10 tips to great mentoring

10 Tips to Great Mentoring LeAnn Johnson, Ph.D . Shepherd University - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

10 Tips to Great Mentoring LeAnn Johnson, Ph.D . Shepherd University 1. Make Time Build a regular mee6ng 6me with your mentee into your schedule. Dont let other things bump it. Stay focused. 2. Rapport Think back to your own

  1. 10 Tips to Great Mentoring LeAnn Johnson, Ph.D . Shepherd University

  2. 1. Make Time Ø Build a regular mee6ng 6me with your mentee into your schedule. Ø Don’t let other things bump it. Ø Stay focused.

  3. 2. Rapport Think back to your own experiences as a student or new teacher. Who was there for you? What characteris6cs/behaviors did they exhibit that made you feel supported? What if the mentee is just plain difficult?

  4. 3. InstrucAonal Support Ini6ate and maintain con6nual collegial dialogue based on shared experience Ø Begin at the mentee’s skill level – zone of proximal development Ø Create shared experiences o Team planning o Team teaching o Observing mentee o Being Observed (model) o Video Tape

  5. 4. Encourage ReflecAon It is not what you say. It is the ques6ons you ask that are important. Vikrant Parsai While holding a wri6ng conference, your mentee has difficulty maintaining awareness of the rest of the class. What ques*ons might you use to encourage reflec*on and problem solving in this area?

  6. 5. Feedback Ø Confirm appropriate outcomes of mentee reflec6on mirroring specific points for reinforcement. “I agree that xxxx.” Ø Extend mentee conclusions with specific ques6ons that push thinking to the next level. “Given what you think, what would happen if you xxx?” Ø Reserve ‘telling’ for those areas where the mentee does not have the knowledge needed to move to the next level. Ø Record main points in wri6ng.

  7. 6. Support Goal SeMng S pecific Ø Focus M easurable R ewarding Ø Priori6ze A Yainable Ø Make them SMART T imebound Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

  8. 7. Model Personal Learning Be transparent about your own search for beYer answers and more effec6ve ways to meet student needs. No one appreciates a ‘know-it-all’ Anonymous

  9. 8. Be Flexible/Responsive Just as you adjust your ques6oning of students to meet their learning needs, adjust your communica6on and support according to mentees needs. Mentoring is an art form, not a recipe. There is no single approach to providing the best type of support

  10. 9. Face Hard ConversaAons Ø Don’t wait! Ø Plan the main points of the conversa6on Ø Leave unproduc6ve emo6ons at the door Ø Be objec6ve Ø End with a wriYen statement of the problem and what is required to fix it.

  11. 10. MoAvate Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direc6on. John C. Cosby

  12. 10 Tips to Great Mentoring LeAnn A. Johnson, Ph.D . Shepherd University 1. Make 6me 2. Develop Rapport 3. Give Instruc6onal Support 4. Encourage Reflec6on 5. Provide Feedback 6. Support Goal Seing 7. Model Personal Learning 8. Be Flexible/Responsive 9. Face Hard Conversa6ons 10. Mo6vate


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