1 making spacefor reflection 2

1. Making SpaceFor Reflection 2. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1. Making SpaceFor Reflection 2. NavigatingAndCommunicatingConstantChange 3. Making Progress AmidstChaos 4. StayingAheadOfTheCompetition 5. FindingT alentInAGoodEconomy 6. Overwhelm 7. Retaining T opT alent 8. BuildingAStrongManagementT

  1. 1. Making SpaceFor Reflection 2. NavigatingAndCommunicatingConstantChange 3. Making Progress AmidstChaos 4. StayingAheadOfTheCompetition 5. FindingT alentInAGoodEconomy 6. Overwhelm 7. Retaining T opT alent 8. BuildingAStrongManagementT eam 9. CreatingSafeAndSupportiveEnvironments 10.EmailOverload 11. StayingRelevantAndProfessionalOnSocialMedia 12.TakingStandsOnSocialIssues 13. NurturingAStrongCompanyCulture 14.ChoosingtheRightOpportunities 15. Defining ALegacy

  2. Workplace 3

  3. Work ischanging. Tactical Adaptive

  4. Why are places starting tolookthesame?

  5. Howdidwegethere? 6

  6. 7

  7. 10

  8. 1930s

  9. 12

  10. 1960s

  11. Burolandschaft

  12. . . l lie:J · [ 8 J t 8l Fig11re 13: ..4 c o11v·e1rti o11a l office floor 11Ia11 c o1n1ar e(I v..itl1 tl1e 0 001"11Ia11for tl1e D111,011t test s11ace, 011e of tl1e e m"li est 011e1111Ia11 offi ces iI1 the lT .S , a11tl 1lesigr1ecl b ) T t11e Q u i ck bor 1 1e1· Tea1n.

  13. Open Plan

  14. Open Plan ?

  15. 15

  16. Replicate Optimize Squeeze Efficiency

  17. • Health Positive • Values Alignment • Cultural Alignment Today • Tools • Space • Delivering on Brand Promise

  18. Behavior-Based Design 18

  19. Adesignprocessthatfocusesonbehaviorsthatenable yourlife’sbestwork.

  20. Design & BusinessGoals > > Implementation Behaviors Strategies

  21. While today’s Weareshiftingthe typicaldesignasks: questionsto: Where arepeople Why arepeople working? doing these activities? Howaretheydoing theirwork? Whatisthedesired outcome of this work?

  22. While today’s Weareshiftingthe typical designasks: questionsto: S T R Where areworking Why arepeople A P working? doing these F O activities? T I K Howtheyaredoing / theirwork? Whatisthedesired S D outcome of this N E work? R T

  23. Past OpenOffice Valueisputinthe real estate.

  24. Present Activity BasedWork Valueisputinthework. Past OpenOffice Valueisputinthe real estate.

  25. Future Behavior BasedWork Valueisputinthepeople whodothework. Present Activity BasedWork Valueisputinthework. Past OpenOffice Valueisputinthe real estate.

  26. Common Practice Hi Client, What kind of Wellwebasicallyhave“X” workdoyourpeopledo? quiet engineers who just want to develop and a “Y” noisysalesteammembers Howmanyengineersand Ok,great.Letmeworkout a who need to talk on the salesandwhat’sthebest blockingplanandtestfit. phone andpacearound. adjacency? 25

  27. Behavior Based Design Well our engineers work hand Hi Client, why does this group in hand with technical sales to Ok, great. Let me map out want to work here? What develop instant responses to the behaviors that promote motivates them? our clients. Those two teams “buy-in” and “co-creation” feeling ownership of each so that we can design the What behaviors drive others work is key to success. proper settings for that to performance in your team? occur. 26

  28. RealExample 27

  29. ProjectGoals Crystallize the Attract talent while 1) 4) behaviors and promotingwellbeing cultures necessaryfor transformation 5) Reduceattrition 6) 2) Provide a space for Embody our POV on vendors, clients and workplacedesignexcellence ourselves toco-create inourownspace 7) Integrate physical, Rethinkthe openoffice social anddigitalinto 3) a single cohesive environment

  30. 30

  31. Design & BusinessGoals > > Implementation Behaviors Strategies

  32. Strategy1: Be Super Flexible

  33. Strategy Find a way to be extremelymobile NoTethering

  34. Strategy Find a way to be extremelymobile No Tethering BatteryPowered

  35. Strategy Find a way to be extremelymobile No Tethering BatteryPowered AllCloud

  36. Strategy Find a way to be extremelymobile No Tethering Battery Powered All Cloud LightweightT ech

  37. Strategy2: Compression +Expansion

  38. Strategy Differentscalesofspace for the extrovert and introvert Total Open Total Closed 39

  39. Strategy Differentscalesofspace for the extrovert and introvert Total Open Total Closed Work and Eat 40

  40. Strategy Differentscalesofspace for the extrovert and introvert Total Open Total Closed Work and Eat Coves to Focus 41

  41. Strategy3: Element of Surprise

  42. Strategy Keep it fresh with changing points of beauty Rotating Art Program

  43. Strategy Keep it fresh with changing points of beauty Rotating Art Program

  44. Strategy Keep it fresh with changing points of beauty Rotating Art Program

  45. Strategy4: Reconfigurability

  46. Strategy5: Bringingclientsintothefold

  47. 47

  48. Strategy6: Wellbeing

  49. 2 Air Quality 1 Circadian Lighting 3 Quiet Space 4 Meeting Room Booking 5 Personal Control 50

  50. Strategy7: DigitalWorkplaceExperience

  51. FinalResults 18 MonthsLater 51

  52. ofrespondentssaidtheyfeel 88% a sense of community and belongingintheworkplace.

  53. ofrespondentssaidtheyfeel 88% a sense of community and belongingintheworkplace. of respondents said that their 92% workplace reflects the culture of the organization.

  54. ofrespondentssaidtheyfeel 88% a sense of community and belongingintheworkplace. of respondents said that their 92% workplace reflects the culture of the organization. of respondents said that 80% their workplace supports their wellbeing.

  55. ofrespondentssaidtheyfeel 88% a sense of community and belongingintheworkplace. of respondents said that their 92% workplace reflects the culture of the organization. of respondents said that 80% their workplace supports their wellbeing. of respondents said that their 80% workplace supports them working with others effectively.

  56. ofrespondentssaidtheyfeel 88% a sense of community and belongingintheworkplace. of respondents said that their 92% workplace reflects the culture Reduced attritionto: of the organization. 6% Staffsize: of respondents said that Doubled 80% their workplace supports their wellbeing. of respondents said that their 80% workplace supports them working with others effectively.

  57. DISAGREE AGREE StronglyDisagree StronglyAgree StronglyDisagree StronglyAgree Icontinuetoworkatmycurrentjob Icontinuetoworkatmycurrentjob becauseI believeithasanimportant becausewithout this job I would be purpose. worried I couldn’t reach my financial objectives.

  58. ThankY ou 53


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