2015 governor s northern wisconsin economic development

2015 Governors Northern Wisconsin Economic Development Summit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2015 Governors Northern Wisconsin Economic Development Summit Wisconsin Broadband Strategy December 1, 2015 Session Agenda Dani Jones Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation David Cagigal Division of Enterprise Technology

  1. 2015 Governor’s Northern Wisconsin Economic Development Summit Wisconsin Broadband Strategy December 1, 2015

  2. Session Agenda ● Dani Jones ● Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation ● David Cagigal ● Division of Enterprise Technology at Dept. of Administration ● Maria Alvarez-Stroud ● UWEX – Broadband & E-Commerce Education Center ● Angie Dickison ● State Broadband Office at Public Service Commission ● Q & A 2

  3. GIGABIT BUSINESS PARKS WSTA and WEDC: Public-Private Partnership

  4. ALIGNING RESOURCES WITH NEEDS WEDC Division of Economic Division of Division of Business and Division of International and Community Entrepreneurship and Industry Development Business Development Development Innovation > > > > Prospering Entrepreneurial Specialized Industry Global Outlook Businesses and Spirit Leadership Communities

  5. BID MISSION STATEMENT Leveraging industry leadership to accelerate growth and high quality jobs by advancing public/private partnerships for targeted, high impact initiatives in Wisconsin.

  6. FROM CONCEPT TO REALIZATION Wisconsin State Telecommunications Association (WSTA) presented the concept to WEDC WSTA and WEDC collaboration: • User-friendly • Business parks, Industrial parks, TIF districts • Clearly-defined area • Fiber and Gig-capable infrastructure • Ability to provide service within a reasonable amount of time Business park list created WSTA members identified the locations where they provide Gigabit service

  7. GIGABIT BUSINESS PARKS WSTA members provide Gigabit service to over 130 locations: Purple – 100Gbps Yellow – 10Gbps Green – 1Gbps

  8. DETAILS 130+ sites with 1Gbps / 10Gbps / 100Gbps Each site: • Site details: • Name / Speed Available / Location / Community / County • Provider details: • Company Name • Contact Name • Phone Number • Email Address/Web-site

  9. HOW TO GET THERE LocateinWisconsin.com


  11. WHAT’S NEXT? AT&T working to identify business parks they serve Continued expansion to other providers Additional mapping for economic developers

  12. FOR MORE INFORMATION Dani Jones WEDC Sector Development Manager 608-210-6842 Danielle.jones@wedc.org Bill Esbeck Executive Director 608-256-8866 Bill.esbeck@wsta.info

  13. Major Programs ● STAR ( State Transforming Agency Resources ) - ERP ● INCREASE BROADBAND SERVICES & SPEED ● Secure The Enterprise ● Implement e-Government Services (Portal) ● Consolidate And Optimize Infrastructure ● Enable Business Continuity 17

  14. Broadband Strategy Governor’s Top Priorities:  Jobs, Jobs & More Jobs – attract more businesses  Workforce Development – provide greater access to online training in job centers and libraries  Education Reform – access online e-books, e- curriculum, Learning Mgt. Systems with BYOD 24X7  Infrastructure Investment – increase broadband infrastructure investments and deployments  Lean Government – increase self-service portal offerings 18

  15. Broadband Strategy  Engage telecommunication partners  Develop a Unified Communications strategy  Accommodate and integrate FirstNet requirements  Establish a vision between current BCN state facilities (1,200+), schools (650+) and libraries (350+)  Prioritize increases in bandwidth for STAR, EMR, EHR, etc. and other critical systems at DOC, DHS and other state facilities  Recognize and identify related infrastructure investments required as a result of high speed broadband (i.e., customer premise equipment – CPE, etc.)  Increased bandwidth to all BCN libraries in 2014  Create new statewide communications RFP 19

  16. Broadband Strategy 2014 BCN Spend - 2,100+ Locations:  Schools & Libraries (900+)  TEACH program (Federal e-Rate & State USF) - $18M  T echnology for E ducational Ach ievement  State Offices (1,200+)  Balance of BCN charges - $7M 20

  17. Broadband Strategy  Badger Converged Network (BCN) Contracts  2006 to 2011  2011 to 10/31/2016 – Extended in 2011 with Minimum Revenue Guarantee (MRG)  MRG will be met 7/2015  Individual Case Basis (ICB) pricing interim successes  Next Steps  RFI complete  RFP draft complete  RFP final (Plan Release in April, 2015)  Evaluate and select  Contract negotiations 21

  18. Broadband Strategy  Guiding Principles  Greater service/speeds  Reduced costs  Reliability  Secure  Future proof 22

  19. Broadband Strategy New Contract Expectations:  Monthly Recurring Charges (MRC)  Lower rates with greater speeds  CAPEX  Minimal CAPEX required  Significant fiber infrastructure installed over the years  93% of schools have fiber  All BCN Libraries (350+) have fiber  Eliminate State dedicated Core and aggregator network and use commercially available network  Open Partnership 23

  20. Broadband Strategy  TEACH Statute Changes:  Remove restriction of one school per district  Remove funding by category 24

  21. Broadband Strategy  Demand Transparency for Providers  Collaboration among UWEX, WEDC and PSC on business surveys  Share one stop business applications (20,000/Yr.)  Share existing fiber infrastructure for state facilities, schools and libraries  Share school readiness  Prioritize and leverage commercial, residential, state facilities, schools and libraries needs  Reduce Speculative CAPEX Spend (Trenching) Through Better Planning 25

  22. Broadband Strategy  Wired for Success – Through Public Private Partnerships: o Achieve Guiding Principles • Greater service/speeds • Reduced costs • Better Reliability • More Secure • Future proof o Contribute to the Governor’s Priorities • Jobs, Jobs & More Jobs • Workforce Development • Education Reform • Infrastructure Investment • Lean Government 26

  23. Catalyzing Community Change through Broadband UWEX Broadband & E-Commerce Education Center A Fluid and Critical 21 st Century Issue

  24. Broadband What We Know… Availability Utilization Adoption Utilization

  25. People make it happen! UWEX County Economic Development Agents & Community Partners

  26. Partnerships to figure it out Public and Private

  27. Coordination, Education & Resources • PSC/UWEX Broadband Resource Guide • Broadband Policies & Regulations: A Beginning Roadmap • Regional Broadband Boot Camps with Providers • UWEX Broadband Adoption Advisory Board • DNR/UWEX Collaboration

  28. Rural E-Commerce Pilots 2: Pilots 6: Counties 15+: Industries 106: Trainees Lessons Learned:  Wide range of knowledge  Topics are relevant  Pitch is accurate  Trainers are good  Hands-on is key  Basic barriers to entry  Group training + Consultation  Training is Needed!

  29. E-Commerce Training Results 77 businesses competed assessments - Ashland, Bayfield, Clark, Oneida, Vilas, Wood • 84% under 10 employees - 21% in Retail Trade • Average DEi of 5.3 – typical rural average is 6.4 (AR/KS/NC/NE; under 50 employees) • Expertise issues are critical barriers for 30% and challenging for another 30-40% Utilization vs. AR/KS/NC/NE rural SME Average DEi Score is 5.3 • 74% have a website (vs. 77%) • 45% sell online (vs. 56%) • 56% do eMarketing (vs. 62%) 55% do online customer service (vs. • 66%) 35% use online collaboration (vs. 59%) • Very Important Barriers vs . AR/KS/NC/NE SME • 40% lack expertise (vs. 19%) • 30% security concerns (vs. 41%) • 22% privacy concerns (vs. 30%) • 20% cost of development (vs. 18%) • 18% products not suited (vs. 15%)

  30. “This is a very valuable topic and is just what we need in rural Wisconsin.”

  31. State Broadband Office Broadband Expansion Grant Program o Create an incentive to foster private broadband investment and expansion o Support local-based initiatives o Leverage the use of funds from federal broadband programs 35

  32. State Broadband Office o 2016 Broadband Expansion Grant Program o Annual appropriation to fund is $1.5 million o 28 Applications requesting over $4.4 million o Overview of Grants awarded 36

  33. State Broadband Office Questions ? 37


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