Past and Present Challenges Faced on My Arrival … Faculty, Chairs, Directors and Executive Leadership “Buy-in” Varied A Range of Assessment and Program Evaluation Experience at the Faculty, Program, College and University Levels At Drexel University, a Mandate to Implement Innovative but Unproven Assessment-Based Data Management Software across Goodwin College (Called “AEFIS” – Academic Evaluation, Feedback and Intervention System) to Document and Measure Student Learning and Program Outcomes Need to Efficiently and Effectively Align and Integrate Professional and Regional Accreditation Standards (e.g., ABET, ACEN and MSCHE) with Local, Institution-Wide, Learning Priorities (DSLPs at Drexel University, GELOs at ESU) into One Continuous Assessment Process In Short, to Cultivate and Nurture a Culture of Sustainable Assessment in a College with Diverse Programs 3
At EIC, Results of each Survey Item will Produce the Following: • Program-Level Descriptive Outcomes (see top row) • Program-Level Actions Items that link key faculty to the assessment activity in specific ways • Program-Level Assessment Goals designed to address EIC’s Directives from MSCHE via the OIEPA’s 2017 Action and Assessment Plan 11
EXAMPLE OF THIRD-SIDE OF THREE-LEGGED STOOL Data Points was created to help address the formative side of program evaluation It will be offered in conjunction with the services provided by the VP for IEPA The OIEPA maintains the site, including uploading new content, responding to faculty and program concerns, updating assessment initiatives (Goals A- N), developing new posts and monthly newsletters Represents the third leg of the three- legged stool (Program Directors and their faculty, College VP for IEPA, and Data Points ) 13
OI OIEP EPA Com Communicator or (P (Prototype Ed.) 14
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