
1 Translation model Language model Dictionaries used Languages - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Motivation Classification of CLIR methods Cross-Language IR at We developed an automatic transliteration query translation method University of Tsukuba method for Japanese and English CLIR document translation method Automatic

  1. Motivation Classification of CLIR methods Cross-Language IR at • We developed an automatic transliteration • query translation method University of Tsukuba method for Japanese and English CLIR • document translation method Automatic Transliteration for • the method has been used in commercial • interlingual method (thesauri and LSI) Japanese, English, and Korean CL patent service • hybrid method (combining QT and DT) Atsushi Fujii, Tetsuya Ishikawa • In NTCIR-4 CLIR, we applied our method University of Tsukuba to Korean and realized JEK transliteration in a single framework 2 3 Query Translation Query Translation (cont.) Example of J-E Query Translation • translate compound query terms • compound query S and a translation candidate T rejisutatensougengo consulting dictionary 1. consult a dictionary to derive all the S = s1, s2, …, sN lexical segmentation possible word/phrase translation rejisuta tensou gengo T = t1, t2, …, tN candidates transliteration • compute P(T|S) = P(S|T) ・ P(T) resister transfer language 2. transliterate out-of-dictionary loanwords resistor transmission on a phonogram-by-phonogram basis disambiguation translation model language model register transport 3. resolve translation ambiguity through a probabilistic method • select the candidate with max P(T|S) register transfer language 4 5 6 1

  2. Translation model Language model Dictionaries used Languages Name #Entries Type • P(S|T) = Π P(si | ti) • word-based trigram model J-E Cross Language 1M technical si and ti are base words in compound words • 100K vocabulary in a target document • EM algorithm to estimate P(si | ti) in collection E-J Cross Language 1M technical bilingual dictionary • Palmkit is used J-E/E-J EDICT 108K general J-K UNISOFT 213K general K-J UNISOFT 134K general E-K/K-E Cross Language 548K technical 7 8 9 Document retrieval Transliteration method Producing J-E dictionary • out-of-dictionary word S and a 1. extract Japanese Katakana words and • Okapi BM25 transliteration candidate T English translations from J-E dictionary • word and character indexes for Japanese S = s1, s2, …, sN 2. romanize Katakana words • word index for English and Korean T = t1, t2, …, tN • one-to-one mapping b/w Katakan and Roman characters can easily be performed s1 and t1 are letters (substrings of words) 3. correspond romanized Katakana words • compute P(T|S) = P(S|T) ・ P(T) and English on a letter-by-letter basis language model 4. find the best path from a corresponding transliteration model (word unigram) matrix • select the candidate with max P(T|S) 10 11 12 2

  3. Example matrix Producing J-K dictionary Romanizing Korean words • first consonant changes every 21 lines • In EUC-KR, characters are coded • vowel changes every line and repeats every 21 lines independent of pronunciation テ キ ス ト $ • last consonant changes every column t 3 1 2 3 0 • one-to-one mapping b/w Hangul and e 0 0 0 0 0 Roman characters cannot easily be x 1 2 1 1 0 performed t 3 1 2 3 0 $ 0 0 0 0 3 – # of Hangul characters is approx. 11,000 – # of common characters is approx. 2,000 テ te • we used Unicode, in which character is キス x coded according to pronunciation ト t specific Hangul characters can be identified by pronunciation 13 14 15 Experiments (J/E) Experiments (Korean) Example of transliteration <TITLE>, mean average precision (rigid) <TITLE>, mean average precision (rigid) Topic ID Japanese English Korean Languages #Entries w/o w/ Languages w/o transliteration w/ transliteration transliteration transliteration 005 dioxin ダイオキシン 다이옥신 J-K 0.2177 0.2457 J-E 1M 0.2174 0.2182 < < 006 マイケル・ Michael 마이클 조던 K-J 0.1486 0.1746 E-J 1M 0.1250 0.1250 < = Jordan ジョーダン J-E (EDICT) 108K 0.1147 0.1383 E-K 0.2026 0.2153 < < 008 viagra バイアグラ 비아그라 K-E 0.1017 0.1231 E-J (EDICT) 108K 0.0612 0.0857 < < 031 Yugoslavia ユーゴスラビア 유고슬라비아 transliteration was also effective for Korean transliteration was effective for small dictionaries 16 17 18 3


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