What We DON’T Do • Passports - The Passport office falls under Foreign Affairs Canada • Exit Control - None in Canada, yet. We don’t track people leaving the country unless they’re under removal orders • Canadian Citizens – We have no authority to track them or collect information on them
Inadmissibilities and Violations Section 34 : Security Section 35 : Human or International Rights Violation Section 36 : Criminality Section 37: Organized Crime Section 38: Health Grounds Section 39: Financial Reasons Section 40: Misrepresentation Section 41: Non-Compliance with IRPA
Section 36 : Criminality Permanent Residents Enforcement action only if: 1. Convicted for an offence in Canada where they could receive 10 years or more (i.e. Trafficking, assault CBH or w/ weapon); or 2. Convicted outside Canada for an offence that is equivalent to an offence above; or 3. For committing an offence outside Canada equivalent to #1 above (i.e. fugitives); or 4. Is sentenced in Canada to a term of imprisonment of 6 months or more Note: If a PR receives a sentence of 2 years or more for an offence, they lose their right to appeal.
Section 36: Criminality Foreign Nationals Enforcement action only if: 1. Foreign National is convicted for an offence in Canada that could be indictable (hybrid) or two separate summary matters 2. Foreign National convicted for an offence outside Canada, need to know details of offence (i.e. type and quantity of drugs, weapons used in assaults) 3. Foreign National has committed an offence outside Canada that could be indictable (hybrid)
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