1q 2019

1Q 2019 Earnings Presentation Delivery on strategic initiatives in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

17 May 2019 1Q 2019 Earnings Presentation Delivery on strategic initiatives in 1Q 2019 and beyond - New Products - Russian Secured Funding Average Rate (RUSFAR), the new interest rate benchmark based on GCC repos, was launched.

  1. 17 May 2019 1Q 2019 Earnings Presentation

  2. Delivery on strategic initiatives in 1Q 2019 and beyond - New Products - Russian Secured Funding Average Rate (RUSFAR), the new interest rate benchmark based on GCC repos, was launched. • Deliverable futures on ordinary shares of Polyus and MMK, as well as options on these futures, started trading. • 2 new Russian-law ETFs tracking the S&P 500 became available. MOEX now has 7 Russian-law ETFs, with 4 settled in USD. • ETF offering expanded to 16 with the addition of the product tracking US T-bills. 11 ETFs are settled in USD in T+2 mode. • A new USD/RUB order book with random delay eliminates technical access arbitrage to boost non-HFT institutional liquidity. • 2 sustainability indices, "Responsibility and Transparency“ and "Vector of Sustainability“, were launched jointly with RSPP. • - New Services - International Clearing Membership (ICM) is available on the Derivatives Market. Sova Capital is the first ICM in Derivatives. • CNY became the 4 th settlement currency for overnight repos with the CCP (joining RUB, USD and EUR). • MOEX launched a proprietary aggregator for asset management services, which features 71 products offered by 7 providers. • A market making program covering 12 pairs of equities and futures started in April – the first cross-market program. • - New Clients & Partners - 80 Russian corporates, including 14 market newcomers, placed 176 bond issues in 2019 YTD – up 64% YoY. • The number of IIAs expanded 29% in 2019 YTD, surpassing 770,000 by end-April. • The number of corporate participants on the FX Market and Money Market reached 37 and 116, respectively. • MOEX joined the UN’s Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) initiative, committing to promotion of sustainability practices. • The 10 th annual Moscow Exchange Forum was held in Moscow. It attracted more than 2,000 participants. • BSE & India INX signed an MoU with MOEX to cooperate in cross-listing of derivatives, ETFs, develop equity and FI products. • 2

  3. RUSFAR - the benchmark for secured short-term lending Russian Secured Funding Average Rate (RUSFAR) as of 15 May 2019 Daily updated curve since launch on 18 April 2019 7.95 7.89% Based on the most liquid segment of the Russian 7.90 7.85% money market – GCC repo 7.85 7.80 Six available terms: ON, 1W, 2W, 1M, 2M and 3M 7.77% 7.75 7.74% 7.70 200+ market participants; 17 market makers 7.72% 7.65 7.65% Overnight Index Swaps (OIS) based on RUSFAR 7.60 are now available ON 1W 2W 1M 2M 3M CCP involvement means that discrepancy of counterparties’ credit quality does not influence price • GCC mechanism protects from shortage of a particular security that might otherwise occur in single-security repo • Rich market structure accommodating professional market participants, financial and non-financial companies • Liquidity pooling in one order book for all eligible securities at every given term • Actual transactions and orders determine the rate. It’s a global trend to forgo the use of poll -based indicators • Proprietary algorithm for price determination ensures fairness and precludes manipulation • Coming soon: futures contract on RUSFAR traded on MOEX’s Derivatives Market • 3

  4. Recent trends in the Money Market Money Market ADTV The share of CCP repo is on the rise RUB bln Deposit and credit operations Single-security repo volume, % GCC repo with CCP with CCP Single-security repo with CCP Interdealer repo GCC repo with CCP Interdealer repo Repo with the CBR 2% -1.2% 10% 15% 16% 16% 18% 1,497 1,481 1,480 1,433 1,335 1,319 10% 12% 14% 15% 89% 12% 9% 74% 19% 20% 13% 10% 71% 18% 63% 9% 15% 67% 74% 73% 65% 58% 64% 53% 57% 60% 24% 21% 19% 15% 15% 11% 11% 14% 13% 14% 8% 2% 2017 1Q’18 2Q’18 3Q’18 4Q’18 1Q’19 2017 1Q’18 2Q’18 3Q’18 4Q’18 1Q’19 Growing average repo terms Growing open interest drives fee income days GCC repo with CCP RUB bln Interdealer repo GCC repo (incl. Single-security repo with CCP Overall on-exchange repo deposits with CCP) 4,000 3,500 2017 3.08 2017 2.03 3,000 1Q’18 3.14 1Q’18 2.03 2,500 2Q’18 3.06 2Q’18 1.94 2,000 1,500 3Q’18 3.19 3Q’18 2.29 1,000 4Q’18 3.76 4Q’18 5.76 500 1Q’19 4.40 1Q’19 8.78 0 Jan'17 Feb'17 Mar'17 Apr'17 May'17 Jun'17 Jul'17 Aug'17 Oct'17 Nov'17 Dec'17 Jan'18 Feb'18 Mar'18 Apr'18 May'18 Jun'18 Jul'18 Aug'18 Oct'18 Nov'18 Dec'18 Jan'19 Feb'19 Mar'19 +40% +333% Due to the shift away from 1-day and 1-week repo 4 towards longer-term repo

  5. Emergence of FX-linked instruments for retail investors Exposure to Foreign Equities Exposure to USD, EUR Fixed Income Number of instruments: ADTV, RUB mln Number of instruments: ADTV, RUB mln Russian-law ETFs Russian-law ETFs Russian-law ETFs Russian-law ETFs Foreign-law ETFs Foreign-law ETFs Foreign-law ETFs Foreign-law ETFs Futures on Solactive Eurobonds with face value Eurobonds with face value US Large Cap Index ≤ USD or EUR 1000 (traded) ≤ USD or EUR 1000 28 28 May 2019 May 2019 26 25 25 8 8 8 7 7 7 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 639 451 57 11 497 44 207 193 572 189 439 11 6 8 150 436 176 7 47 196 188 180 86 143 32 130 26 54 1Q 2018 2Q 2018 3Q 2018 4Q 2018 1Q 2019 1Q 2018 2Q 2018 3Q 2018 4Q 2018 1Q 2019 5

  6. 1Q 2019 summary of financials Operating income Operating expenses (excl. other operating expenses) RUB bln RUB bln Fee and commission income 1 Remaining administrative expenses 3 D&A and IT maintenance Cost-to-income ratio Interest and finance income 2 Personnel expenses +4.2% 39.0% 36.3% 35.7% +2.5% 35.7% 34.4% 10.3 +5.9% 10.2 10.0 9.9 9.8 -4.5% 38% 40% 37% 40% 44% 3.9 3.7 3.5 3.5 3.5 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.9 0.8 1.8 63% 62% 1.7 60% 1.7 60% 1.5 1.6 56% 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1Q 2018 2Q 2018 3Q 2018 4Q 2018 1Q 2019 1Q 2018 2Q 2018 3Q 2018 4Q 2018 1Q 2019 EBITDA and EBITDA margin Net income Adjusted EBITDA margin Reported EBITDA RUB bln RUB bln Adjustments 5 Reported net income Adjusted ROE Adjustments 4 17.9% 17.5% 16.9% 16.4% 15.8% 72.5% 72.7% 72.6% 70.0% 69.6% -2.8% +0.6% +0.4% +3.2% 5.4 5.0 7.4 7.2 7.2 5.2 5.2 7.1 5.0 7.0 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.9 2.4 1.9 -0.4 1Q 2018 2Q 2018 3Q 2018 4Q 2018 1Q 2019 1Q 2018 2Q 2018 3Q 2018 4Q 2018 1Q 2019 Source: Moscow Exchange 1 Includes Other operating income 2 Includes Interest and other finance income, Interest expense, Net gain on financial assets FVTOCI and Foreign exchange gains less losses 3 Remaining administrative expenses are calculated as General and administrative expenses less Depreciation of property and equipment, Amortisation of 6 intangible assets and Equipment and intangible assets maintenance 4 Adjustments are related to 1) IFRS 9 movement in allowance for ECLs and 2) one-off provisions’ accrual/release in 1Q’18, 2Q’18, 4Q’18 and 1Q’19 5 Adjustments are related to 1) IFRS 9 movement in allowance for ECLs, 2) one- off provisions’ accrual/release in 1Q’18, 2Q’18, 4Q’18 and 1Q’19, 3) for 2018 only – additional D&A related to change in amortization schedules

  7. Diversified fee and commission income Fee & commission income performance Fee & commission income breakdown RUB bln Change Change RUB mln 1Q 2018 1Q 2019 +11.1% YoY, mln YoY, % 6.12 Money Market 1,438 1,771 333 23.2% Equities Market 7% 5.51 Fixed Income Market 9% 9% Derivatives Market Depository and Settlement 1,046 1,187 140 13.4% IT Services, Listing 11% 11% and Other Fee Income 1 FX Market FX Market 926 872 -55 -5.9% 9% 11% Depository and Settlement 9% Money Market IT Services, Listing and 14% 509 681 172 33.9% Other Fee Income 1 17% Derivatives Market 495 655 161 32.5% 19% 19% Fixed Income Market 622 537 -84 -13.6% 29% 26% Equities Market 470 414 -56 -11.8% 1Q 2018 1Q 2019 7 Source: Moscow Exchange, Consolidated Financial Statements 1 “IT Services, Listing and Other Fee Income” includes Information services, Sale of software and technical services, Listing a nd other service fees and Other fee income


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