what is legionella what are monitoring amp control

What is Legionella? What are monitoring & - PDF document

What is Legionella? What are monitoring & control recommendations? What are you required to monitor/control? What are you required to monitor/control? What are the risks? How can

  1. ������ ������ � What is Legionella? � What are monitoring & control recommendations? � What are you required to monitor/control? � What are you required to monitor/control? � What are the risks? � How can Watertech help?

  2. ����� ������ � ����������������� ����������������� � ��������������� ���������� � ����������� ���������

  3. �������� ������������������ ����������� � � Gram negative, waterborne pathogen. � Family encompasses more than 40 different organisms, only a few of which endanger health. � Contracted by inhalation of aerosols or aspiration of water. � Immunocompromised and respiratory compromised individuals are at greatest risk. individuals are at greatest risk. � An estimated 8,000 - 18,000 cases of legionellosis occur each year in the U.S; 23% are nosocomial. Most LD cases are sporadic; 10% - 20% can be linked to outbreaks. � Death occurs in 5% - 15% of LD cases; a substantially higher proportion of fatal cases occur during nosocomial outbreaks.

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