AGENDA > Overview of Roles > Legislative Process 101 > Bill Tracking & Bill Analysis > Fiscal Note > State Budget Overview > Lobbying “Dos and Don’ts” > 2017 UW and UW Bothell Legislative Agenda
Roles > UW Office of Planning & Budgeting (OPB) – Produce budget briefs – Track relevant bills – Coordinate fiscal notes – Respond to information requests > UW Bothell staff You may be contacted to help fulfill these requests!
LEGISLATIVE PROCESS - OVERVIEW > Bill introduction critical for bill analysis > Public hearing > Executive session > Floor > Opposite house > Governor action
WHAT IS BILL TRACKER? > Captures and coordinates bill analysis across campus > Includes fields to gather fiscal note information > Allows users to follow bills they’ve been asked to assess > Coordinated effort between OPB, HR and F2
HOW DOES UW TRACK BILLS? 1. OPB reviews bill intros on a daily basis 2. If we aren’t sure whether to track a bill, we email folks around the UW and ask 3. OPB adds bills to BillTracker and identifies assessors 4. BillTracker sends an email to each assessor 5. Assessors read the bills and provide analysis 6. OPB notifies assessors when a bill moves or changes
TO ASSESS A BILL… Click the link at the bottom of the email from BillTracker
TO ASSESS A BILL… Click the link at the bottom of the email from BillTracker
TO ASSESS A BILL… PLEASE SE REMEM EMBER ER TO: > Be clear and concise > Provide specific amendments (if needed) > Respond as soon as possible
TO SEE ALL THE BILLS WE’RE TRACKING opb.wash ashington ngton.edu .edu/billtr trac acker er
WHAT IS A FISCAL NOTE? An objective estimate of a bill’s fiscal impact • 6-year projection • Based on least expensive way to reasonably implement the bill • Tied to a specific version of a bill • Helps legislators evaluate a bill’s costs and merits • Informs legislative staff, journalists, lobbyists, etc.
WHY SHOULD YOU CARE ABOUT FISCAL NOTES? They inform legislative decisions that impact the UW … Thus, we need to be responsive and accurate The tricky part is • We have less than 72 hours to respond • Fiscal notes cover a huge variety of topics … Thus, we need your help!
THE FISCAL NOTE PROCESS OPB receives FN request from OFM OPB adds FN to BillTracker, notifies assessors < 72 Hours Assessors prepare FN in BillTracker OPB reviews FN for accuracy and completeness OPB adds FN to OFM’s system and submits it Occasionally OFM sends a revision request OFM distributes the final FN to legislators
THE FISCAL NOTE PROCESS OPB receives FN request from OFM OPB adds FN to BillTracker, notifies assessors < 72 Hours Asses esso sors s prepare re FN in BillTracke ker OPB reviews FN for accuracy and completeness OPB adds FN to OFM’s system and submits it Occasionally OFM sends a revision request OFM distributes the final FN to legislators
TO RESPOND TO A FISCAL NOTE REQUEST… 1. Check the due date and time in the email notification
TO RESPOND TO A FISCAL NOTE REQUEST… 1. Check the due date and time in the email notification 2. Read the bill 3. Coordinate your response with others (as needed) 4. Fill in the “Fiscal Analysis” fields in BillTracker
TO RESPOND TO A FISCAL NOTE REQUEST… 1. Check the due date and time in the email notification 2. Read the bill 3. Coordinate your response with others (as needed) 4. Fill in the “Fiscal Analysis” fields in BillTracker 5. Save your work (at least every 3 hours) 6. When done, check “this is my final response” and hit “Submit Feedback”
WHAT IF THERE ARE TOO MANY UNKNOWNS? You can say impact is “indeterminate” HOWEVER, we still need you to: Explain why the impact is indeterminate • AND Either give a rough estimate or provide a range of • scenarios
TIPS & REMINDERS Fiscal notes must take priority over general bill analysis Write for a general audience, avoid jargon Identify and explain ALL assumptions Report the bill’s incremental impact over current law Report current dollars, don’t build in inflation Identify costs/receipts as one-time or on-going Consider implementation dates Separate cost of benefits from cost of salaries Respond! please
2017 SESSION & BUDGETS > 2017 legislative session lasts 105 days, starting January 9 and scheduled to end on or by April 23, 2017, with the possibility of one or more 30-day special sessions > Senate chamber 25-24 margin, House chamber 50-48 margin > New faces, Senator Elect Palumbo and Representative Elect Klboa > New Senate leadership – Palumbo, Frockt, Braun, Bailey > Budgets are intended to accommodate: – Operating Budget – Capital Budget – Transportation Budget > Policy bills
2017 SESSION & BUDGETS GOVERNOR’S PROPOSED BUDGET > Governor Inslee released his 2017-19 Budget proposals in December, $46 billion > Notable increase in funding for higher education for UW to offset tuition increase of 2.2% in FY18 and 2.0% in FY19 > $116 million to expand the State Need Grant > $30 million for College Bound Scholars > $3 million to expand the Opportunity Scholarship > No funding for UW – Student Success Initiatives or High Demand > Limited capital funding for UW
AS A REMINDER… > The House and Senate will have their own budget proposals > UW will review budgets as they are released and discuss them with State Relations > We will produce budget briefs for all major budget proposals > Stay tuned to the OPBlog for updates on: – All budget proposals – Revenue forecasts
Yes, you can: > Engage in the political process as a private individual using private resources > Educate elected officials and state government leaders on a policy issue or serve as an “expert” on a policy > Respond to direct legislative requests for information > Directly lobby a legislator (or executive) as a UW employee using UW resources as long as you report it. Direct lobbying typically means asking for something (bill, money, etc.) or asking them not to specifically do something (vote no on bill xx, don’t sunset yy fee) > Lobby a legislator on a personal topic using your UW affiliation as long as you lobby on your own time and state you are speaking for yourself and not the University
No, you can’t: > Engage in grassroots lobbying as a UW employee using UW resources. Grassroots lobbying is typically includes a “call to action” > Participate in political campaigns during work hours or donate to campaigns using public funds > Work to pass or defeat a ballot initiative using UW time or resources
SOME GOOD ADVICE Use common sense When in doubt, ask Don’t panic
2017 UW State Legislative Agenda
Current Outlook: Opportunities, Challenges > Very serious financial challenges: – McCleary ruling, Legislature held in contempt, now being sanctioned – Outstanding rulings on mental health inadequacies at state hospitals > Economy recovering but not enough to fund all issues
UW 2017 BUDGET REQUESTS Operating WWAMI Spokane Continuation and Expansion Competitive Compensation and Retention Tri-Campus Student Success Initiative, $5.09 million $1.2 million for UW Bothell Tri-Campus High-Demand Enrollments, $16 million $1.6 million for UW Bothell – Ocean Engineering
UW 2017 BUDGET REQUESTS Capital $106 million in requests Burke Museum Population Health Sciences Building College of Engineering UW Bothell – Phase 4, design, $3 million UW Tacoma Evans School
Please and Thank you: Fill out the bill tracker Get your fiscal notes in on time Be a problem solver – Understand we’re all on one team If you are lead on a major bill or issue, provide day and evening contact information so we can get a hold of you If you need me and can’t get me, don’t panic – call me!
QUESTIONS? Contact info: Kelly Snyder snyderk@uw.edu 425-941-1839 cell
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