2009 Tariff Structure and Works Schedule Meeting February 13, 2009
Contents New tariff structure • Summary of principles • Shipper feedback on the new tariff structure • Interruptible capacity Engineering works • Principles • 2009 Works Schedule
Your feedback on the introduction of the new tariff structure (January 1, 2009) …. And additional changes on April 1, 2009
April 2009: end of “Tariff 2009” implementation: Consistency with new Storengy offer Taisnières H Taisnière s H Taisnière Taisnières B* s B* PITS Sediane B PITS Sediane B Dunkerque Dunkerque Sediane B Sediane B Serene Nord Serene Nord Obergailbac bergailbach (Picardie) (Picardie) (Ile de France Nord et Lorraine) (Ile de France Nord et Lorraine) PITS Serene Nord PITS Serene Nord Sediane Sediane Nord Nord (Ile de France Sud) (Ile de France Sud) PITS Sediane PITS Sediane Oltingue Oltingue Mon Montoir oir ud Liaison Nord-Sud Sediane Littoral Sediane Littoral Liaison Nord-S Zone Nord Zone Nord (Centre) (Centre) PITS Sediane Littoral PITS Sediane Littoral PEG Nord (H+L) PEG Nord (H+L) Zone Sud Zone Sud Serene Sud Serene Sud Saline Saline PITS Serene S PITS Serene Sud PEG Sud PEG Sud (Centre) (Centre) (Salins Sud) (Salins Sud) Saline Multi Saline Multi Sud Sud PITS Saline PITS Saline Midi Mid (interconnection wit (int connection with TIGF) IGF) Fos Fo Ne Network Interconne twork Interconnecti ction on Poi Point * Taisnières B = L-gas Entry Poi Entry Point from nt from an LNG terminal an LNG terminal Transmission Storage Transmission Storage Interface Poi Interface Point Title Transfer Poi Title Transfer Point nt
April 2009: focus on Sediane Littoral and Serene Sud (capacity allocation rules) PITS Entry capacity (withdrawal) Exit capacity (injection) Firm (GWh Interruptible Firm (GWh Interruptible per day) (GWh per per day) (GWh per day) day) Sediane 430 50 170 185 Littoral Serene Sud 300 70 200 130 Automatic allocation on the basis of the storage capacity (firm + conditional) allocated by Storengy Any capacity allocated (entry and exit) is partly firm, party interruptible, proportionally to total marketable firm and interruptible capacity
April 2009: focus on Sediane Littoral and Serene Sud (operational rules) From April 2009 From April 2009 Today Today North North North North North-South Link nk North-South Link nk North-South L North-South L PITS Centre PITS Centre PITS Sediane Littoral PITS Sediane Littoral PITS Serene S PITS Serene Sud Same physical structures Same physical structures South South South South Nomination on PITS Centre-Nord and Nomination on PITS Sediane Littoral PITS Centre-Sud and PITS Serene Sud One nomination in the Nomination in the same direction Storage operator’s IT system for both points: injection (Delivery) Nomination in the same direction for or or withdrawal (Reception) “Centre-Nord” and “Centre-Sud”: injection (Delivery) or or withdrawal (Reception)
April 2009: focus on day-ahead / UIOLI capacities on PITS On every PITS, possibility of obtaining additional capacity on top of annual allocation associated with your rights. This capacity his available if one shipper doesn’t use all its capacity. This capacity is obtained by means of nominations on top of annual allocations associated with your rights. Consistent with Storengy day-ahead offer In addition, in the event of capacity reduction or interruption, UIOLI rules, as on PIRs, in order to reallocate capacity
Focus on publication of available interruptible capacity In 2008 In 2008 Fr From January 2009 om January 2009 Availability of interruptible Availability of interruptible the capacity published at 3.30 p.m. on capacity forecast and published on D-1 D-3, updated on D-2, and finally published at 3.30 p.m. on D-1 Information sent by fax Availability forecasts will take into account your own forecasts and nominations From April 2009 From April 2009 Publication on the ECT website
Let’s get back to January 2009… Please give us your feedback on the implementation of the new tariff on your side … • it will be included in GRTgaz’s global feedback on this project (May 2009) • in order to improve the implementation of future product and price changes For example on: • Implementation in your IT system • Information and support provided by GRTgaz (not enough / too much, too late / on time / too soon, clear / confused, inadequacy on specific points…) • Difficulties in nominating at the beginning of January • Use of the North-South link • …any subject important to you!
Conditional interruptible capacity
AVALAIBILITY of INTERRUPTIBLE CAPACITY The availability of interruptible capacity depends on 3 factors: � Climatic parameter Climatic parameter = Demand for gas or consumption levels � Shippers’ Shippers’ Scheduling cheduling parameter arameter = Network configuration � Maintena Maintenance work nce work Points and links with interruptible capacity: PIR LINK PITS • Sediane Littoral → North Recepti Reception (Rec) on (Rec) • NORTH - SOUTH • North → Sediane Littoral • SOUTH - NORTH • DUNKERQUE • Serene Sud → South • TAISNIERES B • South → Serene Sud • MIDI Delivery (Del) Delivery (Del) • OLTINGUE • MIDI
AVALAIBILITY of INTERRUPTIBLE CAPACITY Climatic parameter � Average daily temperature = Main consumption indicator � Below a given temperature = T threshold : � interruptible capacity increases in linear proportion to temperature fall � Above T threshold : � interruptible capacity depends on average monthly consumption Shippers’ Scheduling requirements � The availability of interruptible capacity at one point on the network can increase as a result of quantities scheduled at other points on the network
PARTICULAR CASE of N > S LINK CAPACITIES From January 1 to March 31, 2009 (excluding maintenance impact) � Sche hedule duled qua d quantities at ntities at Montoir Montoir LNG ter NG terminal inal make interruptible capacity available for the North > South link: � depends on scheduled entry quantities on PITS Centre to the South zone � depends on scheduled quantities on PIR MIDI � up to 190 GWh per day of interruptible capacity � Climatic conditi Climatic conditions ons create: � additional available interruptible capacity of up to 30GWh per day
PARTICULAR CASE of N > S LINK CAPACITIES From April 1 to October 31, 2009 (excluding maintenance impact) � Sche hedule duled qua d quantities at ntities at Montoir Montoir LNG ter NG terminal inal make interruptible capacity available for the North to South link: � 40% of the first 150 GWh per day at Montoir are dedicated to the N-S link (60% dedicated to extra capacity from PITS Sediane Littoral) � 100% of the next 50 GWh per day at Montoir � any unused interruptible exit capacity from the PITS Sediane Littoral can be re-allocated to the N-S link on day D-1 depending on aggregate nomination � up to 190 GWh per day of interruptible capacity � Climatic conditi Climatic conditions create ons create (lower probability): � additional interruptible capacity of up to 30GWh per day
SPECIFIC CASE of PITS SEDIANE LITTORAL From April 1, 2009 (excluding maintenance impact) � Scheduled quantities at Montoir LNG terminal make interruptible exit capacity from from the Nort the North zone h zone available on PITS Sediane Littor on PITS Sediane Littoral al: � 60% of the first 150 GWh per day at Montoir � any unused interruptible capacity on the N-S link can be re-allocated to the PITS Sediane Littoral on day D-1 depending on aggregate nomination � up to 185 GWh per day � Interruptible entry capacity from from PITS Sediane Litt PITS Sediane Littoral to t oral to the North zone e North zone � interruptible capacity up to 50 GWh per day is available when capacity scheduled at Montoir is less than 150 GWh per day
SPECIFIC CASE of PITS SERENE SUD From January 1 to March 31, 2009 (excluding maintenance impact) � Interruptible entry capacity from PITS Centre Sud from PITS Centre Sud to the South zone o the South zone � Interruptible capacity is available if temperature is below 15.5 ° C in Lyon = (15.5-T) x 7.9 GWh per day � Additional Interruptible capacity depends on the scheduled exit quantities at PIR Midi up to 70GWh per day � Interruptible exit capacity from t from the South zone for PITS Centre e South zone for PITS Centre Sud Sud � depends on the use of the South to North link: unused capacity on the South to North link can be used on the South to PITS Centre From April 1 to October 31, 2009 (excluding maintenance impact) � Similar rules apply
IMPACT of MAINTENANCE WORK on CAPACITY During maintenance: GENERAL RULE CANNOT APPLY Example 1: maintenance work on the Beauce pipeline � Firm capa rm capacity city re reductions on N ductions on N > S a > S and e d exit from N it from North z rth zone to Se one to Sediane Littoral diane Littoral published are based only on minimal out published are based only on minimal output at t put at the Montoir e Montoir LNG terminal ( NG terminal ( restrictive restrictive scenario scenario ) � Possibly increase in available capaci Possibly increase in available capacity if t ty if the Montoir e Montoir output is higher utput is higher Beauce Seine B S o o u l Maine Montoir r o g g Vendômois o n g e n North - South zones e boundary Centre Sediane Littoral
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