yxwvutsrponmlihgfedcbaYUTSRPONMLKIHEDCBA Department of Defense Cultural Resources Program https://www.denix.osd.mil/cr/home/ “Collaboration for Preservation, Construction, and Infrastructure through Transition Career Training” Mr. Boris Kun & Dr. Tanya Komas PLEASE MUTE YOUR PHONES!
Mr. Boris Kun Director, Workforce, Credentialing & SkillBridge Programs OASD(Readiness)/ODASD(Force Education & Training) OUSD Personnel & Readiness https://dodskillbridge.usalearning.gov/
Collaboration for Preservation, Construction, & Infrastructure Based on Transition Career Training Tanya W. Komas, Ph.D., President & CEO CPI Foundation (866) 415-7691 cpi@cpi-foundation.org
PRESENTATION OVERVIEW 1. Program Background 2. Partnerships 3. Failing Infrastructure & CR Management Challenges 4. Curriculum 5. Project Examples 6. Future Program Development
CPI Foundation Background
Combining the Disparate Worlds of Historic Preservation, Transition Assistance, U.S. Infrastructure Workforce Development CPI Foundation • 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit Educational Foundation • Skillsbridge/Career Skills Program (CSP) • Partner of National Park Service • Partner of Industry Companies & Associations
Participant Development: College Students to 2008 2010 2012 2015 2016 Veterans to Active Duty
Existing Program Location: Alcatraz Island, San Francisco, California
Existing Program Location: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Construction Industry: Mentors, Employers, Special Expertise
Dept. of Defense, Dept. of Interior, Local Non-Profit Building/Site , ....... "' .. . i Owners Memorandum of Understanding Between Tbe U. S. Department of the Interior OfThe United States of America The Concrete Preservation Institute Foundation
Challenges Failing Infrastructure & Cultural Resource Management
Unknowns. Hidden Conditions. Misconceptions. Where to Start?
Curriculum Skillbridge in Action
TRAINING/PROJECTS Career Exploration 40-Hour Class • Industry orientation • Career goals • Geographic location preference • Resume & interview skills • Facilitated interviews 12-week Training • 40% classroom / 60% projects • 2 industry certifications Training Curriculum & • Articulation agreement with MTSU for college-bound Career Placement CAREER PLACEMENT NATIONWIDE Management & Trades Career Options • Contracting • Material production • Manufacturing • Sales • Service • Transportation • Related fields Construction industry estimated 1.2 million workers short by 2020
Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties
Fully Engaged Historic Preservation
Classroom Learning
Safety Management & Practice
Project Management & Logistics
Professional Certifications
Evaluation, Non-Destructive Testing, Selective Destructive Testing
Concrete, Wood, & Steel Construction
Resumes, Communication & Interview Skills, Career Placement
Community Service & Local Youth Mentoring
Graduation & Beyond
Project Examples
Prqed: Rdile: Alcaraz R!riteniary lbt kD!ss CPI PROJECT~LE d!tails Alcatraz Penitentiary R>of Access prqa:t Srudural &Jilding Repair dja:INs MilitarytOCiviliai Career T raning, 1i!toric Ple,nvalion, lncrea,,, ~e At:n>si 1IBn Miitary \tterais, College 3udents carpeb:tSJmmer2O15 Nalional P.nk Service 0MB" localionAlcalraz Isl aid, 8lrl Fraicisco, Callomia Eleam formwork; new beams '11pport Fomnrork& Hi~oric concrete ~ r treads Teanmember- repaired landing al lop of !tairs safely ,noring '11,pended in place wh il e repairs completed from below 9'elore : exletdrecon 1nte A. ter Abmre: !1.. •ea:ls& l\fler8elow: alr q,.-Scon.,~ed tum ~ l oretai ilelemr.fion&~ tn:olicl.lblicallale ~aoore relal al IDITIHJn,gl!al! l ii :d:111 ic ta blic ald """"""' oond-.S Concrete mixer, repairs Concrete pump Mov ing concrete- CA military veteran participant Pl"ajed: Highlighls completed at night to a,oid with hO!l!S loaded ho!l!tO explaini ng project during vi!lt from u_ s Anny chain of commaid vi!llDr interruption reaching up into next port during D Outcoaes: Jepaired stall"~ landing , & strucb.ual beam s restoring sme acce ss. to m le roof entry point confined ,pace h igh-pre,rure D Special Considerations: Ornrade r--defiring fe:3:uresmaintained - stai"-1readswith their story-telling pumping Sldentalionsfrom over a 100 years of foot tra'lel were ~ended n place with workco~leted from below; pro t ected hi storic Nalive American wall markings on oppo~e wall; night wmk asnecesmry to mnimi:.re d i ~tion of 5, 000 daily vifilmsin adjacent ~aces Ovemead amade foun & pu~ mder preS91re on ~ped ~rface {mrrnJDnly D Wark ltals: accepted SI iOOu~ry as among t he mo~ t ect.Jically chal l eng i ng .-epai.- methods); fi nim rorcrete to hi~oric texture ; build wood fom,work & ~oring ; place stee l reinforcing; manage endo~d ~ace working ro...titions; m~re project ~e 9ety fo r t eam & NPS$11", and safetyforvi~ors ua::Jl'ASIA.WUIIIE,, !IUIT E 124-3& I aa:Q. c::& 9lo9':6 I S66--4 U.- 7691. I ~IIDA.Tl lM. lm. I W'IV'l'l .cPI -FOJIIDA.Tlal.c.G I et:P1 X11. 9
■ et:-. A. 501Jlele. □ Rqed: Prdile: let Bun PRDJB;f PRFILECElails Fed Barn Srucbmll Eklilding R,pair, 82i,mic aabiizmon pqect c:qedM!sCollege Sudenl Field Training, Hi.toric: R-~on, Owner Operalional Need -.nCollege Sudents & Community Volunteers anpda:12011-12 aMll!I" Nalional P.llk Setvice IDlaiall Miwok Riding Sables, Golden Gate Nalional lb:realion Area, S.. Franci,n,, California T op : Elam II lited co nditi on , Fo undation concret e CPl&NPS Pre-project: Hi.toric New ro undation placement of new concrete p altnenng to I ran wood foundation rot placement team mernb e ,s roundatio n; Bott o m: roundation ro,mwork Before: &mtg In Rog.-49.Top: Newrool ~ltllfJ"ess: 0mg condiN~ bddhg ■ i ~DollOIII ix..ingrea Boe~'- re..- !lJio~ drd!JIHI.Dlll!lnd newwoud roernb asto ladolic IEWl .......i.tion Pl"ajed 1-ighlighls S raighl en i ng the .tructural fram e after Top : Exi.t i ng Comp leted roof n t enor , Rlirting repaired Celebrat11g 0 Out:coraes: Overal l structure repaired , eff:ire blilding lifted .nd pB:ed ba:k dCMn on new li: 11 .-.daion , barn l ift ed off roundation c ondition; Bottom: p resented histo ric: framng & barn with NI'S ,taff achievemerll & seigni c slab il ira: i m. new mofover- hi sloric franing p reserved/new hard dayo f work deck alg remanvisible D sp ea a1 Comiidl!rations: N PS goal to rehabilitae the slruda.e fil r evem.Jal use .nd m iti gae members an medi~e safety corcerns due to klcal:Dn in active vimDr .re.a: CPI co m pleted prqec t .nd nvited commumy participation dliing spec i al opm days; NPSstaffj oined fheteam fora "ban pa.-..-ig daf a pmjed co mpl etion Wolt: Hems: Coord i naled with local house moving company to l ift enl:We strurt..e: worlced wlh struchr.JII engineer to str.iightm slrud .. e: preserved tastoric wood m embers when poSfiiib l e: added new concrete foundalion: added new flooring: added iderio r ~a-- slrengthenhg , added new rmf ewer histliil: framing to preserve historic ~pea.rice from inside: repared/rebuil ban doors IIDA.TIDILDKG I 'IV'l'i"W .cn-RJIJ IIDII.Tll-.aaG I 0:1"1 201.9 USO l'ASIA. 'l'DE l1,, !IU IIE U4---aa51 OIICQ,e&.9e.91.6 I~ I O'l ~
ua0E.IS □ 156-415-7691 ■ YE124-315 t1 E.S □ ~ Rqect Prdile: 1-bwaiii Theaer Oner PRnlECT PR[J=llE details Hawaii Theater Center pqld Srudural &Jilding Repair cqedMsMilitary-to-Oviian career Training, Hi!t oric A"eservalion, Comrrnnly Service eirnAc:mle Duty Military Service Membr,s anpda:l~ring 2019 mwB" Hawai lllealer center Honolulu, Hawaii lacalian Assessing Alrtial deplh slab Alrtial deptfl slab Deterioral:ed Sollilrepair Rep for next CR repair: concrete repair concrete mncrete removal project, USMarine conditions, planning repairs removal; reinforcing hand placed al:sollil Memorial, R!ar1 Harbor \li,;tor Center placement ... - ltogress: 'Md:31 00 ,elim-ot buidD!) ~Pm~mbmand!lllliil: _a.a;., lt:!fompq, ): llebe f op):: 'llill CAlean.nd pubic~ a.ds.tdoor b3JEIS .-aplace progre9.(bollone: stnNDI; Aller lxildng._, rep..- ...... [ bol:om ) m.Efi:altom.tdl CA acllve duty military team r earn field lrip to learn Repaired door surrounds al llleteam Pl"ajed Highligln di=issing project with dients about high-rise bui ding back oftfle al: er Outcaaes:: Exl:etior & interior strudural and ae~helic repairs with hi~mically appropmte fini:jJes con~dion Special Comideration5: Connect i ng with mmrn.1ffl:y organiDon for hi~mi c: preserffion as part of a=t 'sF\!311 Ha.-bor Nal:Dnal Memorial partnel"Ylip D Woll: lte.s: Ran and manage m lM iple '.'ilmultaneous projects, rep al"" plumbing al damage zon~ iReriorwal~ rrix on - 91:e & hand-place concrete,finffl concrete to ti9oric text..-e; build wood forrnwork & ~oring ; place Seel re infon:ing; manage~ work. in endo~d ~ace ; ernure project 1 1 ~ ~i ~ety and acc~iity for t eam, building 9ml, and ,,;mors j CPIPCPI-FOONDlllDILDRG I WWW .cn-mullWJ IDILDRG I CCP'l20'19 TA.'l'DE 1 O CO,Cl.951)26 1
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