what is the cspb

What is the CSPB? The CSPB was created in 2010, the first board to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

What is the CSPB? The CSPB was created in 2010, the first board to be set up for a Public Service Pensions Scheme. It has no decision making powers. The Public Service Pension Act 2013 put the CSPB on a formal legal format in April 2015.

  1. What is the CSPB? The CSPB was created in 2010, the first board to be set up for a Public Service Pensions Scheme. It has no decision making powers. The Public Service Pension Act 2013 put the CSPB on a formal legal format in April 2015. www.civilservicepensionscheme.org.uk

  2. What do we do? www.civilservicepensionscheme.org.uk

  3. Governance Roles and Responsibilities Body/Pers Role Principal responsibilities Legislation or on policy Minister for Scheme The Scheme Manager is Public Service the Cabinet Manager responsible for managing the Pensions Act Office scheme and ensuring that it runs 2013 within given regulations and policy. Civil Assisting the Providing support and constructive Public Service Service scheme challenge to the Cabinet Office as Pensions Act Pension manager in scheme manager. 2013 Board delivering the Meeting requirements set out in TPR’s guidance Civil Service pension arrangements www.civilservicepensionscheme.org.uk

  4. CSPB’s membership Non Executives Scheme member reps Employer reps www.civilservicepensionscheme.org.uk

  5. How does the CSPB work? It works with a wide range of stakeholders to review These include: the Defined Benefit arrangements; The CSPB meets at least quarterly throughout the The CSPB has two Sub Groups, to look more in GMP; Defined Contribution issues; risk; audit; and issues including: BM’s, Cabinet Office Pensions depth at a range of issues. year Team, Civil Service Trade Unions, Employers, Other engaging with stakeholders. Public sector pension boards, tPR, TPA, Scheme Members. www.civilservicepensionscheme.org.uk

  6. What does the CSPB look at? The CSPB reviews a wide range of areas including: MyCSP and other providers’ performance Gathering intelligence to improve service delivery Key risks to the Scheme Benchmarking data Data quality www.civilservicepensionscheme.org.uk


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