workshop on eumetsat procurement procedures and tender

Workshop on EUMETSAT Procurement Procedures and Tender Conditions- - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Workshop on EUMETSAT Procurement Procedures and Tender Conditions- Presentation to Polish Industry 22 February 2018 1 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC Procurement Principles (I) Article 26 (Contracts) of the

  1. Workshop on EUMETSAT Procurement Procedures and Tender Conditions- Presentation to Polish Industry 22 February 2018 1 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC

  2. Procurement Principles (I) Article 26 (“Contracts”) of the Financial Rules approved by EUMETSAT Council foresees: • Procurements are achieved through maximum use of open competition; • Contracts are awarded to the contractor whose offer meets the requirements and is regarded the most advantageous as regards price, quality, running costs, technical/schedule performance and guarantees: BEST VALUE FOR MONEY • This applies also to Copernicus procurements undertaken on behalf of the European Commission Slide: 2 2 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC

  3. Procurement Principles (II) OPEN COMPETITION • For procurements of value above 100,000 Euro (with possibility of exceptions as defined in the Financial Rules); • Is performed within EUMETSAT Member States , if competition is considered sufficient • The clear majority of the scope of work is performed in Member States • There are no geographical or industrial return rules • Open competition at lower tiers is healthy and is encouraged by EUMETSAT • For Copernicus procurements, open competition is restricted to EU Member States and countries participating in the Copernicus programme through an Agreement with the Commission Slide: 3 3 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC

  4. Exception: procurement of space segment through ESA ➢ ESA funds a major part of the development of the first satellite in a series under an ESA optional programme and procures recurrent satellites on behalf of EUMETSAT. ➢ EUMETSAT financially contributes a fixed-share (30%) to development costs and funds fully the costs of the remaining satellites. ➢ Space segment contractors are selected by ESA in line with the ESA Procurement Rules. Slide: 4 4 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC

  5. Industrial Focal Point (IFP) Initiative IFPs • Each Member State has the opportunity to appoint one or more IFP Representative(s) to attend annual discussions and briefings held at EUMETSAT on procurement matters; the Polish IFP is Mr. Zbigniew Burdzy. • The IFP’s role is to act as the liaison between EUMETSAT and their National industries to increase awareness of EUMETSAT procurement opportunities. Slide: 5 5 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC

  6. Scope of EUMETSAT Procurements (I) In recent years, EUMETSAT Budgets have been broadly spread as follows: • Up to 20% allocated to EUMETSAT Internal costs • Over 80% dedicated to procurement activities – substantially targeted at procurements from industry. Slide: 6 6 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC

  7. Scope of EUMETSAT Procurements (II) 7 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC

  8. Scope of EUMETSAT Procurements (II) ACTIVITIES COVERED (1/2) • Development of ground segments: • satellite monitoring and control • meteorological products processing • ground stations • Launch and LEOP services • Consultancy support, incl. under frame contracts: • satellite operations engineering • software, telecommunications engineering • training, communication and PR support • UNIX, SAP support Slide: 8 8 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC

  9. Scope of EUMETSAT Procurements (III) ACTIVITIES COVERED (2/2) • Services: • operations of satellites • telecommunications • site infrastructure • software maintenance • Scientific studies • Hardware Slide: 9 9 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC

  10. Purchase orders placed with companies registered in Poland Between 1 January 2010 and 31 August 2017, EUMETSAT has placed 8 purchase orders with companies registered in Poland. The overall order value of these orders amounts to Euro 89,640 and 36,503 PLN. 10 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC

  11. Major Upcoming Business Opportunities (I) ➢ Sentinel-5 Operational Processor (closing date 07 March 2018) 11 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC

  12. Major Upcoming Business Opportunities (II) ➢ Copernicus: Reprocessing services (closing date: 12 March 2018) ➢ Upcoming Copernicus ITTs in 2018 : DIAS tender actions 12 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC

  13. Major Upcoming Business Opportunities: DIAS (III) Areas covered Comments /Rationale ITT by the ITT Scope ITT-1: DIAS Services (3), (4), system ops - Provision of operational DIAS services Includes commercial exploitation of and Operations of (2), ops of (6, 7) - Provision of commercial cloud services the DIAS - Provision of network infrastructure - Provision of the Web Services, web portal, Sys Admin & first line help to users, link to user support office. - Provision/operation of virtual environments and toolboxes - Integration/hosting, operation of CFI elements (Tools, SW packages maintained by the partners) - Implementation & Test of engineering changes - Operational reporting ITT-2: SW for (5) (6) - Implementation, test and maintenance of the Data Includes SW for interfacing DIAS with Processing, Data Processing, Access functions and the CFI tools existing partner ´ s (ECMWF) systems Access and Tools and tools. Procuring authority: ECMWF ITT-3: DIAS System (1), Validation part of - DIAS System engineering & consistency/compliance Independent from the DIAS Service Engineering, (2) - DIAS services Validation in support to the partners Provider (securing independent Validation - Defining evolution / engineering changes based on User Validation) Feedback ITT-4: User Uptake (8) - User Uptake, identification of potential/new user communities, Interface to ITT-1 and to the existing Marketing and User Marketing, Communication User Support function to be detailed Support (one or - Act as integrator of the specific user Support functions @ MO, during ITT preparation. Independent several ITTs) ECMWF, EUMETSAT from ITT#1 Contractor. Technical Lead: Mercator Ocean Notes: (1) Procurements might be grouped at the time of the ITT to ensure a coherent set of responsibility to the industry (2) Some of the procurements will have an operational role in addition to implementation (3) ECMWF is a partner to the DIAS and will release complementary procurement actions 13 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC

  14. Selecting Contractors ➢ All Invitations to Tender (ITTs) for the EUMETSAT procurements are published electronically on EUMITS; • Use of standard Purchase or Contract General Conditions; • Use of Fixed Prices in Euro (Firm Fixed or Variation Formula); • Special Tender Conditions (STCs) including evaluation criteria and weighting factors published in each ITT; • Bids submitted electronically on EUMITS for Consultancy services if activated for online bidding; • Bids evaluated by a Tender Evaluation Board (TEB); • Adjective Criteria (Perfect, Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Recoverable, Irrecoverable); • Selection on the basis of Best Value For Money (BVFM). 14 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC

  15. EUMITS - The gateway to EUMETSAT’s ITTs Business with EUMETSAT Slide: 15 15 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC

  16. How to bid for EUMETSAT’s ITTs Creation of account (I) 16 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC

  17. How to bid for EUMETSAT’s ITTs Creation of account (II) You will see a section called “E -mail Notifications”. In this section, e-mail notifications can be requested, e.g. upon release or closure of ITT, or in case of new questions & answers posted on EUMITS (for further details on this service, please see the EUMITS User Guide). 17 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC

  18. How to bid for EUMETSAT’s ITTs Creation of account (III) Once the account details have been confirmed by selecting the “Submit” button, your account details will be sent to you and you will have full access to the EUMITS system including access to all of EUMETSAT’s open and intended ITTs. You will also have the opportunity to post tender related questions on EUMITS. 18 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC

  19. Current ITTs 19 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC

  20. ITT Details Standard EUMETSAT services ITTs consist of a Cover Letter, a Draft Contract, Special Tender Conditions and one or more Statement(s) of Work. These documents can be found in the “Specific Documents” section of the relevant ITT. Further, general documents, which apply to the ITT are listed in the “General Documents” section of the relevant ITT. 20 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC

  21. Specific Documents (examples) 21 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC

  22. Intended ITTs 22 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC

  23. EUMITS – Who to contact in case of technical questions Should you have any technical questions or should you experience any problems with EUMITS, please contact 23 EUM/COS/VWG/18/974450, v1A, 22 February 2018 PUBLIC


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