World Languages Portfolio Model A new path to measuring growth in traditionally non-tested grades and subjects
Benefits of the Model Authentic, individual growth scores for an additional group of teachers Content-focused professional learning and development Meaningful opportunity for collaboration and professional learning Chance to empower teacher leaders High level of accountability from peers Additional feedback that an observer may not be able to provide Opportunity for purposeful reflection on instructional practice Means to gather and disseminate best practices throughout the district and across the state Increased student learning 2
A Multiple Measures Example Qualitative includes: Observations in planning, Achievement environment, and Measure instruction 15% Professionalism rubric Quantitative includes: Qualitative 50% Growth measure Growth World Languages Portfolio Measure Model score 35% Achievement measure Goal set by teacher and evaluator 3
How does the portfolio work? The portfolio will look slightly different depending on the language taught. • For Modern Languages, it will contain FIVE evidence collections, as follows: Interpersonal Listening and Speaking, Interpretive Listening and Reading, Presentational Speaking and Writing, Reflection, and Data*. – Modern Languages: Spanish, French, Italian, German, Chinese, etc. • For Classical Languages, it will contain FIVE evidence collections, as follows: Interpretive Reading, Presentational Writing, Interpretive Translation, Reflection, and Data*. – Classical Languages: Latin and Greek All evidence collections must show evidence of purposeful sampling . Evidence collected must be representative of teacher’s course load. All evidence is uploaded to the GLADiS evidence collection website. All evidence is self-rated and then evaluated by a peer. *Data is unscored, but included for reference. 4
Modern Languages Perform: Perform: Perform: Interpersonal Listening and Interpretive Listening and Presentational Speaking and Speaking Reading Writing Reflect: Data*: Both students and teachers Lesson plans, assessment reflecting scores, etc. *Not scored, but is used as a reference point 5
Classical Languages Perform: Perform: Perform: Interpretive Reading Interpretive Translation Presentational Writing Reflect: Data*: Both students and teachers Lesson plans, assessment reflecting scores, etc. *Not scored, but is used as a reference point 6
Purposeful Sampling Your Students Students in Your Representative Sample
Purposeful Sampling Since we expect growth for all students, the portfolio should show how the teacher impacts the learning of children from varying populations. As such, every evidence collection must include pre- and post- evidence from one emerging student, one proficient student, and one advanced student. 8
Proficiency Targets A level of student growth is defined by the following proficiency targets: 9
The Scoring Guide 10
Sample: Interpretive Listening and Reading 11
Interpretive Listening and Reading: PRE Students read a text and answered multiple choice questions about the text. All gender markers and subject pronouns referring to gender were removed from the questions so as to eliminate the possibility of choosing answers based solely on those factors. This is a highly practiced topic and the assessment was given at the end of the unit. The text also has a high percentage of cognates to English. Students were assessed in late September using this text. One student’s results are shown below. She only missed one question. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 SCORE A B C B C B A C B C 90% 12
Interpretive Listening and Reading: PRE 13
Interpretive Listening and Reading: POST Students read two paragraphs about weekend activities in two different countries. Then they answered questions. Since this is an honors class, they were asked to answer the questions in Spanish. They had to explain their reasoning for a couple of the questions. 14
Interpretive Listening and Reading: POST 15
Interpretive Listening and Reading: ANALYSIS OF GROWTH In the pre-sample, the student was able to answer multiple choice questions on a very simple text with highly practiced and familiar vocabulary. She relied on her familiarity with the topic to answer the questions and was highly successful, which is why she scored in the NOVICE HIGH level. In the post-sample, the student is clearly able to understand much of this more complicated text. The text is more complicated due to the lack of English cognates as well as some unfamiliar and untaught vocabulary. There are few visual cues to help. She has learned to use context clues to get the most out of a text. She is able to clearly explain what she has read and can compare her weekend to the one in the passage. She is able to paraphrase what she read and restate it in her own words, which indicates an understanding of supporting details. She was able to ask a variety of questions as well. For these reasons, she scored in the INTERMEDIATE MID level. Based on these entry and exit proficiencies, this student EXCEEDED EXPECTED GROWTH .
Sample: Interpersonal Speaking 17
Interpersonal Speaking: PRE Description of Evidence: Videotaped initial interview at the beginning of the year. Description of Task: Student was asked to talk about herself during an interview with the teacher. The interview was comprised of basic questions eliciting biographical and descriptive information about the student. Goal of Task: The goal was for the student to listen and respond to questions about herself, using as much target language as possible. 18
Interpersonal Speaking: PRE 19
Interpersonal Speaking: POST Description of Evidence: Audiotaped interview at the end of the first semester. Description of Task: The student was asked to talk as much as possible about herself and her life. Questions were used as general prompts for students to begin producing the language. Topics included talking about self, school, friends, family, etc. At the end of the interview, students were able to ask questions of the teacher as well. Goal of Task: The goal was for the student to not only respond to the actual questions, but to elaborate as much as they could on the topic and beyond (as appropriate). 20
Interpersonal Speaking: POST 21
Interpersonal Speaking: ANALYSIS OF GROWTH In the first sample, the student showed basic comprehension of the limited number of topics. Her responses showed mostly single word and some formulaic responses (with errors). She reverted to English as a recourse when she understood the question, but did not have the target language needed for the response. ( NOVICE MID ) In the second sample, the student uses pertinent vocabulary and recombines words and phrases to create original statements. The responses are often in sentences and she demonstrates emerging extended (paragraph-length) responses. She is able to answer the questions and continue elaborating without much prompting. On one occasion, she becomes flustered and reverts to English. However, she corrects and reverts back to the target language immediately. Occasionally she self-corrects and interjects, showing an inclination to participate actively in the conversation. ( INTERMEDIATE LOW ) Based on these entry and exit proficiencies, this student EXCEEDED EXPECTED GROWTH. 22
Sample: Presentational Speaking 23
Presentational Speaking: PRE Description of Evidence: Videotaped interview at the beginning of the year. Description of Task: The student is asked to talk about herself. Due to a very low beginning level of proficiency, the teacher asks the student basic questions to elicit responses. Goal of Task: The goal was for the student to share biographical and descriptive information about herself to asses the entry level of proficiency. 24
Presentational Speaking: PRE 25
Presentational Speaking: POST Description of Evidence: Audiotaped presentation of student talking about herself and others. Description of Task: The student was asked to use the target language to give a presentation about herself and others. She was asked to give biographical, descriptive, and other pertinent information. Goal of Task: The goal was to determine the student’s proficiency level when delivering a rehearsed presentation. 26
Presentational Speaking: POST 27
Presentational Speaking: ANALYSIS OF GROWTH In the first sample, the student has almost no functional proficiency in the target language, except for greeting and introducing herself. She does not even recognize basic questions. ( NOVICE LOW ) In the second sample, the student makes some mistakes in accuracy, but demonstrates quite an extensive repertoire of lexical items. She uses different connecting vocabulary to make lengthy utterances. Even though she often lists topic-related vocabulary, she uses it to say what she intends to say. ( NOVICE HIGH ) Based on these entry and exit proficiencies, this student EXCEEDED EXPECTED GROWTH. 28
Sample: Reflection 29
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