
yxwvutsrponmlihgfedcbaYUTSRPONMLKIHEDCBA Department of Defense - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

yxwvutsrponmlihgfedcbaYUTSRPONMLKIHEDCBA Department of Defense Cultural Resources Program https://www.denix.osd.mil/cr/home/ Collaboration for Preservation, Construction, and Infrastructure through Transition Career Training Mr. Boris

  1. yxwvutsrponmlihgfedcbaYUTSRPONMLKIHEDCBA Department of Defense Cultural Resources Program https://www.denix.osd.mil/cr/home/ “Collaboration for Preservation, Construction, and Infrastructure through Transition Career Training” Mr. Boris Kun & Dr. Tanya Komas PLEASE MUTE YOUR PHONES!

  2. Mr. Boris Kun Director, Workforce, Credentialing & SkillBridge Programs OASD(Readiness)/ODASD(Force Education & Training) OUSD Personnel & Readiness https://dodskillbridge.usalearning.gov/

  3. Collaboration for Preservation, Construction, & Infrastructure Based on Transition Career Training Tanya W. Komas, Ph.D., President & CEO CPI Foundation (866) 415-7691 cpi@cpi-foundation.org

  4. PRESENTATION OVERVIEW 1. Program Background 2. Partnerships 3. Failing Infrastructure & CR Management Challenges 4. Curriculum 5. Project Examples 6. Future Program Development

  5. CPI Foundation Background

  6. Combining the Disparate Worlds of Historic Preservation, Transition Assistance, U.S. Infrastructure Workforce Development CPI Foundation • 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit Educational Foundation • Skillsbridge/Career Skills Program (CSP) • Partner of National Park Service • Partner of Industry Companies & Associations

  7. Participant Development: College Students to 2008 2010 2012 2015 2016 Veterans to Active Duty

  8. Existing Program Location: Alcatraz Island, San Francisco, California

  9. Existing Program Location: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

  10. Partnerships

  11. Construction Industry: Mentors, Employers, Special Expertise

  12. Dept. of Defense, Dept. of Interior, Local Non-Profit Building/Site , ....... "' .. . i Owners Memorandum of Understanding Between Tbe U. S. Department of the Interior OfThe United States of America The Concrete Preservation Institute Foundation

  13. Challenges Failing Infrastructure & Cultural Resource Management

  14. Unknowns. Hidden Conditions. Misconceptions. Where to Start?

  15. Curriculum Skillbridge in Action

  16. TRAINING/PROJECTS Career Exploration 40-Hour Class • Industry orientation • Career goals • Geographic location preference • Resume & interview skills • Facilitated interviews 12-week Training • 40% classroom / 60% projects • 2 industry certifications Training Curriculum & • Articulation agreement with MTSU for college-bound Career Placement CAREER PLACEMENT NATIONWIDE Management & Trades Career Options • Contracting • Material production • Manufacturing • Sales • Service • Transportation • Related fields Construction industry estimated 1.2 million workers short by 2020

  17. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties

  18. Fully Engaged Historic Preservation

  19. Classroom Learning

  20. Safety Management & Practice

  21. Project Management & Logistics

  22. Professional Certifications

  23. Evaluation, Non-Destructive Testing, Selective Destructive Testing

  24. Concrete, Wood, & Steel Construction

  25. Resumes, Communication & Interview Skills, Career Placement

  26. Community Service & Local Youth Mentoring

  27. Graduation & Beyond

  28. Project Examples

  29. Prqed: Rdile: Alcaraz R!riteniary lbt kD!ss CPI PROJECT~LE d!tails Alcatraz Penitentiary R>of Access prqa:t Srudural &Jilding Repair dja:INs Military­tO­­Civiliai Career T raning, 1­i!toric Ple,nvalion, lncrea,,, ~e At:n>si 1IBn Miitary \tterais, College 3udents carpeb:tSJmmer2O15 Nalional P.nk Service 0MB" localionAlcalraz Isl aid, 8lrl Fraicisco, Callomia Eleam formwork; new beams '11pport Fomnrork& Hi~oric concrete ~ r treads Teanmember- repaired landing al lop of !tairs safely ,noring '11,pended in place wh il e repairs completed from below 9'elore : exletdrecon 1nte A. ter Abmre: !1..­ •ea:ls& l\fler8elow: alr q,.-Scon.,~ed tum ~ l oretai ilelemr.fion&~ tn:olicl.lblicallale ~aoore relal al IDITIHJn,gl!al! l ii :d:111 ic ta blic ald """"""' oond-.S Concrete mixer, repairs Concrete pump Mov ing concrete- CA military veteran participant Pl"ajed: Highlighls completed at night to a,oid with hO!l!S loaded ho!l!tO explaini ng project during vi!lt from u_ s Anny chain of commaid vi!llDr interruption reaching up into next port during D Outcoaes: Jepaired stall"~ landing , & strucb.ual beam s restoring sme acce ss. to m le roof entry point confined ,pace h igh-pre,rure D Special Considerations: Ornrade r--defiring fe:3:uresmaintained - stai"-1readswith their story-telling pumping Sldentalionsfrom over a 100 years of foot tra'lel were ~ended n place with workco~leted from below; pro t ected hi storic Nalive American wall markings on oppo~e wall; night wmk asnecesmry to mnimi:.re d i ~tion of 5, 000 daily vifilmsin adjacent ~aces Ovemead amade foun & pu~ mder preS91re on ~ped ~rface {mrrnJDnly D Wark ltals: accepted SI iOOu~ry as among t he mo~ t ect.Jically chal l eng i ng .-epai.- methods); fi nim rorcrete to hi~oric texture ; build wood fom,work & ~oring ; place stee l reinforcing; manage endo~d ~ace working ro...titions; m~re project ~e 9ety fo r t eam & NPS$11", and safetyforvi~ors ua::Jl'ASIA.WUIIIE,, !IUIT E 124-3& I aa:Q. c::& 9lo9':6 I S66--4 U.- 7691. I ~IIDA.Tl lM. lm. I W'IV'l'l .cPI -FOJIIDA.Tlal.c.G I et:P1 X11. 9

  30. ■ et:-. A. 501Jlele. □ Rqed: Prdile: let Bun PRDJB;f PRFILECElails Fed Barn Srucbmll Eklilding R,pair, 82i,mic aabiizmon pqect c:qedM!sCollege Sudenl Field Training, Hi.toric: R-~on, Owner Operalional Need -.nCollege Sudents & Community Volunteers anpda:12011-12 aMll!I" Nalional P.llk Setvice IDlaiall Miwok Riding Sables, Golden Gate Nalional lb:realion Area, S.. Franci,n,, California T op : Elam II lited co nditi on , Fo undation concret e CPl&NPS Pre-project: Hi.toric New ro undation placement of new concrete p altnenng to I ran wood foundation rot placement team mernb e ,s roundatio n; Bott o m: roundation ro,mwork Before: &mtg In Rog.-49.Top: Newrool ~ltllfJ"ess: 0mg condiN~ bddhg ■ i ~DollOIII ix..ingrea Boe~'- re..- !lJio~ drd!JIHI.Dlll!lnd newwoud roernb asto ladolic IEWl .......i.tion Pl"ajed 1-ighlighls S raighl en i ng the .tructural fram e after Top : Exi.t i ng Comp leted roof n t enor , Rlirting repaired Celebrat11g 0 Out:coraes: Overal l structure repaired , eff:ire blilding lifted .nd pB:ed ba:k dCMn on new li: 11 .-.daion , barn l ift ed off roundation c ondition; Bottom: p resented histo ric: framng & barn with NI'S ,taff achievemerll & seigni c slab il ira: i m. new mofover- hi sloric franing p reserved/new hard dayo f work deck alg remanvisible D sp ea a1 Comiidl!rations: N PS goal to rehabilitae the slruda.e fil r evem.Jal use .nd m iti gae members an medi~e safety corcerns due to klcal:Dn in active vimDr .re.a: CPI co m pleted prqec t .nd nvited commumy participation dliing spec i al opm days; NPSstaffj oined fheteam fora "ban pa.-..-ig daf a pmjed co mpl etion Wolt: Hems: Coord i naled with local house moving company to l ift enl:We strurt..e: worlced wlh struchr.JII engineer to str.iightm slrud .. e: preserved tastoric wood m embers when poSfiiib l e: added new concrete foundalion: added new flooring: added iderio r ~a-- slrengthenhg , added new rmf ewer histliil: framing to preserve historic ~pea.rice from inside: repared/rebuil ban doors IIDA.TIDILDKG I 'IV'l'i"W .cn-RJIJ IIDII.Tll-.aaG I 0:1"1 201.9 USO l'ASIA. 'l'DE l1,, !IU IIE U4---aa51 OIICQ,e&.9e.91.6 I~ I O'l ~

  31. ua0E.IS □ 156-415-7691 ■ YE124-315 t1 E.S □ ~ Rqect Prdile: 1-bwaiii Theaer Oner PRnlECT PR[J=llE details Hawaii Theater Center pqld Srudural &Jilding Repair cqedMsMilitary-to-Oviian career Training, Hi!t oric A"eservalion, Comrrnnly Service eirnAc:mle Duty Military Service Membr,s anpda:l~ring 2019 mwB" Hawai lllealer center Honolulu, Hawaii lacalian Assessing Alrtial deplh slab Alrtial deptfl slab Deterioral:ed Sollilrepair Rep for next CR repair: concrete repair concrete mncrete removal project, USMarine conditions, planning repairs removal; reinforcing hand placed al:sollil Memorial, R!ar1 Harbor \li,;tor Center placement ... - ltogress: 'Md:31 00 ,elim-ot buidD!) ~Pm~mbmand!lllliil: _a.a;., lt:!fompq, ): llebe f op):: 'llill CAlean.nd pubic~ a.ds.tdoor b3JEIS .-aplace progre9.(bollone: stnNDI; Aller lxildng._, rep..- ...... [ bol:om ) m.Efi:altom.tdl CA acllve duty military team r earn field lrip to learn Repaired door surrounds al llleteam Pl"ajed Highligln di=issing project with dients about high-rise bui ding back oftfle al: er Outcaaes:: Exl:etior & interior strudural and ae~helic repairs with hi~mically appropmte fini:jJes con~dion Special Comideration5: Connect i ng with mmrn.1ffl:y organiDon for hi~mi c: preserffion as part of a=t 'sF\!311 Ha.-bor Nal:Dnal Memorial partnel"Ylip D Woll: lte.s: Ran and manage m lM iple '.'ilmultaneous projects, rep al"" plumbing al damage zon~ iReriorwal~ rrix on - 91:e & hand-place concrete,finffl concrete to ti9oric text..-e; build wood forrnwork & ~oring ; place Seel re infon:ing; manage~ work. in endo~d ~ace ; ernure project 1 1 ~ ~i ~ety and acc~iity for t eam, building 9ml, and ,,;mors j CPIPCPI-FOONDlllDILDRG I WWW .cn-mullWJ IDILDRG I CCP'l20'19 TA.'l'DE 1 O CO,Cl.951)26 1


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