WHE HERE E HA HAVE E WE BEEN Rivers and Harbors ors Act Clean n Water er Act Riverside e Bayview iew Homes es Decis cision ion NWP26 1987, , 1989, , 1991 Manua nual No Net Loss ss of Wetland lands Nationa ional Academy my of Science iences Report ort SWANCC C Deci cision ion Philad ladel elphia phia Ditch ch Rule Hydric ic Soils ils Upd pdates es Regiona ional Suppl plemen ements Rapano anos Deci cision sion and Guid idanc ance Sacke kett Deci cision ion Guid idance nce Withdrawn Nationa ional l Wetlan land Plant nt List Connec nectiv ivit ity Stud udy Propos posed ed Rulema emaking king
WHE HERE E ARE E WE NO NOW Wet etland nd Losse ses? s? Are they real? All Counties Require Delineation, JD or Signature of Delineator on Plan and Permit if Impacts No Wetlands on Lots Wetland Buffers Isolat ated d Wet etlands nds NWP Program
WHE HERE E ARE E WE GOING NG State Regulati tion Delineation Permitting Mitigation
WILL LL IT WORK? Will it accompli mplish h what we are trying ying to do? What t are the goals? Consul sulta tant nts s and Regulat ator ors s argui uing ng over what is wet etlands ds, , what is an impact mpact, how valuable is the wetland, meanwhile…. Valuable, , non-wet etla lands nds are being lost
BETT TTER ER IDEA? A? Value for Property Owners How do we P Pay How Does It Work rk?
HO HOW DOES IT WORK? Counties nties Pa Pass ss Ordin dinanc ances es Incentives of Density Bonuses and TDRs for High Value Areas Other Incentives? Tax Breaks? Others? The more valuable the resource, the bigger the incentive for Preservation Consult sultant nts s Propose pose Value e of Natural ural Areas as DNREC EC Confirm irms s Values es or Offers s Altern ernat ate e Perspecti spectives es Proper perty ty Owner r Benef efits its from m Preser eserving ving Valuable ble Reso sour urces es
BENE NEFI FITS Pres eser erves es most st valuable ble res esour urce ces Incen entiv iviz izes es Proper perty ty Owner ers Pr Provid vides es Val alue ue to Res esour urces ces that at ar are e Cur urren ently tly Valuable ble to the e Public ic and d a D Det etrim iment ent to Prope perty y Owner ers
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