1 ebscohost com novelist me e t o ur pane lists

1 | www.ebscohost.com/novelist Me e t o ur Pane lists Be c ky - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 | www.ebscohost.com/novelist Me e t o ur Pane lists Be c ky Spratfo rd Cathle e n K e yse r K athy Ste wart 2 | www.ebscohost.com/novelist What are themes? Recurring plot lines __or topics Popular and _ well- known over and

  1. 1 | www.ebscohost.com/novelist

  2. Me e t o ur Pane lists Be c ky Spratfo rd Cathle e n K e yse r K athy Ste wart 2 | www.ebscohost.com/novelist

  3. What are themes? Recurring plot lines __or topics Popular and _ well- known over and again 3 | www.ebscohost.com/novelist

  4. Genre and Appeal Horror Menacing Suspenseful Compelling Subjects Humans and sharks Sharks Shark attacks White shark Violence Sheriffs 4 | www.ebscohost.com/novelist

  5. Genre and Appeal Subjects Hard science fiction Survival Science fiction Astronauts Diary novels Space flight to Mars Fast-paced Extreme environments Suspenseful Planets -- Exploration Compelling Determination in men Witty Resourcefulness Snarky characters Dust storms Mars (Planet) 5 | www.ebscohost.com/novelist

  6. So what are we getting at? 6 | www.ebscohost.com/novelist

  7. Test of faith Fish out of water Friends to lovers Opposites attract Band of survivors Toxic relationships Good gone bad Playing God Immigrant experiences Fake relationships We use to be friends Race against time Mommy and me Too good to be true Zombie apocalypse Learning to share Secret baby 7 | www.ebscohost.com/novelist

  8. Character types, too …like a wolf in sheep’s clothing 8 | www.ebscohost.com/novelist

  9. Character types, too …like a woman of STEEL 9 | www.ebscohost.com/novelist

  10. Why don’t subject headings work? …or work better? 10 | www.ebscohost.com/novelist


  12. When Andy met Sandy by Tomie dePaola When Andy and Sandy first meet at the playground, they are cautious of one another, but soon find a way to become friends. About friendship Vs. Characters that are friends Waiting is not easy! by Mo Willems Piggie tells Gerald she has a surprise for him, but it is not there yet, so Gerald must be patient. 12 | www.ebscohost.com/novelist

  13. Fear of cats Fear Fear in dogs Anxiety Fear in children Fear of crime Fear of crime Emotions Fear of dogs Fear of darkness Fear of sudoku Frights Fear of death Fear of dragons Fear of rodents Phobias Fear in animals Fear of drowning Fear of teachers Emotions Fear of thunderstorms Fear of failure Fear in librarians Feelings Fear of the unknown Fear of failure in children Fear in birds Fear of water C ONQUERING FEAR Fear in infants Fear of technology Fear in men Fear of success Fear in rules Phobias in children Fear of ghosts Fear in boys Fear of dentists Phobias in teenagers Fear of monsters Fear in girls Fear of flying Fear in senior women Fear of snakes Terror Fear of germs Fear in teenagers Fear of wolves Agoraphobia Fear of spiders Fear in teenage boys Fear in authors School phobia Fear in teenage girls Phobias in children Fear in women Moods and moodiness

  14. Getting along with others Cooperation Interpersonal relations Feuds Interpersonal conflict Arguing Communication Bickering Cooperation in children Fights Reconciliation Fighting Conflict resolution Making up Cooperation in teenagers Quarreling Cooperation in boys Forgiveness Cooperation in librarians Compromise Arguments 14 | www.ebscohost.com/novelist

  15. 15 | www.ebscohost.com/novelist

  16. Chick lit Cyberpunk Realistic fiction Dystopian fiction Space opera Gateway fantasy Epic fantasy Science fiction mysteries Christian mysteries Love stories Christian science fiction Contemporary romance Low fantasy For a complete list of our themes, visit https://tinyurl.com/novelistthemes 16 | www.ebscohost.com/novelist

  17. Got questions? Want to chat? Cathleen Keyser Metadata Strategy Manager NoveList ckeyser@ebsco.com 17 | www.ebscohost.com/novelist

  18. Booktalking Your Way to the Friendliest Library in Town Presented by Becky Spratford For: NoveList bspratford@hotmail.com http:/ / raforall.blogspot.com

  19. This is how we feel about books!

  20. Power of Sharing Books ● Share the joy! ● “ Books are our brand. Reading is our Business ”* ● You are a trusted expert. Own it! ● Your secret weapon? ○ THEMES!-- aka, how people naturally talk about books

  21. Power of Themes In Our Own Reading Lives 1. Think of a favorite book 2. Now, think of what happens in that book, the plot.Who does what and to whom, etc… 3. Next, think about a few other books you really like...

  22. Raise Your Hands!!! 4. Now raise your hand if every book you really enjoy has the same exact plot. ….I’ll wait

  23. Watercooler Moments In the Library ● Plot vs Appeal vs Themes ○ All serve a purpose but themes are the most natural ● Our goal is to make RA Service conversation based not transactional ○ Themes are the quickest route to success

  24. Booktalking in the Stacks: The Basics ● Keep the book on ● Look for center stage opportunities ● It’s a conversation - ● Have an opening line about books ● Start with a book you ● Develop your own love- soundbite style and patter ● Is the book in? ● Be enthusiastic ● No plot!

  25. Beginner’s Tips ● Start small ○ What are you reading/ hearing about? ○ Staff favs- yours and coworkers’ ○ You can use words of others! ■ Like NoveList or GoodReads ● Begin with you ○ How do you talk about books you like? ○ How do you find new titles?

  26. Themes in Action ● Real Life RA Queries Considered: ○ Tudors vs Novels of Place ○ Romance ○ End of a World ● More specific searches in NoveList after we finish up

  27. Novels of Place ● Aka- Becky’s theme light bulb moment ● The Round House by Louise Erdrich ○ Genre vs Appeal vs Theme ○ 2 resources- NoveList and Goodreads

  28. Romance ● The language of themes is perfect for genre readers ○ They are more in touch with their personal preferences ● Romance- So many, So passionate [pun intended] ● Subgenre vs Appeal vs Theme ● Example: Wrong to Need You by Alisha Rai ○ NoveList and Goodreads

  29. End of a World ● End of a World- not genre or appeal specific ○ Apocalypse- how? ■ Pandemic, monsters, aliens, war, etc…. ○ Band of survivors or Action? ● Real life theme based question: “I like The Walking Dead TV Show but don’t really like zombies or horror. What should I read next?”

  30. Practice, Practice, Practice Create more opportunities to booktalk • Advertises expertise and willingness • Use resources like NoveList and GoodReads to • find talking points [themes] Set goals and create friendly competition • Becky’s step -by-step guide • Remember this is fun! You are paid to talk • about books

  31. Questions? Sildes: raforall.blogspot.com

  32. T hank yo u! Learn more about NoveList at www.ebscohost.com/novelist 32 | www.ebscohost.com/novelist

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