2013 a collaboration betwe ween prienu ziburio gimnazija

2013 A collaboration betwe ween Prienu Ziburio Gimnazija and The - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Oral History Project ct A.P.P.L.E L.E. Summer Regional al 2013 A collaboration betwe ween Prienu Ziburio Gimnazija and The Unive versity of San Diego go With Special Suppo port from A.P.P. P.L.E. Coordin inatin ting Teache hers

  1. Oral History Project ct A.P.P.L.E L.E. Summer Regional al 2013

  2. A collaboration betwe ween Prienu Ziburio Gimnazija and The Unive versity of San Diego go With Special Suppo port from A.P.P. P.L.E.

  3. Coordin inatin ting Teache hers Nancy Hanssen, , the lectur urer (The USA) A) Irma ma Šneideriene , , the princi cipal (Lithua uania)

  4. Suppor ort t Teachers Vilij ija 1, Histor ory Teache her Vili lija 2, Engli lish Teache her

  5. Project t Goals * Learn and apply interview skills *Understand history from a primary source * Note-taking skills using a variety of technologies * Collaborate with peers by critiquing and editing written work *Synthesize notes into a narrative * The art of publication

  6. Phase se One Students identify three elders from family and community with regard to three historical time periods to interview over the summer.

  7. Three Histor orica ical l Period iods 1990 90 – present 1945 5 - 1990 90 1939 39 - 1945

  8. Phase One Instr truct uction ional l Practice tices • Built ilt backgr kground d knowledge on project from Kenya usin ing techn hnolo logy : Powerpoint, video and Skype • Created d list of possible interview questions in small ll groups • Modeled led interviews with teachers • Applied lied knowledge ledge by interviewing peers • Discussed and d practic iced d written and d spoke ken Englis lish h of the challenges and success of the project by Skyping with students in Kenya

  9. Phase se Two Students will interview elders over the summer and narratives are due January 15, 2014

  10. Phase se Two Instr tructio tional Practic tices • Direct ct instruct ction regarding the Stages of the Writing Proce cess • Peer-cr critique and peer-editing • Small group and 1-1 conferenci cing with students during the editing process • Use of techn hnology : Skype, Google docs, and video-conferencing to support student progress

  11. Phase Three Compile narratives and publish the companion book in English and Lithuanian

  12. Phase Three Instruc ructional Practices • Synthesize interview notes and write narrative • Translate from Lithuanian to English • Organize narratives and photos • Work collabor orative vely y to Create book lay-out and design • Publish

  13. Celebr ebrate te Books will be published with support from the University of San Diego and distributed to all involved with the project in April 2014

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