1 have you ever contributed to participated in actions

1. Have you ever contributed to/participated in actions designed to - PDF document

1. Have you ever contributed to/participated in actions designed to help preserve wilderness on Vancouver Island? Would you be willing to participate in such actions in the future? See the list provided below and place a check m ark in column 1

  1. 1. Have you ever contributed to/participated in actions designed to help preserve wilderness on Vancouver Island? Would you be willing to participate in such actions in the future? See the list provided below and place a check m ark in column 1 for eac h activity you have (in the past) participated in, and a check m ark in colum n 2 for ea ch activity you would be w illing (in the future) to participate in. I have I would be participated willing to in this particip ate in ACTIVITIES activity in this activity the past. in the future. (1) (2) a. Be a member of the SCWC. b. Donate money to a wilderness preservation or other environmental organization. c. Write a letter to a government official regarding a wilderness preservation issue (such as preservation of the Carmanah or Walbran). d. Write a letter to a newspaper about wilderness preservation (or forestry related issues). e. Write a letter to a logging company about a forestry (or wilderness) issue. f. Write a letter to another organization regarding a wilderness preservation issue. g. Sign a petition to preserve a wilderness area. h. Participate in trail building. i. Attend a community meeting about wilderness preservation and/or forestry. j. Attend a rally or protest demonstration on the lawns of the legislature to support wilderness preservation. k. Participate in an information campaign for the general public about wilderness preservation. l. Advertise in the media to promote wilderness preservation. m. Make a presentation to a public body about wilderness preservation and/or forestry-related issues. o. Give a lecture on wilderness preservation and/or logging practices to a school group or voluntary organization. p. Participate in a press release/conference (regarding wilderness preservation and forestry-related issues). q. Serve as a representative on an advisory board formed around wilderness preservation or forestry-related issues. r. Purchase a book, t-shirt, poster, mug or other merchandise from an environmental organization. s. OTHER ACTIVITIES (please describe in the boxes below and check off the columns to the right as they apply to you.)

  2. Table 3.1 Factor Analysis of Items Comprising Level of Activism. Item Comprising Level of Activism Index. Factor Loadings 1. Donate money to a wilderness preservation or other environmental organization. .297 2. Write a letter to a government official regarding a wilderness preservation issue (such .515 as preservation of the Carm anah or W albran). 3. Write a letter to a a newspaper about wilderness preservation (or forestry related .620 issues. 4. Write a letter to a logging company about a forestry (or wilderness) issue. .581 5. Write a letter to another organization regarding a wilderness preservation issues. .603 6. Sign a petition to preserve a wilderness area. .429 7. Participate in trail building. .510 8. Atte nd a c om mu nity m eeting abo ut wilderne ss prese rvation and /or forestry. .624 9. Attend a rally or protest demonstration on the lawns of the legislature to support .574 wilderness preservation. 10. Participate in an information campaign for the general public about wilderness .750 preservation. 11. Advertise in the media to promote wilderness preservation. .557 12. Make a pres entation to a public body about wilderness preservation and/or forestry .671 related issues. 13. Give a lecture on wilderness preservation and/or logging practices to a school group .581 or voluntary organization. 14. Participate in a press release/conference (regarding wilderness preservation and .623 forestry-related issues). 15. Serve as a representative on an advisory board formed around wilderness .571 preservation or forestry-related issues. 16. Purchase a book, t-shirt, poster, mug or other merchandise from an environmental .310 organization. 17. Other activities. .372 N = 381 Eigen Value for Factor = 5.275 Percen tage of V ariance Accou nted for b y Factor: 31 .0 Chronbach's Coefficient of Reliability for Items in the Index: .846

  3. Expanded Version of Appendix Table 1. Measurement of Variables, and Assessment of Indexes. Variable Mean Description. /% (S.D.) Level of Activism 8.36 Index created b y summing 14 weigh ted item s of participation. Th e items and we ights (Weighted Activism (6.95) (in parentheses) are listed below: 1) donate money to a wilderness preservation or Index) other environmental organization (W=1); 2) write a letter regarding a wilderness preservation or forestry related issue (W=2); 3) sign a petition to preserve a wilderness area (W=1); 4) participate in trail building (W=4); 5) attend a community meeting about wilderness preservation and/or forestry (W=2); 6) attend a rally or protest demonstration on the lawns of the legislature to support wilderness preservation (W=2); 7) participate in an information campaign for the general public about wilderness preservation (W=3); 8) advertise in the media to promote wilderness preservation (W=3); 9) make a presentation to a public body about wilderness preservation and/or forestry related issues (W=3); 10) give a lecture on wilderness preservation and/or logging practices to a school group or voluntary organization (W=3); 11) participate in a press release/conference (regarding wilderness preservation and forestry-related issues) (W=3); 12) serve as a representative on an advisory board formed around wilderness preservation or forestry related issues (W=4); 13) purchase a book, t-shirt, poster, mug or other merchandise from an environm ental orga nization (W =1); 14) o ther activities (W =2.5). The items constituting the weighted "level of activism" index were analyzed by using factor analysis. Principal component analysis reveals one very strong factor and several minor factors. The scree plot reveals a very large drop off between factor 1 and factor 2. All items have a factor loading of .3 or greater. It appears that the strong factor is a genera l factor of "m ovem ent participa tion" or "level of a ctivism". The eigen value for this general factor is 4.41. This factor accounts for 31% of the variance in the individual factor items. Reliability analysis was also run on these items. Cronbach's alpha of reliability coefficient is quite high (Alpha = .82), indicating that the items in this measure are very consistent. These results strongly suggest that this is a good general measure of movement participation. Scores for the weighted activism index (level of activism) ranged from 0 to 34.5, with a mea n of 8.36. A score of zero indic ates no participation in any of the a ctivities listed. The higher the ind ex sco re, the m ore active an individua l has bee n.

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