x computation easy one way hash function owhf h h h h h

x ? ? ? ? computation easy One Way Hash Function (OWHF) h - PDF document

ECRYPT Bart Preneel Emerging Topics in Cryptographic Design and Cryptanalysis Generic Constructions 30 April- 4 May 2007, Samos Greece for Iterated Hash Functions Outline Generic Constructions Generic Constructions for Iterated Hash

  1. ECRYPT Bart Preneel Emerging Topics in Cryptographic Design and Cryptanalysis Generic Constructions 30 April- 4 May 2007, Samos Greece for Iterated Hash Functions Outline Generic Constructions Generic Constructions for Iterated Hash Functions for Iterated Hash Functions • definitions Bart Preneel Bart Preneel • applications COSIC – Kath. Univ. Leuven, Belgium & ABT Crypto COSIC – Kath. Univ. Leuven, Belgium & ABT Crypto • generic attacks bart.preneel(AT)esat.kuleuven.be bart.preneel(AT)esat.kuleuven.be • attacks on iterated constructions April 2007 April 2007 • attacks on custom designed hash functions: MD5, SHA, SHA-1 • alternative constructions • pseudo-randomness • conclusions Hash functions Hash function flavours • MDC (manipulation • (MDC-2) detection code) cryptographic hash function • (MD5) • • Protect short hash value (SHA-1) this • rather than long text talk RIPEMD-160 MAC MDC • SHA-256, SHA-512 This is an input to a crypto- graphic hash function. The input is a very long string, that is reduced by the hash function to a OWHF CRHF string of fixed length. There are h 1A3FD4128A198FB3CA345932 additional security conditions: it UOWHF should be very hard to find an input hashing to a given value (a (TCR) preimage) or to find two colliding inputs (a collision). Informal definitions (1) Security requirements (n-bit result) • no secret parameters 2 nd preimage collision preimage • input string x of arbitrary length ⇒ output h(x) of fixed bitlength n ≠ ≠ x ? ? ? ? • computation “easy” • One Way Hash Function (OWHF) h h h h h — preimage resistance — 2 nd preimage resistance = = h(x’) h(x) h(x) h(x’) h(x’) • Collision Resistant Hash Function (CRHF): OWHF + — collision resistant 2 n 2 n 2 n/2 1

  2. ECRYPT Bart Preneel Emerging Topics in Cryptographic Design and Cryptanalysis Generic Constructions 30 April- 4 May 2007, Samos Greece for Iterated Hash Functions Informal definitions (2) Formal definition: (2 nd ) preimage resistance • preimage resistant ⇒ 2 nd preimage resistant x Notation: Σ = {0,1}, l(n)>n — take a preimage resistant hash function; add an input bit b and replace one A one-way hash function (OWFH) H is a function with domain input bit by the sum modulo 2 of this input bit and b D= Σ l(n) and range R= Σ n that satisfies the following conditions: x 0 …x m-2 x 0 …x m-2 • preimage resistance : let x be selected uniformly in D and let M be h h x m-1 x m-1 ⊕ an adversary that on input h(x) uses time ≤ t and outputs M(h(x)) ∈ x m D . For each adversary M , • 2nd preimage resistant ⇒ preimage resistant x Pr x ∈ D { h(M(h(x)))=h(x) } < ε — if h is OWHF, h is 2nd preimage resistant but not preimage resistant: Here the probability is also taken over the random choices of M. if |x| ≤ n h(x) = 0 || x • 2nd preimage resistance : let x be selected uniformly in D= Σ l(n) 1 || h(X) otherwise and let M' be an adversary who on input x uses time ≤ t and • collision resistant ⇒ 2nd preimage resistant outputs x' ∈ D with x' ≠ x. For each adversary M', Pr x ∈ D { h(M'(x))=h(x) } < ε • [Simon 98] one cannot derive collision resistance from “general” preimage Here the probability is taken over the random choices of M'. resistance (there exists no black box reduction) Formal definitions: collision resistance Formal definitions - continued • For collision resistance: considering a family of hash functions A collision-resistant hash function (CRHF) H is a function family {h S } with domain D= Σ l(n) and range R= Σ n that that satisfies the indexed by a parameter (“key”) is essential for formalization (but see Rogaway ’06: “formalizing human ignorance”) following conditions: • For (2nd) preimage resistance, one can choose the challenge (x) • the functions h S are preimage resistant and second preimage and/or the key that selects the function. resistant) • This gives three flavours [Rogaway-Shrimpton’04] • collision resistance: let F be a collision string finder that on input — random challenge, random key (Pre and Sec) S ∈ Σ s uses time ≤ t and outputs either “?” or a pair x, x' ∈ Σ l(n) with x' ≠ x such that h S (x‘)=h S (x). For each F , — random key, fixed challenge (ePre and eSec everywhere) Pr S { F( H ) ≠ “?‘” } < ε (eSec=UOWHF) Here the probability is also taken over the random choices of F . — fixed key, random challenge (aPre and aSec - always) • Complex relationship (see figure on next slide). Relation between formal definitions Applications [Rogaway-Shrimpton’04] • digital signatures: OWHF/CRHF, `destroy algebraic structure‘ • information authentication: protect authenticity of hash result • protection of passwords: preimage resistant • confirmation of knowledge/commitment: OWHF/CRHF • pseudo-random string generation/key derivation • micropayments (e.g., micromint) • construction of MACs, stream ciphers, block ciphers • (redundancy: hash result appended to data before encryption) 2

  3. ECRYPT Bart Preneel Emerging Topics in Cryptographic Design and Cryptanalysis Generic Constructions 30 April- 4 May 2007, Samos Greece for Iterated Hash Functions Applications (2) Brute force (2 nd ) preimage • Collision resistance is not always necessary • If one can attack 2 t simultaneous targets, the effort to find a single preimage is 2 n-t • Other properties are needed: — note for t = n/2 this is 2 n/2 — pseudo-randomness if keyed (with secret key) • [Hellman80] if one has to find (second) preimages for many — near-collision resistance targets, one can use a time-memory trade-off with Θ (2 n ) — partial preimage resistance precomputation and storage Θ (2 2n/3 ) — inversion of one message in time Θ (2 2n/3 ) — multiplication freeness • [Wiener02] if Θ (2 3n/5 ) targets are attacked, the full cost per (2 nd ) — random oracle property preimage decreases from Θ (2 n ) to Θ (2 2n/5 ) • how to formalize these requirements and the relation between • answer: randomize hash function them? — salt, spice, “key”: parameter to index family of functions Birthday paradox for collisions The birthday paradox (2) • Given a set with S elements • How hard is it to find a collision for a hash function with an n-bit result? • Choose r elements at random (with replacements) with r « S • 2 n/2 evaluations of the hash function • The probability p that there are at least 2 equal elements (a collision) is 1 - exp ( - r(r-1)/2S) • Indeed, the number of pairs of outputs = • The number of collisions follows a Poisson distribution with λ = r(r-1)/2S (1/2) 2 n/2 . 2 n/2 — The expected number of collisions is equal to λ — The probability to have c collision is e - λ λ c / c! • conclusion: n ≥ 256 or more for long-term security • S large, r = √ S, p = 0.39 • S = 365, r = 23, p = 0.50 The birthday paradox (3) - proof Brute force collision search r terms • Consider the functional graph of f q = 1-p = 1 . ((S-1)/S) . ((S-2)/S) …. ((S-(r-1))/S) x f(x) f r-1 (S-k/S) or q = Π k=1 r-1 ln (1-k/S) ≅ Σ k=1 r-1 -k/S = -r(r-1)/2S ln q = Σ k=1 collision Taylor: if x « 1: ln (1-x) ≅ x summation: Σ k=1r-1 k = r (r-1)/2 • hence p = 1 – q = 1 - exp ( - r(r-1)/2S) 3


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