z zonal ship design l shi d i

Z Zonal Ship Design l Shi D i CAPT Norbert Doerry, USN - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Z Zonal Ship Design l Shi D i CAPT Norbert Doerry, USN Technical Director Future Concepts and Surface Ship Design Technical Director, Future Concepts and Surface Ship Design NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND SEA 05DB ASNE Reconfiguration and

  1. Z Zonal Ship Design l Shi D i CAPT Norbert Doerry, USN Technical Director Future Concepts and Surface Ship Design Technical Director, Future Concepts and Surface Ship Design NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND SEA 05DB ASNE Reconfiguration and Survivability Symposium 2005 (RS 2005) February 16-17 2005 February 16 17, 2005

  2. Agenda Agenda • Definitions Definitions – Survivability vs Quality of Service – Zonal vs Compartment Survivability Zonal vs Compartment Survivability • Zonal Architectures • Zonal Ship Design February 16-17, 2005 Zonal Ship Design - CAPT Doerry 2 Approved for Public Release, Distribution unlimited

  3. Definition: Survivability Definition: Survivability • Design Threats • Design Threat Outcomes – Performance of the ship Performance of the ship following exposure to a Design Threat • Elements – Susceptibility Susceptibility – Vulnerability – Recoverability • Zonal Survivability • Compartment Survivability – Provide capability to recover selected undamaged loads in a damaged zone. g February 16-17, 2005 Zonal Ship Design - CAPT Doerry 3 Approved for Public Release, Distribution unlimited

  4. Definition: Quality of Service Definition: Quality of Service • Metric for how reliable a distributed system provides its commodity to the its commodity to the standards required by the user – Measured as a MTBF Measured as a MTBF – Not all service interruptions are QOS failures – Uses Reliability type analysis, but in different ways. in different ways. • QOS does not take into account Battle Damage, collisions, fire, flooding, etc. , , g, • QOS ensures the ship can perform its mission under normal conditions (when it is ( not damaged). February 16-17, 2005 Zonal Ship Design - CAPT Doerry 4 Approved for Public Release, Distribution unlimited

  5. Interaction of Survivability and QOS QOS • Many design decisions that impact Survivability will also impact Survivability will also impact QOS – Redundancy • May be added for either S r i abilit (Vital Load) or Survivability (Vital Load) or for QOS – Rating of equipment Quality of Survivability • Exceptions Service – QOS is not sensitive to equipment location. – Survivability is not very sensitive to reliability of equipment. i t – System line-ups can impact one more than the other. • Parallel vs. Split Plant February 16-17, 2005 Zonal Ship Design - CAPT Doerry 5 Approved for Public Release, Distribution unlimited

  6. Definition: Zonal Survivability Definition: Zonal Survivability • The ability of a distributed system when experiencing system, when experiencing internal faults, to ensure loads in undamaged zones do not experience a service interruption interruption. – Sometimes applied to only Vital Loads. – Usually requires one longitudinal bus to survive longitudinal bus to survive damage. • Limits damage propagation to the fewest number of zones zones. – Enables concentration of Damage Control / Recoverability Efforts. February 16-17, 2005 Zonal Ship Design - CAPT Doerry 6 Approved for Public Release, Distribution unlimited

  7. Definition: Compartment S Survivability i bili • Provide capability p y to recover selected undamaged g loads in a damaged zone. – Often requires O te equ es redundant feeds. • Which Loads to Select? – Non-redundant Mission Systems – Loads supporting damage control efforts damage control efforts February 16-17, 2005 Zonal Ship Design - CAPT Doerry 7 Approved for Public Release, Distribution unlimited

  8. Single Bus Architectures Single Bus Architectures • Can achieve Zonal Survivability if Survivability if Generation or Storage is in every zone. – Generation must be in Fi First and Last Zones t d L t Z – In-Zone Distribution must be buffered from disturbances on longitudinal bus longitudinal bus • Attractive if Generation / Storage is less expensive than distribution distribution. February 16-17, 2005 Zonal Ship Design - CAPT Doerry 8 Approved for Public Release, Distribution unlimited

  9. Dual Bus Architectures Dual Bus Architectures • Generation / Storage is not required in every zone required in every zone. • In-Zone Distribution must be buffered from disturbances on longitudinal bus longitudinal bus • Longitudinal buses must be physically protected to prevent loss of both buses from same event • Without sufficient storage elements, generation and distribution elements must be rated to account for shifting of loads on loss of hifti f l d l f a longitudinal bus. • Attractive if Generation / Storage is more expensive than distribution than distribution February 16-17, 2005 Zonal Ship Design - CAPT Doerry 9 Approved for Public Release, Distribution unlimited

  10. Hybrid / Multiple Bus Architectures Hybrid / Multiple Bus Architectures • Variations to single g and dual bus architectures can optimize cost for p specific applications. – Inability to locate y generation in “end zones” in single bus architecture – Minimize cost of Mi i i t f longitudinal bus distribution node February 16-17, 2005 Zonal Ship Design - CAPT Doerry 10 Approved for Public Release, Distribution unlimited

  11. Non-Zonal Loads Non Zonal Loads • Loads requiring “Compartment Survivability” • Requires junction of main and alternate sources to be within damage volume of load. • Multiple ways of providing “Compartment Survivability” – Most require additional equipment beyond that needed for Zonal Survivability Survivability. February 16-17, 2005 Zonal Ship Design - CAPT Doerry 11 Approved for Public Release, Distribution unlimited

  12. Zonal Ship Design: Concept S Studies di • Identify Zone Boundaries • Define notional architecture for each distributed system • Identify and allocate Mission S Systems elements to zones t l t t • Create a list of equipment to implement the notional architecture and mission systems and mission systems • Incorporate the equipment and architectures into the ship synthesis model. • Define Ship/Force CONOPS / DRM – Define Design Threats – Define Design Threat Outcomes February 16-17, 2005 Zonal Ship Design - CAPT Doerry 12 Approved for Public Release, Distribution unlimited

  13. Zonal Ship Design: Preliminary & C Contract Design D i • Establish Zone Boundaries and Zonal Architectures Z l A hit t • Develop System CONOPS • Develop Equipment Lists • • Based on CONOPS / DRM develop Based on CONOPS / DRM develop ship QOS requirements and allocate QOS requirements to Distributed Systems. – Verify QOS by analysis Verify QOS by analysis • Arrangement of major equipment and longitudinal buses – Meet Design Threat Outcome requirements • Total Ship Survivability Analysis – Verify Design Threat Outcomes • Incorporation of Zonal Design Incorporation of Zonal Design requirements into Ship Specification February 16-17, 2005 Zonal Ship Design - CAPT Doerry 13 Approved for Public Release, Distribution unlimited

  14. Zonal Ship Design: Detail Design and Construction d C i • Finalize location of equipment and distributed system routing di ib d i • Evaluate survivability of longitudinal buses and apply selective protection where needed selective protection where needed • Ensure selected equipment are provided compartment level survivability • Verify QOS and Survivability requirements are met • Ensure Procurement Requests for q equipment contain the necessary allocated requirements to meet QOS and survivability requirements requirements February 16-17, 2005 Zonal Ship Design - CAPT Doerry 14 Approved for Public Release, Distribution unlimited

  15. Summary Summary • Zonal Ship Design must be done from a Total Zonal Ship Design must be done from a Total Ship perspective. – Mission Systems and Distributed Systems must be designed synergistically • Distributed System Design must account for b th S both Survivability and Quality of Service. i bilit d Q lit f S i • The choice of Distributed System Architecture d depends on survivability and QOS requirements d i bilit d QOS i t and the relative cost of different elements of the distributed system distributed system. February 16-17, 2005 Zonal Ship Design - CAPT Doerry 15 Approved for Public Release, Distribution unlimited


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