witnessing metrologically useful multiparticle

Witnessing metrologically useful multiparticle entanglement G. Tth 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Witnessing metrologically useful multiparticle entanglement G. Tth 1 , 2 , 3 in collaboration with: I. Apellaniz 1 , M. Kleinmann 1 , O. Ghne 4 1 University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain 2 IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for

  1. Witnessing metrologically useful multiparticle entanglement G. Tóth 1 , 2 , 3 in collaboration with: I. Apellaniz 1 , M. Kleinmann 1 , O. Gühne 4 1 University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain 2 IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, Bilbao, Spain 3 Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary 4 University of Siegen, Germany ICTP , Trieste, Italy 11 September 2017. 1 / 42

  2. Why multipartite entanglement and metrology are important? Full tomography is not possible, we still have to say something meaningful. Claiming “entanglement” is not sufficient for many particles. We should tell How entangled the state is What the state is good for, etc.

  3. Outline Introduction and motivation 1 Spin squeezing and entanglement 2 Entanglement Collective measurements The original spin-squeezing criterion Detecting metrologically useful entanglement 3 Basics of quantum metrology Witnessing metrological usefulness Metrology with measuring � J z � Metrology with measuring � J 2 z � Metrology with measuring any operator 4 / 42

  4. Entanglement A state is (fully) separable if it can be written as � p k ̺ ( 1 ) ⊗ ̺ ( 2 ) ⊗ ... ⊗ ̺ ( N ) . k k k k If a state is not separable then it is entangled (Werner, 1989).

  5. k -producibility/ k -entanglement A pure state is k -producible if it can be written as | Φ � = | Φ 1 � ⊗ | Φ 2 � ⊗ | Φ 3 � ⊗ | Φ 4 � .... where | Φ l � are states of at most k qubits. A mixed state is k -producible, if it is a mixture of k -producible pure states. [ e.g., Gühne, GT, NJP 2005. ] If a state is not k -producible, then it is at least ( k + 1 ) -particle entangled. two-producible three-producible

  6. Outline Introduction and motivation 1 Spin squeezing and entanglement 2 Entanglement Collective measurements The original spin-squeezing criterion Detecting metrologically useful entanglement 3 Basics of quantum metrology Witnessing metrological usefulness Metrology with measuring � J z � Metrology with measuring � J 2 z � Metrology with measuring any operator 7 / 42

  7. Many-particle systems for j=1/2 For spin- 1 2 particles, we can measure the collective angular momentum operators: N � σ ( k ) J l := 1 , 2 l k = 1 where l = x , y , z and σ ( k ) are Pauli spin matrices. l We can also measure the variances (∆ J l ) 2 := � J 2 l � − � J l � 2 .

  8. Outline Introduction and motivation 1 Spin squeezing and entanglement 2 Entanglement Collective measurements The original spin-squeezing criterion Detecting metrologically useful entanglement 3 Basics of quantum metrology Witnessing metrological usefulness Metrology with measuring � J z � Metrology with measuring � J 2 z � Metrology with measuring any operator 9 / 42

  9. The standard spin-squeezing criterion Spin squeezing criteria for entanglement detection (∆ J z ) 2 ξ 2 s = N � J x � 2 + � J y � 2 . If ξ 2 s < 1 then the state is entangled. [Sørensen, Duan, Cirac, Zoller, Nature (2001).] States detected are like this: Variance of J z is small J x is large x y z

  10. Generalized spin squeezing criteria for j = 1 2 Let us assume that for a system we know only � J := ( � J x � , � J y � , � J z � ) , K := ( � J 2 � x � , � J 2 y � , � J 2 z � ) . A full set of generalized spin squeezing criteria is known for the case above. [GT, C. Knapp, O. Gühne, and H.J. Briegel, PRL 99, 250405 (2007)] [ Higher spins: G. Vitagliano, P . Hyllus, I. Egusquiza, GT, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2011] [Experiments with singlets: Behbood et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 2014; GT, Mitchell, New. J. Phys. 2010.]

  11. Multipartite entanglement detection with spin squeezing (only two criteria!) Original spin-squeezing method [Sørensen and Mølmer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4431 (2001); experimental test: C. Gross, T. Zibold, E. Nicklas, J. Esteve, and M. K. Oberthaler, Nature 464, 1165 (2010).] Generalized method. BEC, 8000 particles. 28-particle entanglement is detected. (a) (c) 400 separable 350 300 250 2 (∆ J z ) 200 (b) 1 J z 28 150 10 20 J x 100 30 4050 Δ J z 100 50 J y 0 J eff 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 2 / J 2 < J eff ^ > max [ Lücke et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 155304 (2014), also in Synopsys in physics.aps.org. ]

  12. Outline Introduction and motivation 1 Spin squeezing and entanglement 2 Entanglement Collective measurements The original spin-squeezing criterion Detecting metrologically useful entanglement 3 Basics of quantum metrology Witnessing metrological usefulness Metrology with measuring � J z � Metrology with measuring � J 2 z � Metrology with measuring any operator 13 / 42

  13. Our main goals Detect metrologically useful multipartite entanglement, not just entanglement in general. Detect multipartite entanglement in the vicinity of various states.

  14. Quantum metrology Fundamental task in metrology with a linear interferometer ϱ θ ϱ U ( θ )= exp (− iJ l θ ) We have to estimate θ in the dynamics U = exp ( − iJ l θ ) where l ∈ { x , y , z } .

  15. Precision of parameter estimation Measure an operator M to get the estimate θ. The precision is (∆ θ ) 2 = (∆ M ) 2 | ∂ θ � M �| 2 . 〈 M 〉 √ ( Δ M ) 2 α tan α =∂ θ 〈 M 〉∣ θ = 0 θ Δ θ

  16. The quantum Fisher information Cramér-Rao bound on the precision of parameter estimation 1 1 (∆ θ ) 2 ≥ F Q [ ̺, A ] , (∆ θ ) 2 ≤ F Q [ ̺, A ] . where F Q [ ̺, A ] is the quantum Fisher information. The quantum Fisher information is given by an explicit formula for ̺ and A . ( λ k − λ l ) 2 � |� k | A | l �| 2 , F Q [ ̺, A ] = 2 λ k + λ l k , l where ̺ = � k λ k | k �� k | .

  17. The quantum Fisher information vs. entanglement For separable states F Q [ ̺, J l ] ≤ N . [Pezze, Smerzi, PRL 2009; Hyllus, Gühne, Smerzi, PRA 2010] For states with at most k -particle entanglement ( k is divisor of N ) F Q [ ̺, J l ] ≤ kN . [Hyllus et al. , PRA 2012; GT, PRA 2012]. If a state violates the above inequality then it has ( k + 1 ) -particle metrologically useful entanglement.

  18. Metrological precision vs. entanglement For separable states (∆ θ ) 2 ≥ 1 N . [Pezze, Smerzi, PRL 2009; Hyllus, Gühne, Smerzi, PRA 2010] For states with at most k -particle entanglement ( k is divisor of N ) (∆ θ ) 2 ≥ 1 kN . [Hyllus et al. , PRA 2012; GT, PRA 2012]. If a state violates the above inequality then it has ( k + 1 ) -particle metrologically useful entanglement.

  19. Outline Introduction and motivation 1 Spin squeezing and entanglement 2 Entanglement Collective measurements The original spin-squeezing criterion Detecting metrologically useful entanglement 3 Basics of quantum metrology Witnessing metrological usefulness Metrology with measuring � J z � Metrology with measuring � J 2 z � Metrology with measuring any operator 20 / 42

  20. Witnessing metrological usefulness Direct measurement of the sensitivity Measure (∆ θ ) 2 . 1 Obtain bound on F Q and multipartite entanglement, F Q [ ̺, A ] ≥ (∆ θ ) 2 . Experimentally challenging, since we need quantum dynamics. The precision is affected by the noise during the dynamics. [Experiments in cold atoms by the groups of M. Oberthaler, C. Klempt; photonic experiments of the Weinfurter group.] Witnessing (our choice) Estimate how good the precision were, if we did the metrological process. Assume a perfect metrological process. Characterizes the state only.

  21. Outline Introduction and motivation 1 Spin squeezing and entanglement 2 Entanglement Collective measurements The original spin-squeezing criterion Detecting metrologically useful entanglement 3 Basics of quantum metrology Witnessing metrological usefulness Metrology with measuring � J z � Metrology with measuring � J 2 z � Metrology with measuring any operator 22 / 42

  22. Metrology with spin-squeezed states Pezze-Smerzi bound (∆ θ ) 2 = (∆ J z ) 2 | ∂ θ � J z �| 2 = (∆ J z ) 2 = ξ 2 s N . � J x � 2 We measure � J z � . Uncertainty z ellipse x y [Pezze, Smerzi, PRL 2009.]

  23. Outline Introduction and motivation 1 Spin squeezing and entanglement 2 Entanglement Collective measurements The original spin-squeezing criterion Detecting metrologically useful entanglement 3 Basics of quantum metrology Witnessing metrological usefulness Metrology with measuring � J z � Metrology with measuring � J 2 z � Metrology with measuring any operator 24 / 42

  24. Metrology with Dicke states For Dicke state � J 2 � J 2 x � = � J 2 � J l � = 0 , l = x , y , z , z � = 0 , y � = large . Linear metrology U = exp ( − iJ y θ ) . Measure � J 2 z � to estimate θ. (We cannot measure first moments, since they are zero.) Uncertainty z ellipse x y

  25. Formula for maximal precision II Maximal precision with a closed formula 2 √ (∆ J 2 z ) 2 (∆ J 2 x ) 2 + 4 � J 2 x �− 3 � J 2 y �− 2 � J 2 z � ( 1 + � J 2 x � )+ 6 � J z J 2 x J z � (∆ θ ) 2 opt = . 4 ( � J 2 x �−� J 2 z � ) 2 Collective observables, like in the spin-squeezing criterion. Metrological usefulness can be verified without carrying out the metrological task. Tested on experimental data. [ Apellaniz, Lücke, Peise, Klempt, GT, NJP 2015. ]


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