
1 Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement - PDF document

Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 814 2824, Cell: 312 438 4804,

  1. Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: ccoppleson@atg.state.il.us IMPROVING RE SPONSE T O SE XUAL ASSAUL T CRIME S IN IL L INOIS Se xua l Assa ult Inc ide nt Pro c e dure Ac t F AI R USE DI SCL AI ME R F AIR USE NOT ICE : T his pre se nta tio n c o nta ins c o pyrig hte d ma te ria l • the use o f whic h ha s no t a lwa ys b e e n spe c ific a lly a utho rize d b y the c o pyrig ht o wne r. We a re ma king suc h ma te ria l a va ila b le in a n e ffo rt to a d va nc e und e rsta nd ing o f e nviro nme nta l, po litic a l, huma n rig hts, e c o no mic , d e mo c ra c y, sc ie ntific , a nd so c ia l justic e issue s, e tc . T his c o nstitute s a ‘ fa ir use ’ o f a ny suc h c o pyrig hte d ma te ria l a s • pro vid e d fo r in se c tio n 107 o f the US Co pyrig ht L a w. In a c c o rd a nc e with the T itle 17 U.S.C. Se c tio n 107, the ma te ria l is d istrib ute d witho ut pro fit to tho se who ha ve e xpre sse d a prio r inte re st in re c e iving the inc lud e d info rma tio n fo r re se a rc h a nd e d uc a tio n purpo se s. CONF L I CT OF I NT E RE ST ST AT E ME NT  T his e duc a tio na l a c tivity is pre se nte d witho ut the pro visio n o f c o mme rc ia l suppo rt. In a dditio n, no ne o f the pla nne rs o r pre se nte rs ha ve a ny re le va nt fina nc ia l re la tio nships to disc lo se 1

  2. Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: ccoppleson@atg.state.il.us T HE NUMBE RS  1 in 5 wo me n in the US ha s b e e n ra pe d in he r life time  T ha t is 18.3% o f the fe ma le po pula tio n  22 Millio n wo me n in the US  Ne a rly 1in 2 wo me n ha s e xpe rie nc e d se xua l vio le nc e o the r tha n ra pe  T ha t is 45% o f the fe ma le po pula tio n 2

  3. Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: ccoppleson@atg.state.il.us WHAT I S T HE PE RCE NT AGE OF F AL SE RE PORT S? 2-8 % Ma le Vic tims • 1 in 21 ma le s will e xpe rie nc e se xua l a ssa ult • 1 in 5 ma le s will e xpe rie nc e se xua l vio le nc e in the ir life time • Mo re tha n o ne q ua rte r o f ma le vic tims o f c o mple te d ra pe e xpe rie nc e d the ir first ra pe whe n the y we re 10 ye a rs o ld o r yo ung e r 3

  4. Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: ccoppleson@atg.state.il.us T HE MAJORIT Y OF RAPE S GO UNRE PORT E D Wha t do RAPI ST S lo o k like ? I ntima te Pa rtne r Vio le nc e De sc rib e s physic a l vio le nc e , se xua l vio le nc e , sta lking a nd psyc ho lo g ic a l a g g re ssio n b y a c urre nt o r fo rme r intima te pa rtne r • A physic a lly-a b use d wo ma n a lso e xpe rie nc ing fo rc e d se x is o ve r se ve n time s mo re like ly tha n o the r wo me n to b e kille d • Se xua l a ssa ult is e xpe rie nc e d b y mo st physic a lly a b use d wo me n a nd a sso c ia te d with a hig he r le ve l o f PT SD c o mpa re d to wo me n who a re physic a lly a b use d o nly 4

  5. Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: ccoppleson@atg.state.il.us F E AR OF RE PORT I NG • No o ne will • Asha me d & b e lie ve the m E mb a rra sse d • Co mmunity • Pro te c ting Ba c kla sh the Offe nde r • E ng a g e d in • L a c k o f Ille g a l a c tivity Ano nymity • Ge o g ra phic • Pe o ple will Iso la tio n Bla me the m COMMUNI T Y BACK L ASH- T RI AL BY SOCI AL ME DI A 5

  6. Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: ccoppleson@atg.state.il.us 6

  7. Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: ccoppleson@atg.state.il.us 7

  8. Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: ccoppleson@atg.state.il.us 8

  9. Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: ccoppleson@atg.state.il.us 9

  10. Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: ccoppleson@atg.state.il.us 10

  11. Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: ccoppleson@atg.state.il.us VI CT I M BL AMI NG 11

  12. Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: ccoppleson@atg.state.il.us 12

  13. Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: ccoppleson@atg.state.il.us T he Be nc h: T he y ne ve r g e t it wro ng …… just a sk the m! 13

  14. Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: ccoppleson@atg.state.il.us VUL NE RABL E POPUL AT I ONS 14

  15. Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: ccoppleson@atg.state.il.us 15

  16. Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: ccoppleson@atg.state.il.us 16

  17. Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: ccoppleson@atg.state.il.us I SSUE S I N F AL SE RE PORT I NG 17

  18. Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: ccoppleson@atg.state.il.us Se nte nc e d o n 11 ra pe s, Wilb ur Cyrus Bro wn is e lig ib le fo r pa ro le whe n he is 82 18

  19. Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: ccoppleson@atg.state.il.us SE XUAL ASSAUL T INCIDE NT PROCE DURE ACT RE QUIRE ME NT S 19
