Wiltshire CCG An update for Southern Area Board Linda Prosser, Interim Chief Officer 6 September 2018 ‘The right healthcare for you, with you, near you.’ We buy and manage healthcare for the Wiltshire CCG population of Wiltshire Practice Membership North East Wiltshire Sarum West Wiltshire Locality Leads Locality Leads Locality Leads GP Executive Committee GP Executive Committee GP Executive Committee Chairman is a GP Governing Body Director of Nursing Secondary Care Doctor Executive Management Team Quality and Audit and Finance and Joint Primary Care Clinical Remuneration Assurance Performance Commissioning Commissioning Governance Committee Committee Committee Board Committee Committee ‘The right healthcare for you, with you, near you.’ 1
How the NHS is funded HM Treasury (the Budget) Department of Health and Social Care £602.5m CCG allocation Wiltshire CCG 2018/19 Budget (population and demography) 490,000 Wiltshire population GP Practices and Hospitals ‘The right healthcare for you, with you, near you.’ How we spend our money Acute services 48% Mental health services 8% Community services 7% Continuing care services 4% Better Care Fund 5% Delegated primary care commissioning 9% Primary care services 14% Other programme services 3% Running costs 2% Contingency <1% ‘The right healthcare for you, with you, near you.’ 2
GP Practices 49 Wiltshire Practices 3 Localities • North East • West • Sarum ‘The right healthcare for you, with you, near you.’ ‘The right healthcare for you, with you, near you.’ 3
Targets and assurance • NHS Constitution • Improvement and Assurance Framework ratings • Care Quality Commission • NHS England • NHS Improvement • Government targets ‘The right healthcare for you, with you, near you.’ Our 2017/18 Q4 IAF self-assessment 135 targets in total! Urgent and emergency care Anti-microbial resistance NHS continuing healthcare Personal health budgets Learning Disabilities Health inequalities Elective access Child obesity 7-day service Diabetes Primary Care Smoking Mental health Carers Care ratings: Falls Maternity Sepsis Cancer Delivering the five year v forward view Leadership* Staff engagement Workforce race equality NHS e-referrals Working relationships In Year Financial Performance Probity and corporate governance Statutory Public Patient participation ‘The right healthcare for you, with you, near you.’ 4
How your local GP practice is fairing… National GP Patient Survey CQC ratings ‘The right healthcare for you, with you, near you.’ National GP patient survey The GP Patient Survey is an England-wide survey, providing Practice-level data about patient’s experiences of their GP Practices. In Wiltshire: 11,451 questionnaires were sent out to patients 5,696 were returned completed 50% response rate All data is taken from the latest / August 2018 publication (fieldwork January-March 2018) What the survey measures: • Making appointments • Perception of care at appointments • Managing health conditions • Practice opening hours • Services when GP Practices are closed ‘The right healthcare for you, with you, near you.’ 5
Overall experience of GP practice Overall experience of GP Practice CCG’s results Comparison of results CCG National 88% 84% Very good 8% 3% Fairly good Good Good Neither good nor poor 53% 4% 6% 35% Fairly poor Very poor Poor Poor Practice range in CCG – % Good Local CCG range – % Good Lowest Highest Lowest Highest Performing Performing Performing Performing 69% 100% 81% 91% ‘The right healthcare for you, with you, near you.’ Overall experience - Sarum GP Practices 98% 100% 99% 100% 95% 95% 92% 90% 91% 89% 90% 89% 88% 88% 87% 90% 85% 85% 84% 83% 80% 77% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% ‘The right healthcare for you, with you, near you.’ 6
Ease of getting through to Practice on the phone CCG’s results Comparison of results CCG National 6% Very easy 27% 16% 77% 70% Fairly easy Not very easy Easy Easy Not at all easy 23% 30% 51% Not easy Not easy Practice range in CCG - % Easy Local CCG range - % Easy Lowest Highest Lowest Highest Performing Performing Performing Performing 45% 100% 69% 89% ‘The right healthcare for you, with you, near you.’ Ease of getting through to Practice on the phone – Sarum GP Practices 100% 99% 100% 100% 95% 95% 95% 94% 93% 92% 88% 90% 86% 85% 84% 82% 80% 81% 77% 80% 74% 71% 70% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% ‘The right healthcare for you, with you, near you.’ 7
Satisfaction with appointment offered CCG’s results Comparison of results CCG National 81% 74% Yes, and I accepted 4% 15% an appointment Yes, took appt Yes, took appt No, but I still took an appointment 15% 20% No, and I did not take an appointment No, took appt No, took appt 81% 4% 6% No, didn’t take appt No, didn’t take appt Local CCG range - % Yes Practice range in CCG - % Yes Lowest Highest Lowest Highest Performing Performing Performing Performing 65% 99% 71% 84% ‘The right healthcare for you, with you, near you.’ Satisfaction with appointment offered – Sarum GP Practices % Yes, and I accepted an appointment % No, but I still took an appointment % No, and I did not take an appointment 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% ‘The right healthcare for you, with you, near you.’ 8
What patients do when they don’t take the appointment offered Percentage who went on to do something else when did not take 100% 90% CCG National 80% 70% the appointment offered 60% 50% 40% 28% 28% 30% 26% 22% 17% 20% 14% 14% 12% 12% 11% 11% 11% 11% 10% 10% 10% 7% 7% 4% 0% Got an Called an NHS Went to A&E Spoke to a Went to or Decided to Looked for Spoke to a friend Didn’t see or appointment for a helpline, such as pharmacist contacted contact my information or family member speak to anyone different day NHS 111 another NHS practice another online service time ‘The right healthcare for you, with you, near you.’ Use of services when the Practice is closed CCG National 69% I contacted an NHS service by telephone 62% 34% A healthcare professional called me back 25% 8% A healthcare professional visited me at home 5% 34% I went to A&E 36% 8% I saw a pharmacist 12% 17% I went to another general practice service 18% 4% I went to another NHS service 5% 6% Can't remember 8% ‘The right healthcare for you, with you, near you.’ 9
CQC overall ratings Sixpenny Handley Surgery Good Harcourt Medical Centre Good Whiteparish Surgery Good Barcroft Medical Centre Requires Improvement Castle Practice Good The Orchard Practice Good Salisbury Medical Practice (Fisherton House) Outstanding Avon Valley Practice Good Three Chequers Medical Practice Outstanding Downton Practice Good St Melor House Surgery Good Millstream Medical Centre Good Tisbury Surgery Good Mere Surgery Good Silton Surgery Good Hindon Surgery Outstanding Salisbury Plain Health Partnership Not yet inspected ‘The right healthcare for you, with you, near you.’ 10
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