workshop g

Workshop G Corporate Sustainability Best Practices Krogers Zero - PDF document

Workshop G Corporate Sustainability Best Practices Krogers Zero Hunger | Zero Waste Social Impact Plan and Sustainability Commitments Tuesday, March 24, 2020 11:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Biographical Information Lisa Zwack, Head of

  1. Workshop G Corporate Sustainability Best Practices … Kroger’s Zero Hunger | Zero Waste Social Impact Plan and Sustainability Commitments Tuesday, March 24, 2020 11:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

  2. Biographical Information Lisa Zwack, Head of Sustainability, The Kroger Co. 1014 Vine St., Cincinnati, OH 45202-1100 513-762-4142 Lisa Zwack has served as Head of Sustainability at The Kroger Co., the country’s largest grocery retailer, since 2017. In this role, she leads and executes on Kroger’s sustainability strategy, including the company’s progress towards its 2020 sustainability goals and Zero Hunger | Zero Waste social impact plan. Previously, Lisa served as Sustainability Manager for Staples, Inc. for nearly five years, where she played a key role in implementing and communicating the company’s global sustainability vision. She earned her MBA from the Ross School of Business and her MS and BS degrees from the School for Environment and Sustainability, all at the University of Michigan, during which time she worked with several leading companies on sustainability-related projects. Aaron Leow, Utility Engineer, The Kroger Co. 1014 Vine St., Cincinnati, OH 45202-1100 Aaron Leow joined the Kroger Co. as a Utility Engineer in 2015. Since then he has worked on the testing, development, and implementation of various energy and water reduction projects. Aaron works with facility engineering teams across Kroger's 22 grocery divisions to implement these utility saving technologies and programs and validate the savings for the company. Since beginning with Kroger, Aaron has helped to achieve the 40% avoided electricity usage goal using 2000 as a baseline year, and is on track to realize a 5% water reduction in the grocery stores since 2015. Aaron received his B.S. in Civil Engineering and M.S. in Environmental Engineering from the University of Cincinnati. Ramiro Carrion, Mechanical Engineer, The Kroger Co. 1014 Vine St., Cincinnati, OH 45202-1100 513-762-1149 Ramiro Carrion is a bilingual Mechanical Engineer with 21 years of experience in the food industry with an emphasis on providing strategic solutions to technically optimize the performance of the production process while maintaining the highest emphasis on the parameters of quality, safety and sustainability. For the last nine years, Ramiro has served as Mechanical Systems Manager and Sustainability Leader for the manufacturing division of The Kroger Co. In this role, he leads the Sustainability Program and oversees mechanical systems projects worth over $1 million dollars. Under his purview, 34 Kroger manufacturing plants have achieved zero waste status, diverting 90 percent of more of waste from landfills, and the Energy Star Program has been implemented in all facilities. Previously, Ramiro worked in similar engineering roles for Tyson Foods, Inc. and Nestlé.

  3. H&S Sympo sium Marc h 24, 2020 E

  4. Introduc tions • L isa Zwa c k, He a d of Susta ina bility • Aa ron L e ow, Utility E ng ine e r— Re ta il • Ra miro Ca rrion, Me c ha nic a l E ng ine e r— Ma nufa c turing

  5. Ag e nda • Introduc tions • Susta ina bility a t Krog e r • Wa ste , E ne rg y & Wa te r – Re ta il – Ma nufa c turing • Ke y T a ke a wa ys • Q&A

  6. About Krog e r • Na tion’s la rg e st g roc e ry c ha in • $122.3 B in sa le s • 35 sta te s + Distric t of Columbia – 2,800 stor e s – 35 ma nufa c turing pla nts – 45 distribution c e nte rs

  7. As Ame ric a’s gro c e r, K ro ge r is c o mmitte d to prote c ting pe ople a nd our pla ne t by advanc ing positive c ha ng e in our c ompa ny a nd our c ommunitie s .

  8. Susta ina bility hig hlig hts • 44.9% + e le c tric ity sa ving s in Re ta il sinc e 2000 • Sola r a nd wind insta lla tions produc e d 14.59 M kwh in 2018 • Ne w sola r a rra y in Pa ra mount, CA • De c re a sing norma lize d CO2 • 76% la ndfill dive rsion ra te in 2018 • 160M+ re usa ble pla stic c onta ine rs shippe d in Krog e r ne twork • 52.15+ M pounds of pla stic re c yc le d • 1.48+ pounds of c a rdboa rd re c yc le d

  9. 10.1 M pounds of pla stic sa ve d in pa c ka g ing use d in Krog e r Ma nufa c turing

  10. Sustainability.Kr oge r .c om

  11. Re tail

  12. Ma na g e me nt of surplus food

  13. ood wa ste re c yc ling in store s F

  14. F ood wa ste re duc tion & re c yc ling prog re ss Re tail F ood Wa ste : Co mpany-Wide BASELINE | 2017 2018: 73% 27% LANDFILL 9% reduction in total DIVERTED retail food waste generated PROGRESS | 2018 60% 40% LANDFILL DIVERTED 13% improvement in food waste diversion TARGET | 2025 from landfills ALL FOOD WASTE DIVERTED

  15. L a te st proje c ts: L E D re trofit Re pla c e d T 8 fluore sc e nt la mps with T 8 L E D la mps • 350 million kWh a nnua lly sa ve d a c ross e nte rprise • 150,000 kWh pe r store a nnua lly • ~10% re duc tion in tota l e le c tric ity use

  16. L a te st proje c ts: Gla ss door re pla c e me nt Adding g la ss doors onto ope n re frig e ra te d c a se s • Sa ve s 200,000 kWh a nnua lly • Sa ve s 17,000 T he rms a nnua lly • ~15% re duc tion in tota l e ne rg y use

  17. U.S. E PA E NE RGY ST AR prog ra m • Ave ra g e E NE RGY ST AR sc ore of 71.5 • 809 store s E NE RGY ST AR c e rtifie d • Ma nufa c turing te a m a lso use s E NE RGY ST AR princ iple s

  18. L a te st proje c ts: Adia ba tic Conde nse rs Re trofitting a n e va pora tive c onde nse r with a “hybrid” solution • No wa te r tre a tme nt is ne e de d, a voiding c ostly c he mic a l a dditions • Improve me nt in e ffic ie nc y of fa ns a nd re frig e ra tion me a ns e ne rg y is ne t ne utra l • Re duc e s store wa te r use by 60%

  19. Manufac turing

  20. Wa ste prioritie s ‘Ze ro Wa ste ’ impe ra tive in Ma nufa c turing pla nts sinc e 2010 • 90% + wa ste dive rte d from la ndfill • Opportunity to re duc e la ndfill c osts a nd produc e re c yc ling re ve nue s • Point of pride for c ompa ny • 31 ze ro wa ste fa c ilitie s

  21. E ne rg y prioritie s E ne rg y e ffic ie nc y foc us • E NE RGY ST AR princ iple s a pplie d in a ll pla nts • Ide ntify c ost- e ffe c tive opportunitie s to re duc e e ne rg y & e missions • E ne rg y a udits • E ne rg y ma na g e me nt syste ms • L E D re trofits • L owe r GWP re frig e ra nts • F irst sola r a rra y in 2021

  22. Wa te r prioritie s F inding wa te r re duc tions in pla nt produc tion proc e sse s, like a t Winc he ste r F a rms, KY • Re duc e d a mount of wa te r use d to c le a n va ts be twe e n c otta g e c he e se proc e ssing c yc le s • Re duc e d wa te r le ve ls by 6 inc he s • Still me t food qua lity a nd sa nita tion sta nda rds • Ac hie ve d wa te r sa ving s: • 4,800 g pe r da y • 1.273 M g pe r ye a r

  23. Wa te r prioritie s Adopting innova tive wa ste wa te r ma na g e me nt te c hnolog ie s a t KB Spe c ia lty F oods, Ind. • Insta lle d a na e robic wa ste wa te r tre a tme nt syste m • T urns food produc tion byproduc ts into e ne rg y throug h the a na e robic dig e stion proc e ss • In 2018, the syste m: • Proc e sse d more tha n 52 M g wa ste wa te r • Re duc e d e le c tric ity de ma nd by ~30%

  24. ha nk you! T

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