Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: IMPROVING RE SPONSE T O SE XUAL ASSAUL T CRIME S IN IL L INOIS Se xua l Assa ult Inc ide nt Pro c e dure Ac t F AI R USE DI SCL AI ME R F AIR USE NOT ICE : T his pre se nta tio n c o nta ins c o pyrig hte d ma te ria l • the use o f whic h ha s no t a lwa ys b e e n spe c ific a lly a utho rize d b y the c o pyrig ht o wne r. We a re ma king suc h ma te ria l a va ila b le in a n e ffo rt to a d va nc e und e rsta nd ing o f e nviro nme nta l, po litic a l, huma n rig hts, e c o no mic , d e mo c ra c y, sc ie ntific , a nd so c ia l justic e issue s, e tc . T his c o nstitute s a ‘ fa ir use ’ o f a ny suc h c o pyrig hte d ma te ria l a s • pro vid e d fo r in se c tio n 107 o f the US Co pyrig ht L a w. In a c c o rd a nc e with the T itle 17 U.S.C. Se c tio n 107, the ma te ria l is d istrib ute d witho ut pro fit to tho se who ha ve e xpre sse d a prio r inte re st in re c e iving the inc lud e d info rma tio n fo r re se a rc h a nd e d uc a tio n purpo se s. CONF L I CT OF I NT E RE ST ST AT E ME NT T his e duc a tio na l a c tivity is pre se nte d witho ut the pro visio n o f c o mme rc ia l suppo rt. In a dditio n, no ne o f the pla nne rs o r pre se nte rs ha ve a ny re le va nt fina nc ia l re la tio nships to disc lo se 1
Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: T HE NUMBE RS 1 in 5 wo me n in the US ha s b e e n ra pe d in he r life time T ha t is 18.3% o f the fe ma le po pula tio n 22 Millio n wo me n in the US Ne a rly 1in 2 wo me n ha s e xpe rie nc e d se xua l vio le nc e o the r tha n ra pe T ha t is 45% o f the fe ma le po pula tio n 2
Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: WHAT I S T HE PE RCE NT AGE OF F AL SE RE PORT S? 2-8 % Ma le Vic tims • 1 in 21 ma le s will e xpe rie nc e se xua l a ssa ult • 1 in 5 ma le s will e xpe rie nc e se xua l vio le nc e in the ir life time • Mo re tha n o ne q ua rte r o f ma le vic tims o f c o mple te d ra pe e xpe rie nc e d the ir first ra pe whe n the y we re 10 ye a rs o ld o r yo ung e r 3
Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: T HE MAJORIT Y OF RAPE S GO UNRE PORT E D Wha t do RAPI ST S lo o k like ? I ntima te Pa rtne r Vio le nc e De sc rib e s physic a l vio le nc e , se xua l vio le nc e , sta lking a nd psyc ho lo g ic a l a g g re ssio n b y a c urre nt o r fo rme r intima te pa rtne r • A physic a lly-a b use d wo ma n a lso e xpe rie nc ing fo rc e d se x is o ve r se ve n time s mo re like ly tha n o the r wo me n to b e kille d • Se xua l a ssa ult is e xpe rie nc e d b y mo st physic a lly a b use d wo me n a nd a sso c ia te d with a hig he r le ve l o f PT SD c o mpa re d to wo me n who a re physic a lly a b use d o nly 4
Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: F E AR OF RE PORT I NG • No o ne will • Asha me d & b e lie ve the m E mb a rra sse d • Co mmunity • Pro te c ting Ba c kla sh the Offe nde r • E ng a g e d in • L a c k o f Ille g a l a c tivity Ano nymity • Ge o g ra phic • Pe o ple will Iso la tio n Bla me the m COMMUNI T Y BACK L ASH- T RI AL BY SOCI AL ME DI A 5
Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: 6
Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: 7
Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: 8
Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: 9
Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: 10
Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: VI CT I M BL AMI NG 11
Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: 12
Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: T he Be nc h: T he y ne ve r g e t it wro ng …… just a sk the m! 13
Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: VUL NE RABL E POPUL AT I ONS 14
Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: 15
Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: 16
Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: I SSUE S I N F AL SE RE PORT I NG 17
Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: Se nte nc e d o n 11 ra pe s, Wilb ur Cyrus Bro wn is e lig ib le fo r pa ro le whe n he is 82 18
Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General Law Enforcement Training Project Coordinator Office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 100 W. Randolph St. 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312 ‐ 814 ‐ 2824, Cell: 312 ‐ 438 ‐ 4804, Email: SE XUAL ASSAUL T INCIDE NT PROCE DURE ACT RE QUIRE ME NT S 19