2 2 th all japan high school w om en s football cham

2 2 th All Japan High School W om ens Football Cham pionship Tokyo - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2 2 th All Japan High School W om ens Football Cham pionship Tokyo Broadcasting System Television I nc, W hat w e did w ith Hybridcast W e produced sports data show using Hybridcast I ntroduction of w idgets These w idgets w ere w

  1. 2 2 th All Japan High School W om en’s Football Cham pionship Tokyo Broadcasting System Television I nc,

  2. W hat w e did w ith Hybridcast W e produced “sports data show ” using Hybridcast

  3. I ntroduction of w idgets These w idgets w ere w ritten in HTML5 and CSS3 : specifically using Canvas and SVG.

  4. Rem otes on Second screen devices

  5. View ers can w atch high-lights of the gam e on second screen devices

  6. Overview of our service

  7. schöen!! Danke


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