2 past and present challenges faced on my arrival

2 Past and Present Challenges Faced on My Arrival Faculty, Chairs, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2 Past and Present Challenges Faced on My Arrival Faculty, Chairs, Directors and Executive Leadership Buy-in Varied A Range of Assessment and Program Evaluation Experience at the Faculty, Program, College and University Levels

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  2. Past and Present Challenges Faced on My Arrival … Faculty, Chairs, Directors and Executive Leadership “Buy-in” Varied ž A Range of Assessment and Program Evaluation Experience at the ž Faculty, Program, College and University Levels At Drexel University, a Mandate to Implement Innovative but Unproven ž Assessment-Based Data Management Software across Goodwin College (Called “AEFIS” – Academic Evaluation, Feedback and Intervention System) to Document and Measure Student Learning and Program Outcomes Need to Efficiently and Effectively Align and Integrate Professional and ž Regional Accreditation Standards (e.g., ABET, ACEN and MSCHE) with Local, Institution-Wide, Learning Priorities (DSLPs at Drexel University, GELOs at ESU) into One Continuous Assessment Process In Short, to Cultivate and Nurture a Culture of Sustainable Assessment ž in a College with Diverse Programs 3

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  10. At EIC, Results of each Survey Item will Produce the Following: • Program-Level Descriptive Outcomes (see top row) • Program-Level Actions Items that link key faculty to the assessment activity in specific ways • Program-Level Assessment Goals designed to address EIC’s Directives from MSCHE via the OIEPA’s 2017 Action and Assessment Plan 11

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  12. EXAMPLE OF THIRD-SIDE OF THREE-LEGGED STOOL Data Points was ž created to help address the formative side of program evaluation It will be offered in ž conjunction with the services provided by the VP for IEPA The OIEPA maintains ž the site, including uploading new content, responding to faculty and program concerns, updating assessment initiatives (Goals A- N), developing new posts and monthly newsletters Represents the third ž leg of the three- legged stool (Program Directors and their faculty, College VP for IEPA, and Data Points ) 13

  13. OI OIEP EPA Com Communicator or (P (Prototype Ed.) 14

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