what is operation crackdown

What is Operation Crackdown Operation Crackdown is an online - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Update provided by Jim Stobart What is Operation Crackdown Operation Crackdown is an online reporting tool provided by Sussex Police and supported by the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership. Crackdown allows members of the public to report

  1. Update – provided by Jim Stobart

  2. What is Operation Crackdown Operation Crackdown is an online reporting tool provided by Sussex Police and supported by the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership. Crackdown allows members of the public to report drivers of vehicles who, in their view may have been driving anti socially – I.E – using a hand held mobile phone, not wearing a seatbelt or tailgating etc. Crackdown is part of the educational side of road safety and seeks to remind drivers of vehicles about the rules of the road by sending an advisory letter – aiming to reduce the amount of killed or serious injury collisions there are each year.

  3. Journey so far… Need to coordinate removing of abandoned 2001 vehicles Pilot began in West Sussex Scheme expands to cover whole of Sussex 2004 Need to provide public reporting tool for ASD 2007 Consolidation and review 2012 Release of new public site 2013

  4. Front page 

  5. How to submit a report What information do I need to give?

  6. “Concertina” reporting form 

  7. The Concertina Finish 

  8. Anti-social 1 st driving report 2 nd PNC  3 rd  NPT

  9. Results • Over 42,652 reports in 2014 – 26,512 were speed watch reports • Over 95% directly through website • Almost 33,000 interventions • Over 29,941 advisory letters sent • 68% of reports ‘actively’ disposed…

  10. Results for the Buxted area

  11. Buxted by Map http://www.sussexsaferroads.gov.uk

  12. http://www.sussexsaferroads.gov.uk

  13. Response to our letters • Around 70 responses per month • 2% of letters sent • All are responded to as appropriate • Not all bad – every month we get “apologies” and “thanks for setting me straight” letters/emails

  14. Community Speedwatch • Before – All groups working in isolation, No pan-Sussex overview, No continuity • After – Summer 2013 CSW goes live on Crackdown – 120 coordinator accounts created – 125 schemes, over 750 sites – 26,512 reports in 2014!! – There are Community Speedwatch teams in the this area

  15. Sources http://www.sussexsaferroads.gov.uk/  Opcrackdown  @Op Crackdown

  16. www.sussexsaferroads.gov.uk Thank you www.OperationCrackdown.org Operation.Crackdown@sussex.pnn.police.uk


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