2 - Agency Presentation - GFP - FY17 Friday, January 15, 2016 5:04 PM
Budgetary Structure G,1me , Fi~h Game, Fish & Parks has 6 programs provided within the annual & Parks • general appropriations bill and the Governor's budget book. • 3 Budgeted Programs and 3 Informational Budgets 1. 0601 Div. of Administration 2. 0610 Div. of Wildlife-Operations {Informational) 3 . 0612 Div. of Wildlife-Capital Development & Improvement {I nformational) 4. 0620 Div. of Parks & Recreation-Maintenance & Operations 5. 0621 Div. of Parks & Recreation-Capital Development & Improvement 6. 0622 Snowmobile Trails (Informational)
Game, Fish and Parks Commission Provisions established in SDCL Chapter 41-2 create the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Commission • Set commission structure • No more than four from the same political party. • At least four shall be engaged in agriculture and reside on a farm/ranch. Members must be from both east and west river South Dakota. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Commission has the authority to: • Establish fees. Promulgate administrative rules. • Provide for other commission functions.
FY17 lludget Brl I Department of Game, Fish, & Parks 6ul PY-L7 ...,_~bf .. ~~•-----*nM.t.ar:k°"8al' ", enpal1~m1 11m__._7""'~-- .. l.,;p'lkm. Agency Shore of Budgetod SOUl'Cfo! ot Funds Gl<fV:r.tl FUNI~ - - "· "' Budget History FTE ""'" .. " ,. • D fY14 l''fl.'l Ill!; f'IJI • 111e:rtt1-C1m 'ifAi• w, ., !il"41• i,w.o " • Act..unn. s~o 5$1 Di slribut lon of Tot~I Ag•ncv Funds Dlstnbutlon of Agoncv Cenoral Funds
I Major Expgnsion and Reduction Governor's Recommendation General Federal Other Totnl FTE Budgei Item Funds Funds Fund Funds Bond Payments ,000,746 1,000,746 Admini&tration: CommUlllcatlons o ce 822, 161 822 . 161 7.5 Wildlife: Comm\Mllcations O ce il , 6 671 6' 1 (5 I FTElncrease 154 ,300 141 ,700 296 , 000 4.0 FTE Operating E.xpemes • . 500 66 . 500 94,000 c. Opemtmg Expenses ( .?0381 408 . n7 396 , 689 Wildllfe 209 , 500 433 . 085 642 , 585 Oeve1opmen mprovement: Pllr11 nd Recer!ltion; F1E Increase 174 .078 174,078 4.0 l.5C. Operating E penses 1n 146 628 , 0SS 450,909 Pat1ls nd Recreation (l , 6<l3 ,663 2,229. no S36.107 Oevelopmenlllmprovement: t7 000 1 Snowmobile Trails 1176 . 000 1 101 000 Totals (1.31 ).2 65) 3.844.260 10 .S 1,000.746 4.156,769
General Fund Summary SOUTH OAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF GAME , FISH & PARKS GENERAL FUND SUMMARY rncr•;,st / Budgeted Budgtttd Budgtttd Roquostod ..E!W..!. m•cre- : 31:@} .D:li!i. .fll2li. ..ElWL s 792 ,596 s 796 , 783 s (1 ,256) s FISn Hatcheries Bond Payment 7 $ , 753 793,497 t2006 s.n.sllwouQh 2026) s 1, 147,895 s 1, 129, 175 s 1,080,007 s 1, 002 ,116 s 2,082,123 Custer State Par sono Payments P99Mll!l4 Senes IIVOUQh 2018 1& (S.r10S 2007 • 2015-2030) s s 336 ,614 s s Cedar Shores I Angostura Boo<I Payments 335 , 688 (1 ,351) $ 334,337 ( 2013 s«i ... llWough 20l8) s 1,237 s cus er & GooCl Eann State Park Bond PaymenlS ( ViSJ10f cen ers) $ 187, 681 5 188,918 (2014 Senes through 2029) s 1, !M0 , 491 s 2,282.572 S 2,398, 129 S 1,000, 7" s 3,399.175 To111 Bond Sclwdu .. Paymonts s 151 , 311 s s $ OIVlslon OI AominlstraUon 131,506 158 . 870 158,870 s 2, 390 ,553 Ol'lis,on of Parlcs & Reaeaoon - Maintenance & Operat,ons $ 2, 526 ,907 $ 2, 620 , 093 $ 2,620,093 s s s Oi\liSlon or Pari,s & Reaeali)n - cap~a1 oevelOt)ment & $ Improvement s s s Ohllslon 01 Wildlile s 2, 62.2 ,059 s 2,871, 218 $ 2,778, 9'3 s To!lll o-r.11 Funds for Op1r.,1ions $ s 1, 000.7" s ,. 111 .m • $ 4, M0 .790 $ 5,177, 0&2 O.portmenl TO!lll $ . . .. 2,650
General Funds Historical Summary $7,000,000 $6,000,000 • Good Earth & CSP Visitor Center Bonds $5,000,000 Cedar Shores & Angostura Bon ds $4,000,000 Cu ster State Park Bonds $3,000,000 • Fis h Hatc hery Bonds $2,000,000 St ate Parks Operations $1,000,000 • Di v is ion of Adm ini stration $- FYlO FYll FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 Rec.
Amendment to the Current Year's Budget • Requested increase of $1,006,573 in general funds for the Parks & Recreation Operations budget for FY2016 Custer State Park bond payments. • The general fund increase corresponds directly to the 2015 Custer State Park bonds approved during the 2015 Legislative Session (issued May 2015}. • A matching amount of $1,006,573 in Parks & Recreation funds will be deposited into the general fund to off set the appropriation.
Div. of Administration FYl 7 Budget Request - FTE • A Department Reorganization to create a Central Communications Office with the Division of Administration. • Includes a transfer of 5.0 FTE and $659,161 from Division of Wildlife. • Along wi th the additiona l of 2.5 FTE and $163,000 of budget authority for a communications manager, digital strategist, and part-time communications officer. • Creating an Office of 7.5 FTE with $822,161 of other fund expendi ture author i ty .
Regional Terrestrial Resource Supervisors 4.0 FTEs and $296,000 • Management Plans Crafting/Writing Integrating public input Implement ing strategies • Growth in Wild life Damage and ADC Programs. • Co l lect better survey and research data. • I mp roved supervisory interaction with field staff. • Enhanced efficiency in government processes. Reduce need for rule revisions. Provide comprehensive management plans to guide proactive management decisions and strategies.
Division of Wildlife Budget FY2017 Wildlife Management $9,545,846 1 6% 37% Fisheries Habitat and Access $7,487,844 $17,592,810
Div. of Wildlife Capital Development FY2017 Shooting Ranges $282,335 Aquatic Habitat, Access and Dam Repair $906,250 19% 51% 30% Facilities $529,000
Division of Wildlife Revenue FY2017 Resident Licenses 8% 22% 33% Federal 38% Nonresident Licenses
Custer State Park Bonding • $11.5 million in Bonding Authority approved by 2015 Legislature. • South Dakota Building Authority sold bonds on May 2015 at an interest rate of 3.59%. • Film contract of $450,000 awarded on May 2015. $6.4 million Building Construction package awarded October 2015. • $1 mil lion in water and sewer projects to be bid out in February 2016. • Remainder of construct ion work will be awarded this fall and completed during the winter of 2016/17.
Legion Lake Resort New Lodge Rendering
Legion Lake Resort January 11, 2016
Reunion Cabins • Game Lodge Blue Bell Resort Sylvan Lake Resort 11£\JNION CAIIN - Ot!lwlNAl
Game Lodge Reunion Cabin January 12, 2016
Game Lodge
Game Lodge Hotel Renovations
Cabins • 8 - Game Lodge • 5-Sylvan • 1- Legion Lake
Div. of Parks & Recreation FYl 7 Budget Request - FTEs • Increase of 4.0 FTEs and $174,078 in other fund expenditure authority. Position added at Shadehill and Richmond Lake Recreation Areas to provide necessary supervision. Position added at Good Earth State Park and Custer Sta te Park to facilitate programming, staffing and supervision at the new Visitor Centers.
Parks and Recreation Revenue FY2017 Estimated FY17 $34,127,915 • Federal General 14% Bond Payment 8% $2,620,093 • Park Revenue 8% $17,854,958 Dedicated Taxes & $2,605,378 52% License Fees*
Parks and Recreation Capital Development FY2017 Total FYl 7 $8,748,607 Waterbased Waterbased Rec. Preventative Maintenance $2,030,107 Preventative 19% Waterbased Maintenance 4% New Improvements $4,314,500 50 % 27% New Development $2,404,000
Parks and Recreation 2016 Fee Adjustments C u rrent New FY 2017 Fee Fee Fee Increase New Revenue Micke l son Trail Daily Pass $ 3. 00 $ 4.00 1.00 $ 17 ,003 $ Custer State Pa rk 7-day/ve h icl e $ 15 . 00 $20 . 00 $ 5.00 $ 712 , 975 on-Res i dent Phone Campsite Reservat i on $ $ 2.00 $ N 7.70 $ 9.70 27 , 492 Resident Phone Campsite Reservation $ $ 2.00 $ 2. 00 $ 64 , 144 Motorboat License (l ess than 19 feet) $ 20.00 $25.00 $ 5 .0 0 $ 158 , 435 Motorboat License (19 feet or longer) $ $ 5.00 $ 40.00 $45 . 00 91 , 535 N on-Moto ri zed Boat Li cense $ 12.50 $15 . 00 $ 2. 50 $ 11,905 $ 1,083,489 T ota l
Snowmobile Program Dedicated Funding • Snowmob ile Licenses • Snowmob ile Gas Tax • Snowmob ile Excise Tax
Parks and Recreation Snowmobile Trails FY2017 Budget • Reduction of $176,000 in federal fund expendi ture authority along with an increase of $101,000 in other fund expenditure authority. Net decrease of $75,000 in total budget authority. • Reduction contained within the capital outlay budget.
Game, F·sh & Parks
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