2016 2017 course selection 10 th grade what you need to

2016-2017 Course Selection 10 th Grade What you need to graduate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2016-2017 Course Selection 10 th Grade What you need to graduate in 2019 with an Endorsement 4 Cr e dits of E nglish 4 Cr e dits of Math 4 Cr e dits of Sc ie nc e 3 Cr e dits of Soc ial Studie s (we r e c o mme nd 4) 2 Cr e dits of

  1. 2016-2017 Course Selection 10 th Grade

  2. What you need to graduate in 2019 with an Endorsement 4 Cr e dits of E nglish 4 Cr e dits of Math 4 Cr e dits of Sc ie nc e 3 Cr e dits of Soc ial Studie s (we r e c o mme nd 4) 2 Cr e dits of Wor ld L anguage ½ Cr e dit of He alth ½ Cr e dit of Pr ofe ssional Communic ations 1 Cr e dit of PE 1 Cr e dit of F ine Ar ts 4 E ndor se me nt Cr e dits 2 E le c tive Cr e dits ***T OT AL : 26

  3. What is an Endorsement? Selecting an ENDORSEMENT is like choosing a MAJOR in College even • if you plan to go directly into the workforce. It’s your career pathway into your field of interest. There are 5 Endorsement Areas w/ each having several specializations: • • STEM • Public Services • Business and Industry • Arts and Humanities • Multidisciplinary Studies

  4. Endorsement # 1 ST E M S cience, T echnology, E ngineering, M ath

  5. Careers Related to STEM Me dic al Re se ar c he r Compute r Pr ogr amme r E nvir onme ntal Sc ie ntist Mathe matic ian Bioc he mist Doc tor Mar ine Biologist E ngine e r

  6. What courses do I take for ST E M?

  7. Endorsement: STEM You must take Algebra II , Chemistry and Physics. Take additional science, math, computer, or technology courses to complete the Endorsement .

  8. STEM Endorsement Pathways • Science • Math • Computer Science • Engineering (Project Lead the Way)

  9. Endorsement #2 Public Se r vic e s

  10. Careers related to Public Services Che f Stylist F ir e fighte r Pathologist Nur se Radiologist Militar y Gove r nme nt Se r vic e Pilot L aw E nfor c e me nt

  11. Public Service Endorsement Pathways • Clinical Medicine • Education and Training • Cosmetology • Nutrition • Fire Fighting • JROTC

  12. What courses do I take for Public Se r vic e s?

  13. Public Services Courses 10 th grade: Principles of Health Science OR Human Growth and Development OR JROTC

  14. Endorsement #3 Arts and Humanities

  15. Careers related to Arts & Humanities Pe ac e Cor ps T r anslator Stage Manage r Ac tor Illustr ator Photogr aphe r E c onomist Car togr aphe r F or e ign Se r vic e L e gislative Aide L awye r Politic ian Inte llige nc e Se r vic e

  16. Arts & Humanities Endorsement Pathways • Single or Multiple World Languages • Band • Choir • Orchestra • Theatre Production • Technical Theater • Art: Two-Dimensional • Electronic Media • Art: Three-Dimensional • Dance • Social Studies

  17. What courses do I take for Arts & Humanities

  18. Arts & Humanities Courses Four years of a Foreign Language OR Four years of Dance or Band or Orchestra or Art or Theatre or Choir OR The required Social Studies courses plus Sociology, Psychology, AP Psychology, or AP Human Geography

  19. Endorsement #4 Business and Industry

  20. Careers Related to Business and Industry Ve te rina ria n F a rme r F lorist L a ndsc a pe r Arc hite c t Inte rior De sig ne r F a shion De sig ne r Gra phic De sig ne r We b De sig ne r Ac c ounta nt Ba nke r Me c ha nic Sports Ag e nt Sports Ma rke ting We lde r

  21. Business and Industry Endorsement Pathways Animal Science • Ag Mechanics • Architecture Management • Architecture Design • Multimedia • Fashion Design • Business Management • Finance • Hospitality & Tourism • Culinary Arts • Sports Marketing • Sales • Manufacturing • Automotive Technology • Journalism • Debate •

  22. What courses do I take for Busine ss & Industr y?

  23. Business & Industry Courses Architectural Design OR Interior Design OR Wildlife OR Ag Mechanics OR Floral Design OR Business Information Management OR Digital & Interactive Media OR Advanced Journalism in Yearbook or Broadcast OR Debate

  24. Endorsement #5 Multidisciplinary

  25. Careers related to Multidisciplinary Studies The sky is the limit! A multidisciplinary course of study gets you ready for college and is appropriate for any type of future career.

  26. What courses do I take for Multidisciplinary ?

  27. Multidisciplinary Endorsement Pathways • Four credits in each of the four core subjects: English, Math, Science, Social Studies • Four credits in AP classes • Four advanced credits among endorsement areas that are not in a coherent sequence

  28. Prerequisites • The online program guide lists prerequisites for courses. If there is a prerequisite listed, you must have taken the prerequisite. • What is a prerequisite? A course required before another course. • The program guide is online at: http://www.fortbendisd.com/Page/984

  29. Important!! • You must complete both sides of the Course Selection Worksheet: your courses for next year and a four year plan. • You must have alternates. If the classes you choose don’t make, the counselors will select your next alternate. • No alternates and your counselor will choose a class for you.

  30. LAST WORDS • Carefully choose your classes – courses and levels • Listen to your teachers regarding level choice recommendations • Level changes do not begin until week 4 of the new school year. Students are expected to seek support from their teachers prior to a level change. • Students experiencing success (maintaining a C or better) should remain in the class for the semester.

  31. What happens if you don’t submit a course selection sheet? • Your counselor will choose all courses for you with NO option to change at a later date for ANY reason. You will be disappointed when you are taking classes that you did not choose yourself. • If you care about your courses, submit the course selection and verification sheets during your lunch anytime between February 1st-24 th . The due date is February 24th .

  32. Course Request Changes CHANGE DATES • The last day for students to make changes to the courses they selected will be June 2, 2016. • No elective course changes will be made after June 2, 2016.

  33. ONLINE COURSE SELECTION • Once you have filled out your course selection sheet, you will log-on to the family access page located on the Fort Bend ISD website. • Your log-in and password are the same as you use on the computer at school. • You will attach a computer printout of your choices to your yellow course selection sheet.

  34. ONLINE COURSE SELECTION • Counselors will be in B107 before and after school February 8 th -February 24 th • Counselors will be available during all lunches in the library February 8 th -February 24 th .

  35. Small Group Parent Seminars • Thursday, February 18 th from 6:30 am-6:30 pm • Sign up for a 30 minute small group session with the RPHS counselors on Sign Up Genius • The sessions will cover questions about Course Selection o 4-year Plans o HB 5 o http:/ / www.signupge nius.c om/ go/ 30e 0b4e aaa82c abfd0- r idge Please sign up no later than February 15 th !

  36. Everything is due February 24 th !!!!


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