14 1 physically based simulation ii

14.1 Physically Based Simulation II Mass-Spring Systems Hao Li - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fall 2015 CSCI 420: Computer Graphics 14.1 Physically Based Simulation II Mass-Spring Systems Hao Li http://cs420.hao-li.com 1 Mass-Spring Systems The 101 of Physics Simulation What do we want to simulate? Deformable Objects Design

  1. Fall 2015 CSCI 420: Computer Graphics 14.1 Physically Based Simulation II Mass-Spring Systems Hao Li http://cs420.hao-li.com 1

  2. Mass-Spring Systems • The 101 of Physics Simulation • What do we want to simulate? Deformable Objects • Design a model. Mass points + springs. • Write differential equations. Newton’s 2nd Law (Hooke) • Discretize equations. Integration methods for ODEs • Add interaction. Collision detection + response • Simulate! 2

  3. Mass-Spring Systems • Simulation of cloth based on deformable surfaces (Polygonal mesh) • Realistic simulation of cloth with different fabrics such as wool, cotton, or silk for garment design 3

  4. Facial Animation • Simulation of facial expressions based on deformable surfaces/volumes/muscles • Animation of face models from speech and mimic parameters 4

  5. Medical Simulation • Simulation of deformable soft tissue • Surgical planning • Medical training 5

  6. Overview • Model and Physics • Implementation Hints • Time-Discretization • Collision Response • (Simulation Loop) 6

  7. Mass-Point System • Discretization of an object into mass points (gas, fluid, elastic object, inelastic object) • System with multiple mass centers (Planetary System) • Interaction between points i and j ≠ i based on internal forces • All other forces at point i are external forces • Overall force 7

  8. Mass-Point System • Discretization of an object into mass points • Representation of forces between masses by springs • Computation of dynamics

  9. Mass-Points

  10. Physically-based Equations

  11. Elastic Forces: Springs

  12. Elastic Energies

  13. Forces at a Mass Point

  14. Dissipative Forces

  15. System Equations

  16. System Equations

  17. Overview • Model and Physics • Implementation Hints • Time-Discretization • Collision Response • (Simulation Loop) 17

  18. Elastic Spring 18

  19. Mass Point 19

  20. Force Computation 20

  21. Overview • Model and Physics • Implementation Hints • Time-Discretization • Collision Response • (Simulation Loop) 21

  22. System Equations 22

  23. Solution 23

  24. Problem 24

  25. Numerical Integration Methods 25

  26. Numerical Integration Methods 26

  27. Explicit Integration 27

  28. Explicit Integration 28

  29. Explicit Integration 29

  30. Error Accumulation 30

  31. Problems 31

  32. Improving Accuracy - Leap Frog 32

  33. Improving Accuracy - Runge Kutta 2nd order (midpoint method) 33

  34. Midpoint vs Euler 34

  35. Implementation 35

  36. Avoiding Instability 36

  37. Topology and Stability 37

  38. Volumetric Models - Tet Meshes 38

  39. Topology Ambiguity Problem 39

  40. Cloth Forces 40

  41. Cloth Springs 41

  42. Cloth Springs 42

  43. Cloth Springs 43

  44. http://cs420.hao-li.com Thanks! 44


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