Swaziland and has been n class ssif ifie ied as a lower middl dle e income ome count ntry Ac Acco cordi ding ng to the VAC 2007, 69% of the populat ation on is living ng in pover erty ty- major ority ty are women en Ac Acute e patriar iarch chy and gender der inequal alit ity By 2007, 26% of people ple aged d 15-49 yrs were living ing with h HI HIV ANC data (2008) ) showi wing ng 42% of pregnan ant t women en are HIV posit itiv ive e from 39.2%
NS NSF F on HIV V an and AI AIDS DS iden entif tifies ies Ea Early ly sexu xual al debu but t an and Intergen ergenerational ational sex x as as ma major driver ers Higher her prevalence alence rat ate e am among g fem emales ales (3 (31.1%) 1%) co compared pared to mal ales (1 (19.7% 9.7%) ) Peak ak am among g 15-24 4 year ar old ld br brac acket Ea Early ly ma marriages ages Un Unde der-repor reporting ting by ch children ldren
Every y day y media ia repor orts s case ses s of f GBV & CSA For th the f e first st ti time su e survey y provided vided popula ulati tion on based sed est stimat ates es (UN UNICE ICEF 2008) High gh prevale alence nce Ages es 13 – 24 yea ears Appr prox x 1 in 3 females s exp xperience enced d so some form of f se sexu xual al violenc lence e as s a child ld Only y in less ss than 1 in 7 incide ident nts s did females s se seek help Majority ority wer ere e not t even en aware e th that t th they y had d bee een abused used
La Larg rgest est prop opor orti tion on of SGBV V ca cases es- girl rl ch child ld adapt apted ed from m The Girl rl Child ld Net etwor ork k (G (GCN) ) in n Zimb mbab abwe e Foun unded ded by Bet etty ty Makoni oni, , a Zi Zimb mbab abwean ean teache cher r – a s a sur urviv vivor or of ab abus use e Pa Partner tnersh ships ips were re form rmed ed with h GCN throu ough gh Canad nadian ian Crossr ssroads oads Int nternati ernational onal (C (CCI) I) Adaptati aptation on of ma manu nuals als for r the progra ogram m to address dress key issu sues es affecting cting Swazi i girl rls
To provide vide a sa safe sp space ce for girls rls to openly nly engage age and lea earn rn about out a variety riety of f iss ssues es affec ecti ting ng young ng girls rls- allowi wing ng children ldren to exp xpress ss their thought ughts s and d feelings ngs fr freely To crea eate e an en enabling ling en envi viron onment ent for confid idence ence building, lding, empowerment rment for SGBV and d HIV preventi ention on and d response sponse among ng girls ls Promo mote e emotional ional wellness ss, , belonging, onging, and d se self-est esteem To create linkages ages for provision ision of f compreh prehensi ensive su suppo port t to child ld su surviv vivor ors s of f SGBV
The GEC progra ram m was pil iloted d in in 6 6 schoo ools, s, 3 Prim imary y schools ools and d 3 Hig igh school hools, , in in February y 2008. 08. To da date, 8 clubs bs have been succ ccessfull ssfully y establi lishe hed d and l d launche hed. d. Schoo ool select ction ion in init itia ially y based d on pr proxi ximi mity ty to SWAGAA AA coun unse seli ling sit ites and d target et communi mmuniti ties Now mostly tly on de demand- reque quest st by head d tea eache hers
Intr trod oduct uctor ory meeti eeting ng with th sch chool l ad administration stration Pres esent entat ation on to sch chool l ch child ldren en during g as assemb embly ly Volu luntar ntary y mem ember ershi ship p into cl club (li limit ited ed involv lvem ement ent of f par aren ents ts) El Elec ecti tion on of of a f a foc ocal al tea each cher er, , Cl Club Pr Pres esident ent an and co committ ttee ee Trai ainin ing g of f cl club Pres esidents ents an and tea each cher ers s using ng GEC EC tr trai ainin ing g man anual als
Initia tial l bas aselin eline e as assessme essment nt co conduct cted ed using g sta tandar ard questi estion onnair naire: e: SRH RH, , SGBV, , CS CSA, HIV, , sel elf f awar aren enes ess s etc etc am among girls ls Knowl wledge edge le level el as assessme essment t is co conduct cted ed As Assessmen essment t of f val alues es, , at atti titudes tudes an and beh ehavioural ioural pat atterns erns Mea easuremen urement t ag agai ainst nst beh ehaviour ioural al an and kn knowl wledge edge indica cator ors
Trai aine ned d cl club b co coor ordin dinat ator ors s use e cl club b ma manual als s for al all l meetings etings IEC EC mat aterials als produced oduced an and dissemin seminat ated ed Recor ecords ds of me meetings etings an and par artici ticipant pant reg egist ster ers s kept pt All ll girls ls par articipa ticipate e in cl club b ac acti tivities ities
To cr crea eate e a s a sen ense se of unity ty an and be belonging longing al all l girls ls reci cite e a G a GEC EC pledge ledge at at th the sta tart t of ever ery y meetin ting Use e of journals rnals by al all l girls ls as as an an outle tlet SWAGAA AA Clu lub b co coordinat dinator or an and as assist stant ant as assess ess journa rnals ls period iodically cally to identify ntify possible ssible ca cases es of SGBV- imm mmedia ediate e ca case e ma management agement by SWAGAA AA (1 (10 0 in 2010) 0)
Us Use e of a v varie riety ty of age e appr propriat opriate e appr proaches oaches us used ed, , suc uch as as: poetr etry, , li life e story y bo book, k, mu music ic an and danc nce, e, dra rama ma Incorporation of CSA, SGBV, children’s rights, sexua ual l re reproductiv oductive e hea ealt lth, h, inc nclu luding ding HIV V pre revention ention, , Pee eer r to Pee eer r en engagement agement Pa Parti ticipation cipation of girl rls s in S n SWAGAA AA and nd na nationa nal l events ents Inc ncre reas ased ed sense ense of soci cial al re responsi sponsibility bility amo mong ngst t girls rls
SWAGAA AA Club lub Coor ordinat dinator co conduc nducts ts weekly eekly visits ts to eac ach h cl club Clu lubs bs meet t on a a weekly eekly ba basis (m (minimu imum) m) dep epen ending ding on school chool schedule chedule Refreshe resher tr trai aining ings s for cl club b presi eside dents nts an and co coor ordina dinator ors s co conduct nducted ed
Follo lowi wing ng a 9 m month h piloting ting period iod- clubs bs evaluat luated ed for ef effec ecti tiveness eness Independ penden ent t clubs s are launch ched ed throug ough an event t organis rganised ed jointl ntly by SWAGAA AA and the girls rls A mid term evaluat luation ion of f the progr ogramm amme e has s been condu ducted ed by an y an independ ependent nt officer er fr from m CCI: Assess essment ment of impac act t of the piloted ed programme gramme and need for scale le up Assess essment ment of change e in behaviour iour, , atti titud tudes es, , beliefs, efs, and confidence dence levels ls Assess essmen ment t of abi bility lity for each to cont ntin inue ue to operat rate independ penden ently tly of SWAGAA AA staff
Inc ncreased reased un understanding rstanding and nd ch chall lleng enging ing of gend nder er stereo ereotyp types es Inc ncreased reased co conf nfidenc dence e and nd self lf awareness reness Impr proved ed co comm mmuni unication cation and nd pub ubli lic c speaking eaking skill lls Inc ncreased reased co cons nsciousn ciousnes ess s about ut hum uman n ri rights ts and nd le legal al li literacy racy Impr proved ed aca cademic emic performance ormance Redu duction ction in n teach cher er-student student re rela lati tionshi onships ps
Referral ral of f case ses s to SWAGAA AA comprehen prehensiv sive e su suppor pport Rep epor orted ed abst stinence inence fr from se sexu xual l acti tivit vity y among ong most st girl rls Promo motes es informati ormation on sh sharing ring and the correct rrection ion of f misc sconc oncepti eption ons s around ound gender der, HIV, , SRH, , Human an traffick icking ing etc etc Broadened adened view w on career er aspi spirati ration ons Suppo port t sy syst stem provided vided for OVC C in sc schoo ools ls Socializ ialization ation Access s to information rmation
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