must have a 2.0 to be eligible  to play if not and eligibility form must be filled out and put in certification book with report card. This must also be done if a child cannot produce a report card . All efforts must be followed to obtain a report card. Participant must be passing 51% of all  classes, all classes must be listed. Date for progress report must match the eligibility form September 1- October 16. Inform your participants that even though  they do not have the 2.0 they still have a second chance to participate in Pop Warner. We are not here to disqualify any child, we  will work very hard to make all children eligible, but we have our guidelines. We need to be sure all parents are aware. They will support you, but you have to approach it in a positive manner.

  4. Scholastic All-American Childs information , date of birth:  same as on roster-grade for 2017- Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc. All-American Application 18. football cheer or dance choose 2017 Pop Warner Season Only those participants with a 96 percent or above from the previous academic year need to fill out this form to be considered for All-American candidacy. All-American scoring is based on a candidate’s complete report card (full year) from one the previous year and the addendum . Note: A complete full prior year's Report Card and Addendum must be submitted in order to be considered. PLEASE TYPE THIS FORM & FILL OUT COMPLETELY Association: The team they play for Legal N ame ( First , M iddle Init ial, and Last ) : * Scholar's Email A ddress:  A ddress: * Phone N umber: League: NIPWLS, Chicagoland, HOA, C it y: * St at e: * ZIP C ode: * D at e of B irt h:  League N ame: * Football/Cheer/Dance? SEMPWLS, St. Louis etc… A ssociat ion N ame / Team N ame: * School Grade for 2017-2018 Year: A ssociat ion Scholast ic C ont act : * A ssociat ion C ont act Phone: * A ssociat ion C ont act Email: * Email: scholar director-be sure  * Indicates Required Information Grading Conversions these are correct and legible To convert the student's grades, please use the official Pop Warner Grading Conversion Scale. If a local approved grade scale is used to convert grades, that scale can be used as long as sufficient proof of that scale is presented (i.e. listed on the report card, submitted in a letter from the school district, etc.). Convert all marks to numerical value (i.e., 100 percent). Round all figures to 2 decimal places. Grading: Read directions above,  Subject Areas and Averaging 1. Language Arts (English, Foreign Languages, Reading, Writing, Grammar, etc.) 2. Math (Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, General Math, etc.) follow examples. Use all grades on 3. Social Sciences (Social Studies, Civics, History, Geography, etc.) 4. Sciences (General Science, Heath Science, Science, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, PE, etc.) 5. Humanities (Art, Music, Religion, Industrial Arts, Vocations Science, etc.) the report card, be sure to use Subjects NOT included are: Behavior, Citizenship, Conduct grades, etc. If the student took more than one course in a subject area, record the average grade in the lower box and record the number of courses taken in upper box. legend on report card if there is one, Example: English 92.20, French 93.50, and Reading 98 = 94.57 [3] in the Language Arts section. Language Social Grade PWLS Math Science Humanities if not use the National grading Arts Science Average Use Only conversion chart. The Pop Warner National Office is not responsible for the inadequate or delinquent filing by any volunteer acting on behalf of a league, association, team, squad, or parent. Thorough review of all information is strongly recommended prior to submission at the local level. Be sure scholar and parent sign,  We hereby attest to the authenticity of the information provided herein, and authorize PWLS, Inc. to contact the person(s) noted if further information is deemed necessary. date Player's Signature:* DATE:* Parent's Signature:* DATE:* If a child has 95.7 and above round Form must be signed by both Player and Parent for it to be considered for All-American consideration.  **You must complete Addendum on back page to be eligible for All-American consideration.** Revised 02-17 up to 96. All scores below are not eligible A full report card from 2016 must be  attached with school, child's name, grade and date

  5. All American Addendum  Top part: Include only  Bottom part: Community school activities, activities academic  Church  AP classes, honor roll  Scouts  Fine arts- solo in concert,  Village-council, police, moved to first chair with fire instrument  Whatever you can think  Political: Student council of  Whatever you can think  Do not list any sports of  Names and phone numbers for top and bottom must be filled out or they do not count

  6. DATES:  You can name your own  Nov. 1- All American Forms due to Regional date when All American (Patti Kirkwood) applications are due to  Do not send forms you. directly to Nationals they  Check them over for will send back to me and will waste time. mistakes and correct.  Be sure to communicate  If you have questions with all your call me or send me the associations, teams and report card and we can give dates, follow up if work it out. This they do not have any forms for you, offer to pertains to Eligibility help. and All American

  7. Notes You can download all files from popwarner.com website, go to  Keep in mind if a child does scholars and forms. not meet scholastic All America is in excel format so you  qualifications they will be can merge your information. ineligible to play. Keep on Use the calculation format it works  very well. Be sure to identify the top of this, we don’t want gpa, what it is first to be sure you anyone not to play or are using the correct form. cheer/dance If there is a legend on the report  card that MUST always be used first.  We also do not want children If not use the National GPA  to miss out on being conversion chart. Check to see how many grades are possible and use recognized as a top scholar that chart.  If you need any assistance One suggestion that was given at  Nationals is have all participants fill email pattikirkwood@att.net out the All American form at  Or call 847-224-2417 registration, if they qualify all you have to do is get the addendum. Refrigerator paper 

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