01 conventional amp non conventional approach for crop

01. Conventional & Non Conventional Approach for Crop - PDF document

List of Abstracts accepted for poster presentation for Symp Hort -2014 and their presenting author 01. Conventional & Non Conventional Approach for Crop Improvement and Biodiversity Conservation Sl.No. Poster Presentation Frist auther

  1. List of Abstracts accepted for poster presentation for Symp Hort -2014 and their presenting author 01. Conventional & Non Conventional Approach for Crop Improvement and Biodiversity Conservation Sl.No. Poster Presentation Frist auther Title 1 EVALUATION OF TOMATO PARENTS B. S. Asati Poster Presentation AND THEIR HYBRIDS AGAINST BACTERIAL WILT ( Ralstonia solanecearum ) 2 Flowering and Fruiting Characteristics of Poster Presentation Nilesh Bhowmick Guava ( Psidium guajava L.) Cultivars Under Himalayan Terai Region of West Bengal 3 STUDY ON GENE ACTION AND K. Radha Rani Poster Presentation COMBINING ABILITY IN BITTER GOURD ( Momordica charantia L.) 4 Genetic variability, correlation and path R.K. Jat Poster Presentation analysis in Valan Kakri (Cucumis sativus var. utilismus L.) 5 Genetic variability of quantitative trails in Brijesh Kumar Singh Poster Presentation fenugreek ( Trigonellafoenum-graecum L.) 6 Leaf gas exchange parameters of selected Madhumita Mallick Poster Presentation clones and induced mutants of Kinnow mandarin 7 Studies on genetic variability and character Anant Singh Poster Presentation association in Taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) var. antiquaram] 8 Studies on correlation and path analysis in Poster Presentation Vinayendra Pratap turmeric ( Curcuma longa L.) Singh 9 Screening for yield and its attributing traits Poster Presentation Abhijeet in sponge gourd ( Luffa cylindrica (L.) Roem.) 10 Narendra Kumar Tiwari Heterosis analysis for quantitative traits in Poster Presentation Bitter gourd ( Momordica charantia L.) 11 HERITABILITY AND GENETIC Poster Presentation Awadhesh kumar ADVANCE STUDIES IN OKRA ( Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) UNDER SUBTROPICAL CLIMATIC CONDITION 12 Genetic Variability in pummelo genotypes Poster Presentation K. A. Gaikwad ( Citrus grandis L.) under Konkan Conditions 13 Studies on genetic diversty in garden pea Poster Presentation Deepak Kumar ( Pisum sativum L . var hartens ) Gautam 1

  2. 14 Studies on Correlation and path coefficient Poster Presentation DeveshPratap Singh analysis insweet potato ( Ipomoea batatas (L) Lam.) germplasm 15 PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROFILING OF Patil R.A. Poster Presentation GUAVA GENOTYES GROWN IN SEMI- ARID CLIMATIC CONDITIONS OF VIDARBHA REGION 16 High frequency plant regeneration form Pooja Sharma Poster Presentation leaf and petiole explants of lettuce ( Lactuca sativa L . ) 17 Genetic divergence analysis for vegetative, Sourabh Garg Poster Presentation flowering, fruit quality and yield characters in strawberry ( Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) 18 VARIABILTY AND CORRELATION Poster Presentation ASHOK YADAV ANALYSIS IN GRAPEFRUIT CULTIVARS UNDER SUBTROPICAL CONDITIONS OF HIMACHAL PRADESH 19 Evaluationof coriander Anil Garid Poster Presentation (Coriandrumsativum L.) varieties for growth,quality, economics and seed yield 20 Evaluation of gladiolus ( Gladiolus Poster Presentation H.P.SUDEEP grandiflorus Hort.) genotypes under hill zone of Karnataka 21 ethno-botanical study of papaya K R Meena Poster Presentation 22 Combining ability and heterosis for yield, Poster Presentation Tejbir Singh quality and disease resistance in muskmelon ( Cucumis melos L.) 23 Study on heterosis, growth and yield traits Manish Patida Poster Presentation in hybrid Brinjal (Solennummelongena L.) in Madhya Pradesh 24 Role of Vegetable Breeding in Food D. Siddeswara Reddy Poster Presentation Security 25 Priyabrata Ray Poster Presentation Potential Application of Genetic Modifications to Ornamental Horticulture 26 Pankaj Dogaya Poster Presentation Transgenic Vegetable breeding for Nutritional quality and Health benefits 27 NEELAM THAKUR Poster Presentation ASSESSMENT OF GENETIC VARIABILITY AND CORRELATION IN GLADIOLUS GERMPLASM 2

  3. 28 Poster Presentation KhushbooKathayat STUDY OF GENOTYPIC AND PHENOTYPIC CORRELATION COEFFICIENT IN TOMATO 29 Molecular approach coupled with Nagendra Rai Poster Presentation biochemical attributes to elucidate the presence of DYMV in leaf samples of Indian bean ( Lablab perpureus L.) genotypes 30 Kusum Meena Poster Presentation Multiplication of Fruit Crops through Micro-Propagation 31 R C Nainwal Poster Presentation Genetic characterization and performance of diverse cultivars of Rosa damascena in sodic soil 32 Poster Presentation R S Katiyar Genetic Studies in Relation to Improvement of Gladiolus, Grown on Partially Reclaimed Sodic Soil 33 Poster Presentation D. S. Mishra EVALUATION OF LITCHI CULTIVARS IN TARAI REGION OF UTTARAKHAND, INDIA 34 DIURNAL VARIATIONS IN MITOTIC Sonam Verma Poster Presentation CYCLE OF ALLIUM CEPA ROOTS TREATED WITH AMMONIUM NITRATE 35 Biswajit Das Poster Presentation Variability of spine gourd and Dolichos bean in Tripura 36 Pawan Kumar Poster Presentation Use of Biotechnology in Agriculture- Merits and Demerits 37 Embryo Rescue: A Technique to Amit Visen Poster Presentation Overcome the Breeding Barriers in Fruit Crops Delegates are requested to kindly register at the earliest please. 3

  4. List of Abstracts accepted for poster presentation for Symp Hort -2014 and their presenting author 02. Plant Protection and Biotic and Abiotic Stress Management of Horticultural Crops Sl.No. Frist auther Poster presentation Title 1 COMMON BENEFICIAL PREDATORS Nirvesh Singh Poster presentation AND PARASITOIDS IN MANGO ORCHARDS 2 Postharvest diseases is the worldwide Narender Kumar Poster presentation problem of storage crop materials 3 To study the powdery mildew disease of pea Mohan Lal Poster presentation caused by Erysiphe pisi 4 MANAGEMENT OF TOMATO FRUIT Ramawatar Bajia Poster presentation BORER, HELICOVERPA ARMIGERA HÜBNER (BIOTIC STRESS) THROUGH BIO INTENSIVE APPROACH IN TOMATO ECO-SYSTEM 5 EFFECT OF NEWER INSECTICIDES ON Poster presentation Amit Yadav INSECT PEST COMPLEX OF BRINJAL, SOLANUM MELONGENA L. 6 ABIOTIC STRESS: THE FIELD Sandeep Chaudhary Poster presentation ENVIRONMENT AND STRESS COMBINATION 7 Plant Protection of Horticultural Crops Jayprakash Poster presentation Management Through Non- Conventitional Tools 8 Use of Novel insecticides in Horticultural Kantipudi Rajesh kumar Poster presentation crops 9 PLANT DROUGHT STRESS: EFFECTS, U. Sai sravan Poster presentation MECHANISMS AND MANAGEMENT 10 IMPROVEMENT OF HORTICULTURAL G.S. Jasu dasu Poster presentation CROPS FOR ABIOTIC STRESS TOLERANCE 11 Screening of snapmelon genotypes for Sudhakar Pandey Poster presentation drought stress on the basis of enzymatic activities 12 A new record of thread lace wing H. Kesava Kumar Poster presentation (Neuroptera: Nemopteridae: Crocinae) from Uttar Pradesh, India 13 Improved Physiological Adaptation to Poster presentation Prananath Barman Drought Stress in Cleopatra Mandarin by AM Fungal Inoculation 14 Augmenting yield of Guava Through Bio Ranjeet singh Poster presentation control of Guava Fruit fly to Ensure Nutritional Security 4

  5. 15 Strenghthing IPM model in Brinjal through Poster presentation Dr Arvinder Kaur promotion of pheromone trap 16 Lenticel Browning in Mango and its control K. Parsad Poster presentation 17 SOIL SOLARIZATION IN RELATION TO LALTA PRASAD Poster presentation PLANT DISEASE MANAGEMENT MISHRA 18 Evaluation of newer molecule of insecticides Shinde S. R Poster presentation against citrus leaf miner Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton in nursery 19 Response of Inorganic, Organic and Bio- Poster presentation Abhishek Singh fertilizers on the Production and Quality of Onion 20 Evaluation of different inoculums levels of Poster presentation Omprakash Bharti root knot nematode on soybean cultivars 21 ISOLATION AND CHARACTARIZATION Poster presentation Pratibha OF PROTEASE AND LIPASE PRODUCING BACTERIA ISOLATED FROM AGRICULTURAL SOIL AND ICE PRODUCT FROM MARKET 22 Silicon in enhancing the resistance of plants Sitanshu Poster presentation to biotic and abiotic stresses 23 SCREENING OF SOME PROMISING Sitanshu Poster presentation PIGEONPEA GENOTYPES AGAINST MAJOR INSECT PESTS 24 EVALUATION OF NEWER FUNGICIDES Poster presentation P.K. SHUKLA AND BIO-AGENTS FOR MANAGEMENT OF MANGO GRAFT ROT 25 AN EXPERT SYSTEM FOR MANGO H.C. Verma Poster presentation DISEASE DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT 26 Role of Brassinosteroids inResponses to Ashu Singh Poster presentation Environmental stresses in Rice ( Oryza sativa L.) Delegates are requested to kindly register at the earliest please. 5

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