williston basin oil pipeline update

Williston Basin Oil Pipeline Update March 30, 2011 10:00 am 11:30 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Williston Basin Oil Pipeline Update March 30, 2011 10:00 am 11:30 am Agenda Tips For Viewers - True Companies -Q&A tab at the top of - TransCanada screen for questions - Plains All American - Close all other - Tesoro applications

  1. Williston Basin Oil Pipeline Update March 30, 2011 10:00 am – 11:30 am Agenda Tips For Viewers - True Companies -Q&A tab at the top of - TransCanada screen for questions - Plains All American - Close all other - Tesoro applications on your - Enbridge computer: Outlook, etc This meeting is being recorded and will be available at: www.pipeline.nd.gov

  2. Williston Basin Oil Pipeline Update March 30, 2011 10:00 am – 11:30 am Additional Viewer Tips In order to hear the audio, you must install the Microsoft Live Meeting 2007 Client (instructions on the NDPA homepage). Audio will not start until meeting begins If you become disconnected from the meeting, please rejoin by following the original instructions. This meeting is being recorded and will be available at: www.pipeline.nd.gov


  4. A GENDA & I NTRODUCTI ON • L OGISTICAL C ONSTRAINTS FOR B AKKEN P RODUCTION : • Inter-Regional Constraints : Getting Barrels out of the Rockies • Intra-Regional Constraints : Getting Barrels out of the Williston Basin • Lease Constraints : Getting Barrels off the Lease • F OUR B EARS • B AKER 300 • C ONSTRUCTION R EVIEW

  5. Getting Barrels out of the Rockies I NTER-REGI ON CONSTRAI NTS

  6. R OCKY M OUNTAI N C RUDE Hardisty, AB C OMPLEX Regina, SK 1,300,000 Pipeline Export Capacity Great Falls, MT 1,100,000 Clearbrook, MN Montana Refining 8,200 Mandan, ND 900,000 Billings, MT Tesoro 58,000 ConocoPhillips 58,000 ExxonMobil 60,000 Cenex 56,000 St. Paul, MN Flint Hills Resources 298,000 Reno Jct., WY Newcastle, WY MarathonAshland 70,000 700,000 Wyoming Refining 12,500 Casper, WY Chicago, I L Sinclair 22,500 ExxonMobil 238,000 Guernsey, WY BP PLC 399,000 Rawlins, WY CITGO 159,000 500,000 Sinclair 72,000 Cheyenne, WY Frontier 52,000 Denver, CO 300,000 Suncor 88,000 100,000 -100,000 Enbridge Platte White Cliffs

  7. Moving Barrels Out of the Williston Basin I NTRA-REGI ONAL CONSTRAI NTS

  8. R OCKY M OUNTAI N C RUDE C OMPLEX Intra-Regional Constraints 185,000

  9. Moving Barrels off the lease LEASE CONSTRAI NTS

  10. Mountrail McKenzie Dunn

  11. M OUNTRAI L , D UNN & 300,000 M C K ENZI E C OUNTI ES 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 - Jan-00 Jul-00 Jan-01 Jul-01 Jan-02 Jul-02 Jan-03 Jul-03 Jan-04 Jul-04 Jan-05 Jul-05 Jan-06 Jul-06 Jan-07 Jul-07 Jan-08 Jul-08 Jan-09 Jul-09 Jan-10 Jul-10 Dunn McKenzie Mountrail

  12. T ODAY ~$2 ~$6 Transportation Costs Total Est. Cost To Guernsey: ~$8

  13. F OUR B EARS ~$1.5 ~$2.60 Transportation Costs Total Est. Cost To Guernsey: ~$4.10

  14. Solutions BAKER 3 0 0

  15. P ROJECT O VERVI EW Raymond Stanley Bridger Parshall Gathering Alexander 300,000 Poplar Montana Hwy 201 Fisher BPD Richey North Dakota INTO BAKER Glendive Mandan Fryburg Billings Baker 300,000 Alzada BPD OUT OF Wyoming BAKER South Dakota Pow der er River er Osage Reno Jct. Newcastle Mush Creek Casper Ft. Laramie/ Guernsey Rawlins Nebraska Cheyenne

  16. P ROJECT O VERVI EW Baker Balance: 2010 Raymond Stanley Bridger Parshall Gathering Alexander 130,000 Poplar Montana BPD Hwy 201 Fisher Richey North Dakota INTO BAKER Glendive Mandan Fryburg Billings Baker 140,000 BPD Alzada OUT OF Wyoming BAKER South Dakota Pow der er River er Osage Reno Jct. Newcastle Mush Creek Casper Ft. Laramie/ Guernsey Rawlins Nebraska Cheyenne

  17. P ROJECT O VERVI EW Baker Balance: 2011 Raymond Stanley Bridger Parshall Gathering Alexander 190,000 Poplar Montana Hwy 201 Fisher BPD Richey North Dakota INTO BAKER Glendive Mandan Fryburg Billings Baker 170,000 BPD Alzada OUT OF Wyoming BAKER South Dakota Pow der er River er Osage Reno Jct. Newcastle Mush Creek Casper Ft. Laramie/ Guernsey Rawlins Nebraska Cheyenne

  18. P ROJECT O VERVI EW Baker Balance: 2012 Raymond Stanley Bridger Parshall Gathering Alexander 240,000 Poplar Montana Hwy 201 Fisher BPD Richey North Dakota INTO BAKER Glendive Mandan Fryburg Billings Baker 200,000 BPD Alzada OUT OF BFPL: 30,000 Wyoming BAKER South Dakota Pow der er River er Osage Reno Jct. Newcastle Mush Creek Casper Ft. Laramie/ Guernsey Rawlins Nebraska Cheyenne

  19. P ROJECT O VERVI EW Baker Balance: 2013 Raymond Stanley Bridger Parshall Gathering Alexander 300,000 Poplar Montana Hwy 201 Fisher BPD Richey North Dakota INTO BAKER Glendive Mandan Fryburg Billings Baker 300,000 BPD Alzada OUT OF Wyoming BAKER South Dakota Pow der er River er Osage Reno Jct. Newcastle Mush Creek Casper Ft. Laramie/ Guernsey Rawlins Nebraska Cheyenne

  20. B AKER 3 0 0 Resolving Constraints • Inter-Regional Constraints : – Keystone XL Connection : 100,000 • Intra-Region Constraints : – Butte Expansion : 32,000bpd – Belle Fourche Loop : 50,000bpd • Lease Constraints : – With Poplar, Belle Fourche and Four Bears, most producing wells in western North Dakota and eastern Montana will be no farther than 20 miles from pipeline access.


  22. F OUR B EARS P I PELI NE ROW Clearing

  23. F OUR B EARS P I PELI NE ROW Clearing

  24. F OUR B EARS P I PELI NE ROW Clearing

  25. F OUR B EARS P I PELI NE Pipe Stringing

  26. F OUR B EARS P I PELI NE Pipe Stringing

  27. F OUR B EARS P I PELI NE Welding

  28. F OUR B EARS P I PELI NE Lowering

  29. F OUR B EARS P I PELI NE Lowering

  30. F OUR B EARS P I PELI NE Station Construction

  31. F OUR B EARS P I PELI NE Station Construction

  32. Baker 1 5 0 2 0 1 1 Construction Raymond Bridger Parshall Stanley Gathering Four Bears HWY 23 Alexander Fisher Pump Hydrotest: April 2011 Poplar Montana April 2011 Fisher Line Fill: May 2011 Richey North Dakota HWY 200 Operation: June 2011 Glendive Mandan Fryburg Baker Pump Billings Baker May 2011 Hulett Pump Thunderbird July 2011 Reactivation Alzada Fall 2011 Wyoming South Dakota Osage Pump #3 Pow der er River er Osage Osage Pump #1 Reno Jct. Newcastle Fall 2011 Mush Creek April 2011 Casper Ft. Laramie/ Guernsey Rawlins Nebraska Belle Fourche & Bridger Systems Cheyenne Other Carriers

  33. N ORTH D AKOTA P I PELI NE A UTHORI TY W EBI NAR , M ARCH 3 0 , 2 0 1 1 B AKER 3 0 0

  34. Bakken Marketlink Project Update North Dakota Pipeline Authority March 3 0 , 2 0 1 1 David Diakow TransCanada Oil Pipelines

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