Workshop GG Energy Savings Champions – Best Practices & Case Studies in Energy Reduction & Energy Efficiency in Ohio Schools Districts Wednesday, February 19, 2020 1:45 p.m. to 3:00p.m. .
Biographical Information Michelle Cross, Principal Engineer of EE/PDR AEP Ohio, 301 Cleveland Ave SW, Canton, OH 44702 330-438-7028 Michelle Cross is a Professional Engineer with 20 years of experience in manufacturing and the electric utility industry. She began her career as a Process Manager with Anheuser Busch. In 2008, she joined American Electric Power to manage environmental capital projects for generation facilities. In 2010, she joined the energy efficiency department for AEP Ohio and manages the Combined Heat and Power Program, Continuous Energy Improvement Program and the Data Center Program for business customers. Michelle has a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from The Ohio State University, is a licensed Professional Engineer in the state of Ohio, a Project Management Professional and a Certified Energy Manager. Reynoldsburg City Schools Chris Reed, Director of Operations and Services Reynoldsburg City Schools, 7244 E. Main St., Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 (614) 501-1025 Administrative Assistant: Vicki DeWees (614) 501-1026 Chris joined Reynoldsburg City Schools in 2017 and oversees multiple departments; Food Service, Technology, Safety & Security, Facilities & Maintenance, Transportation, and all support staff. He manages 20 million dollars a year with the goal of saving operational dollars to be moved to the instructional side of the District. Adam Von Lehdmden, Senior Controls Engineer, Dynamix Energy Services Adam has been with Dynamix since 2017. He has extensive experience in design, implementation, and support of HVAC controls systems. Adam also serves as DES’s solar energy and battery storage project developer for prospective clients Sean Weber, CEM, President, Dynamix Energy Services Since joining Dynamix in 2012, Sean has been involved with HVAC mechanical design, energy modeling, and performing energy audits. He also has extensive experience with designing, installing, programming, and monitoring building automation systems. He has managed projects totaling over 35 million dollars in installation cost with total utility savings of over 3 million dollars over the last 5 years.
Fostoria City Schools Andrew Sprang, Superintendent, Fostoria City Schools 1001 Park Ave., Fostoria, OH 44830 419-436-4100 Andrew is in his 18th year in education, all at Fostoria City Schools. He has held various positions in the district and has served as superintendent for the past seven years. He has a bachelor’s degree in Integrated Social Studies and a master’s in Education Administration both from the University of Findlay and is currently enrolled in the school’s doctoral program. In 2017 Findlay named Andrew its Distinguished Alumni Award recipient. He is the current vice president of United Way of Fostoria and is a board member of the Fostoria Economic Development Corporation and Fostoria Chamber of Commerce. He also serves on the College of Education Dean’s Advisory Board at the University of Findlay. Matt Hibner, AIA, LEED AP, Architect, Garmann/Miller Architects-Engineers Matt is a licensed architect with 13 years of experience in the industry. He oversees Garmann/Miller’s architectural team and is a principal on the firm’s board of directors. Matt earned his bachelor’s degree from Ball State University and completed his master’s studies at Miami University. He is registered in the states of Ohio and Indiana and with the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards. Matt implements efficient, sustainable features in his craft and has earned Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design Advanced Professional (LEED AP) credentials. He has served as lead architect on various educational projects, which includes Fostoria City Schools’ new 7-12 building and PK-6 building renovation/addition. John Ridder, RCDD, Technology Director, Garmann/Miller Architects-Engineers John is Garmann/Miller’s lead technology designer who oversees the firm’s tech team. He is a BISCI RCDD (Registered Communication Distribution Designer) credentialed designer and has led numerous impactful technology projects over his 41-year career in the industry. His significant work on Fostoria City Schools’ Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) earned the district and GMAE the 2019 Most Innovative Project Award by AEP Ohio. John maintains his membership in Building Industry Consulting Service International and has provided design on various municipal, industrial and educational projects. A few of his recent projects include the classroom addition and renovation at Armstrong Air & Space Museum, renovation/restoration at Auglaize and Fulton county courthouses, and dozens of K-12 buildings for school districts throughout Ohio. Greg Wendel, Technology Designer, Garmann/Miller Architects-Engineers Greg is a technology designer at Garmann/Miller who played a key role in implementing Fostoria City Schools’ modern systems. He has been a Building Industry Consulting Service International (BICSI) member since 2010 and has held his BICSI Technician credentials for 10 years. Greg attended DeVry University and has 17 years of experience in the field of technology integration. As one of GMAE’s most experienced designers, Greg has worked on various community and educational projects, which include Apollo Career Center, Liberty Center Local Schools, Ayersville Local Schools and Fulton County Courthouse .
G AME ON F OR GPON E ne rg y Ma na g e me nt Co nfe re nc e Co lumb us, Ohio F e b rua ry 19, 2020
T ODAY’S PRE SE NT E RS T T oda y’s T oda y’s T opic s opic s ANDRE W SPRANG JOHN RIDDE R, RCDD Supe rinte nde nt T e c hno lo g y Dire c to r F o sto ria City Sc ho o ls Ga rma nn/ Mille r • • Wha t is GPON? Wha t is GPON? • • F F o sto ria inve stme nt in GPON o sto ria inve stme nt in GPON • • Ca se study: Why c o nside r a n Ca se study: Why c o nside r a n e nte rprise PON ne two rk? e nte rprise PON ne two rk? • • E E ne rg y e ffic ie nc y g a ins ne rg y e ffic ie nc y g a ins • • Susta ina b ility a nd lo ng e vity Susta ina b ility a nd lo ng e vity MAT T HIBNE R, AIA GRE G WE NDE L Arc hite c t T e c hno lo g y De sig ne r Ga rma nn/ Mille r Ga rma nn/ Mille r
WHAT IS GPON? GPON is short for Gig a bit Pa ssive Optic a l Ne tworks GPON is a po int-to -multi po int ne two rk a c c e ss pla tfo rm. I ts ma in c ha ra c te ristic is the use o f pa ssive splitte rs in the fib e r distrib utio n ne two rk, e na b ling o ne sing le fe e ding fib e r fro m the o wne r’ s c a mpus ne two rk o pe ra tio ns c e nte r to se rve multiple ro o ms/ a re a s within a b uilding o r multiple b uilding s o n a c a mpus.
WHAT IS GPON? Are PONs wide ly use d? Virtua lly e ve ry te le pho ne a nd c a b le c o mpa ny in the Unite d Sta te s ha s de plo ye d so me kind o f PON te c hno lo g y suc h a s F ro ntie r, Spe c trum, AT &T , e tc . PONs a re a c c e pte d b y Building I ndustry Co nsulting Se rvic e I nte rna tio na l (BI CSI ), the g lo b a l sta nda rds se tting b o dy fo r the info rma tio n a nd c o mmunic a tio ns te c hno lo g y c o mmunity.
WHO HAS PON? Ga rma nn/ Mille r PON proje c ts • F o sto ria City Sc ho o ls b e c a me the first Ohio sc ho o l distric t to a do pt PON te c hno lo g y. • So uthwe st L ic king L o c a l Sc ho o ls ha s c o mmitte d to six PON-b a se d b uilding ne two rks in b o th ne w a nd re no va te d b uilding s. • E lida City Sc ho o ls ha s c o mmitte d to a ne w e le me nta ry sc ho o l b uilding with a PON ne two rk.
F OST ORIA CIT Y SCHOOL S ABOUT T HE RE DME N • 1,850 stude nts • No rthe rn Buc ke ye Co nfe re nc e • 70% e c o no mic a lly F F F o sto ria o sto ria o sto ria disa dva nta g e d • 18% spe c ia l e duc a tio n Quic k F a c ts • I n the se c o nd ye a r o f a 1:1 Co lumb us Co lumb us Co lumb us initia tive in g ra de s 5-12 • Utilize mo b ile c a rts fo r yo ung e r g ra de s • Suc c e ss o f the b o nd issue Co mmunity o utre a c h wa s ke y No c ha ng e to the ta xe s; the ta xpa ye rs we re pa ying o ff a n e xisting fa c ility a t the time whe n this b o nd we nt o n
F OST ORIA CIT Y SCHOOL S Ne w 7- 12 Building T he ne w 123,400 sf, two -sto ry b uilding is b e ing b uilt ne xt to the e xisting hig h sc ho o l. Cla ssro o ms a re c luste re d a ro und fo ur e xte nde d le a rning a re a s tha t a llo w fle xib ility in the le a rning e nviro nme nts thro ug h the imple me nta tio n o f se ve ra l o pe ra b le wa ll pa rtitio ns. T his is the first L E E D fo r Sc ho o ls Ve rsio n 4 pro je c t in the sta te .
F OST ORIA CIT Y SCHOOL S E xisting PK- 6 Building T he e xisting 105,000 sf b uilding wa s re no va te d, a nd 15,000 sf o f a dditio na l a c a de mic spa c e wa s a dde d to the sc ho o l tha t se rve s a ppro xima te ly 950 stude nts. As pa rt o f the ma ste r pla n, it wa s de te rmine d tha t thre e e xisting e le me nta ry b uilding s wo uld b e c o nso lida te d into the e xisting inte rme dia te sc ho o l b uilding . T e c hno lo g y, e le c tric a l, plumb ing a nd HVAC a ll we re pa rt o f the b uilding re no va tio n upg ra de s.
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