What did we have?
Accounts and minute books
Original hand drawn plans
Thousands of original photographs
Newspaper clippings
Making sense of it all
Derestric�ng documents
Does your story match your archive? Our archive Third Party Era 1 84% 16% Era 2 77% 23% Era 3 56% 44% Era 4 49% 51% Era 5 82% 18% Era 6 43% 57% Era 7 14% 86% Concorde 65% 35% Overall 63% 37%
Filling the gaps • Try to use as much from your collec�on as possible • Images from other sources is costly • Use any contacts you have to get high res images for a reduced price or free We used • IWM (discount but must charge to maintain) • Adrian Meridith (official BA Concorde photographer) (very costly) • Ge-y (very costly. avoid unless essen�al) • RAF Air historic Branch (kindly provided free images) • Local photographer
Where we started
Archive sta�ons • To add depth • To showcase la-er finds and addi�onal images and documents • And to improve access h-p://dev.spiralproduc�ons.ltd.uk/bact/start.php
Tips for transferring to exhibi�on • Find out the res. Size quality of digital required for your panels (ask the company doing the artwork) • Digi�se as much as possible so you have the greatest choice of images you can. • If you can digi�se in house to a high enough standard you will save a lot of money (volunteers can help here)
What did we have? • Accounts • Minutes • Plans • Sales ledgers • Factory images • Tes�ng images • No personnel records • No images of products in service • No record of who the people in the images are • Film in canisters (paid to have digi�sed and edited)
What the collec�on is known to contain: • Minutes (not a complete and detailed run) first minute book is digi�sed and available online at the Royal Aeronau�cal Society h-ps://�nyurl.com/y8ss5ho5 • Accounts c.1910-1960s • Press cu?ngs 1910-onwards • Photographs and nega�ves of almost all types of Bristol aircra@ under construc�on or just a@er construc�on, and various company subjects. Very rich part of the collec�on. • Drawings – mainly on microfiche or nega�ves. Some on paper/waxed linen. • ET3 – this is the series which has all sorts in it and will be catalogued as part of grant from 1910 to Concorde. • Manuals and parts list type material for some of the Bristol aircra@, especially Britannia and Freighter. • Research files, put together on various Bristol subjects by the BACT at Kemble. 3 series of these, rather than 1. Some duplica�on of subjects but kept separate as this is how it was found. • Company material donated by individuals • Mainly airframe material • What the collec�on doesn’t contain: • Personnel records – very, very few records rela�ng to people who worked here • Build records of Bristol aircra@, for example not possible to trace an aircra@ from its number. Anything to do with design and construc�ng the aircra@ seems to be missing, e.g. project files, records of decisions etc. • The Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust hold the Bristol engine side of the story, there is some engine material here, but they have the bulk. Contact is Bob Hercock – volunteer archivist – personal email address rh007f3555@blueyonder.co.uk (Heritage Manager is Peter Collins) h-ps://www.rolls-royce.com/about/heritage-trust/branches/bristol-branch.aspx • Bristol cars material – is with the Bristol Owners’ Club. They are either s�ll looking for a home for it with Bristol Archives or it is there now. BACT couldn’t accommodate it or their requests around it. Contact is (personal email address) stefan@cembrowicz.co.uk - h-ps://boc.net/s/ • Helicopters – not sure where this is for certain, if it survives. Some material in this collec�on. Have asked Helicopter Museum in Weston and Leonardo Helicopters. • Bristol Archives have some material too. • Concorde drawings and info are held by Airbus at Iron Mountain as far as I know. Nego�a�ons over who owns them between BAE Systems and Airbus, and there are a lot apparently. Set of microfiche Concorde drawings at both organisa�ons, with an index. There are some pre- produc�on Concorde drawings (ref: AT) which are part of the set BAE Systems also have. BAE repatriated these from Lloyds Bank, and part of the set was held by Royal Airforce Charity, ..\Drawings\Concorde prototype drawings and they came here. Barry Guess does know we have part of the set and he can have them if he would like. • Current Sir George White also has family papers which are not available. Any contact with Sir George needs to be through Fundraising Dept.
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