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1 2 Look in your database: Go into your database and click on - PDF document

1 2 Look in your database: Go into your database and click on Outcome Search Search using the criteria: Outcome > Outcome Details Type: Adoption Record Owner: You or an Adoption Counselor Click Find and see how many adoptions you have

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  3. Look in your database: Go into your database and click on Outcome Search Search using the criteria: Outcome > Outcome Details Type: Adoption Record Owner: You or an Adoption Counselor Click Find and see how many adoptions you have processed! Go into your database and click on Intake Search Search using the criteria: Person > Name Regular Finder’s or Surrender’s name If you cannot think of a regular finder, use a common last name to run the search. 3

  4. So let’s break down all of the search options that are available. Intake or Outcome Search provides you with many different search options. It can be helpful to search and select previously created intakes & outcomes if you need to find an intake or outcome to review or reprint documents. 4

  5. Intake or Outcome Number is the default search. After an Intake has been created you can find the number here on the Details tab. And on the summary tab. It is also on many reports and will be displayed in the search results if you search by a different method. 5

  6. Melissa As you already saw, Intake or Outcome Details is one of the most helpful searches! Select the Type and additional details as needed, such as Subtype, Record Owner, or a date range Also, Enterprise Groups can use the Status search options 6

  7. Melissa The Person search allows you to Locate all Intakes or Outcomes attached to a specific person. By searching for any person by name, you will see all of the intakes that have been associated with them. You can also narrow it down to a specific date range. 7

  8. A very helpful search option is the Agency search. Search the Intakes or Outcomes by the Agency that brought them in. Remember, agencies are selected during Intake Transfer, Seized/Custody and Service, and through Outcome Transfer and Service. Search by individual agencies by selecting name as is shown here, or for groups of agencies by agency type. Go to Intake Search and choose the search criteria of Agency. Remember that on Edit Agency you can inactivate agencies that you do not currently work with, to make this list shorter. 8

  9. The most popular search option is to search by animal. Search by Animal # or Animal Reference Number. Click the Animal Search button to use any of the standard animal search options that appear in a pop up window. To show you what we mean we will demonstrate this. Demo Animal Search button on Intake Search with an animal with more than one intake Familiar Face “Dog” Search by Animal Name for all of his previous Intakes. 9

  10. My personal favorite search is Last 10. You probably have seen this search option everywhere in PetPoint. On the Intake or Outcome search, you will use it to search through a list of the last 10 intake or outcome records were accessed or created from this computer! 10

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  12. Last, we want to go over a couple of helpful hint when searching through intakes & outcomes. Be sure to pay attention to these, they will help you in our game we will play next. Select a record by clicking the blue link, which is the record’s intake or outcome number. *The search page has a record count, and an option to show more than 10 records per page found in the bottom right corner. *Click to sort any of the column headers. *Clear Search button resets the page. 12

  13. Search for Intake Stray on 1/1/2012 and read out loud the Location Found. (Gilligan's Island) Search for the deferred adoption that is waiting in the clinic, and tell me who is adopting him. (Bob Barker) Who has adopted more animals? 13

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  16. During an Outcome Adoption, we will add two associations to a new adopters record. A ssociations “adopter” and “donor.” In the same adoption, we will add an emergency contact person to the microchip. 16

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  18. We will go over this on the screen live, and ask them to follow along in their databases. 18

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  22. Red Messages and what they mean: During Intake Select an agency that is a linked PetPoint Agency. Message states that there are no pending incoming transfer animals, so you must select the “Non - PetPoint Transfer” button before selecting the agency member. This is because the agency you have selected either did not set you up as a linked PetPoint agency, or has yet to Outcome Transfer the animals you are receiving. The red message will then disappear and you will see the Animal tab when moving forward. If you miss this step, you will see an empty animal list. Remember, you can always check if there are incoming or outgoing transfers waiting through the Pending Transfers reports. If you do happen to have PetPoint Transfer intakes waiting, you won’t see a red message and will be taken directly to them after you select the agency member. 22

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  24. Multi Animal records in PetPoint has been standardized not just for Intakes & Outcomes, but also across the board for any other operation that allows you to pick more than one animal. I want to makes sure that you have a firm grasp on how it works, so we will go over an example where we intake 3 animals to begin 24

  25. So just to recap, we used an example that we had a use for the Duplicate Selected Animal button AND the Create New Animal button. Plus we got to see how easy it was to assign different details for the animals that were part of the multi animal intake. We had one animal put into a different location, and different stages added to two animals in the group. 25

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  31. Next, I want to address some of the changes to the Details tab that Jeremy and I both feel we get many questions on. First, we want to make it really clear what the difference between Animal tab and Details tab in regards to the Stage & Location. Many people scroll down to the bottom of the screen and see the Stage & Location Express area that is grayed out, or see the Holds & Stage / Location tab at the top of the page that is unelectable. So I want you to think, what is similar about these unusable options. The answer is that they can only be applied to Active animals, *this animal happens to be Inactive at this point in time and will remain inactive until we complete the *Details tab of the Intake. So, you will need to skip these sections for now, which is why they are grayed out, and we will complete them as we make this animal Active during our final step of intake. 31

  32. One big change with our Intake & Outcome redesign is the new required field for Transfer Out Reason Administrators can create list on Admin Options > Add/Edit Field Values This list is required for processing Outcome Transfers for Lite, Professional, and Enterprise. So I will show how to add a new Transfer Out Reason Onscreen Demo Admin > Admin Options > Add/Edit Field Value. Select Transfer Out Reason Add “Potential Adopter” Remind them to sign out and back in. 32

  33. This Enterprise Only feature, called the Find Button - is used to get help selecting an open sub location for an animal of the description. It can be helpful during intake, or when having to move your animals around. No Onscreen Demo - don’t want to have to set it up for all 157 locations. 33

  34. Once you decide where they should go, simply click on the sub location to have *PetPoint fill it into the Intake Details tab for you. Remember the Same Option is available on Edit Animal. 34

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  37. Have animal record set up to feature these, show: Kennel Cards: Internal Foster & Memo Documents: Animal View Transfer Medical Documents: Medical Summary Multi Vaccination Medical View (if time) 37

  38. We will go over this on the screen live, and ask them to follow along in their databases. 38

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