What is a mathemati- cian? Lara Pudwell What is a mathematician? What do I do? Teaching & Service Research How did I get Lara Pudwell here? High School Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science College Graduate School Valparaiso University ...and beyond Other Mathematical Careers Immanuel Lutheran School – Memphis, TN Conclusion Recap December 18, 2012 Recommended Reading
What is a mathemati- cian? Lara Pudwell What do I do? Teaching & Service Research How did I get here? What do I do? High School College Graduate School ...and beyond Other Mathematical Careers Conclusion Recap Recommended Reading
What does a mathematician do? What is a mathemati- cian? Lara Pudwell What do I do? Teaching & At Valparaiso University, my job is Service Research 50% teaching How did I get here? 30% research High School College Graduate School 20% service ...and beyond Other ...but what does this mean? Mathematical Careers Conclusion Recap Recommended Reading
Teaching & Service What is a mathemati- cian? Lara Pudwell What do I do? Teaching & Teaching Service Research prepare lesson plans. How did I get here? lead class. High School College Graduate School grade student work. ...and beyond Other answer questions. Mathematical Careers Conclusion Recap Recommended Reading
Teaching & Service What is a mathemati- cian? Lara Pudwell What do I do? Teaching & Teaching Service Service Research prepare lesson plans. committee work. How did I get here? lead class. advise students. High School College Graduate School grade student work. write math contests. ...and beyond Other answer questions. edit math articles. Mathematical Careers Conclusion Recap Recommended Reading
Research What is a mathemati- cian? Lara Pudwell What do I do? Teaching & Service Research How did I get here? High School College Graduate School ...and beyond Other Mathematical Careers Conclusion Recap Recommended Reading
Research What is a mathemati- cian? Lara Pudwell What do I do? Teaching & Service solve math problems that no one has ever solved before. Research How did I get collaborate with students to solve math problems. here? High School attend conferences to work with other mathematicians and College Graduate School ...and beyond present my research results. Other Mathematical Careers Conclusion Recap Recommended Reading
I have been to conferences in... What is a mathemati- cian? Lara Pudwell What do I do? Teaching & Service Research How did I get here? High School College Graduate School ...and beyond Other Mathematical Careers Conclusion Recap Recommended Reading
What is math research anyhow? What is a mathemati- cian? Conjecture/discover patterns/solutions. Lara Pudwell Write a “proof” of why a pattern/solution works. What do I do? Mathematicians like to ask “Why?” Teaching & Service Research How did I get here? High School College Graduate School ...and beyond Other Mathematical Careers Conclusion Recap Recommended Reading
What is math research anyhow? What is a mathemati- cian? Conjecture/discover patterns/solutions. Lara Pudwell Write a “proof” of why a pattern/solution works. What do I do? Mathematicians like to ask “Why?” Teaching & Service Research Proof example: The checkerboard problem. How did I get here? Can you cover these checkerboards with non-overlapping High School dominoes? College Graduate School ...and beyond Other Mathematical Careers Conclusion Recap Recommended Reading Why or why not?
What is math research anyhow? What is a mathemati- cian? Conjecture/discover patterns/solutions. Lara Pudwell Write a “proof” of why a pattern/solution works. What do I do? Mathematicians like to ask “Why?” Teaching & Service Research Proof example: The checkerboard problem. How did I get here? Can you cover these checkerboards with non-overlapping High School dominoes? College Graduate School ...and beyond Other Mathematical Careers Conclusion Recap Recommended Reading Why or why not?
A smaller board What is a mathemati- cian? Lara Pudwell What do I do? Teaching & Service Research How did I get here? High School College Graduate School ...and beyond Other Mathematical Careers Conclusion Recap Recommended Reading
A smaller board What is a mathemati- cian? Lara Pudwell What do I do? Teaching & Service Research How did I get here? High School College Graduate School ...and beyond Other Mathematical Careers Conclusion Recap Recommended Reading
A smaller board What is a mathemati- cian? Lara Pudwell What do I do? Teaching & Service Research How did I get here? High School College Graduate School ...and beyond Other Mathematical Careers Conclusion Recap Recommended Reading
A smaller board What is a mathemati- cian? Lara Pudwell What do I do? Teaching & Service Research How did I get here? High School College Graduate School ...and beyond Other Mathematical Careers Conclusion Recap Recommended Reading
A smaller board What is a mathemati- cian? Lara Pudwell What do I do? Teaching & Service Research How did I get here? High School College Graduate School ...and beyond Other Mathematical Careers Conclusion Recap Recommended Reading
A smaller board What is a mathemati- cian? Lara Pudwell What do I do? Teaching & Service Research How did I get here? High School College Graduate School ...and beyond Other Mathematical Careers Conclusion Recap Recommended Reading
A smaller board What is a mathemati- cian? Lara Pudwell What do I do? Teaching & Service Research How did I get here? High School College Graduate School ...and beyond Other Mathematical Each domino covers one red square and one black square . Careers Conclusion Recap Recommended Reading
A smaller board What is a mathemati- cian? Lara Pudwell What do I do? Teaching & Service Research How did I get here? High School College Graduate School ...and beyond Other Mathematical Each domino covers one red square and one black square . Careers Any number of dominoes cover the same number of red Conclusion Recap and black squares . Recommended Reading
A smaller board What is a mathemati- cian? Lara Pudwell What do I do? Teaching & Service Research How did I get here? High School College Graduate School ...and beyond Other Mathematical Each domino covers one red square and one black square . Careers Any number of dominoes cover the same number of red Conclusion Recap and black squares . Recommended Reading The board with missing corners has more black squares than red squares so it is impossible to cover it with dominoes.
A taste of research What is a We’ll say a “word” is a list of numbers. mathemati- cian? (examples: 01011, 1204252, etc.) Lara Pudwell A double in a word is two copies of the same smaller word What do I do? back to back. (examples: 021221234, 0211312) Teaching & Service Research Question: If you only use 0s and 1s, what’s the longest How did I get here? word you can make without a double? High School College Graduate School ...and beyond Other Mathematical Careers Conclusion Recap Recommended Reading
A taste of research What is a We’ll say a “word” is a list of numbers. mathemati- cian? (examples: 01011, 1204252, etc.) Lara Pudwell A double in a word is two copies of the same smaller word What do I do? back to back. (examples: 021221234, 0211312) Teaching & Service Research Question: If you only use 0s and 1s, what’s the longest How did I get here? word you can make without a double? High School College Scratch work.... Graduate School ...and beyond 0 1 Other Mathematical Careers Conclusion Recap Recommended Reading
A taste of research What is a We’ll say a “word” is a list of numbers. mathemati- cian? (examples: 01011, 1204252, etc.) Lara Pudwell A double in a word is two copies of the same smaller word What do I do? back to back. (examples: 021221234, 0211312) Teaching & Service Research Question: If you only use 0s and 1s, what’s the longest How did I get here? word you can make without a double? High School College Scratch work.... Graduate School ...and beyond 0 1 Other 00 01 10 11 Mathematical Careers Conclusion Recap Recommended Reading
A taste of research What is a We’ll say a “word” is a list of numbers. mathemati- cian? (examples: 01011, 1204252, etc.) Lara Pudwell A double in a word is two copies of the same smaller word What do I do? back to back. (examples: 021221234, 0211312) Teaching & Service Research Question: If you only use 0s and 1s, what’s the longest How did I get here? word you can make without a double? High School College Scratch work.... Graduate School ...and beyond 0 1 Other 00 01 10 11 Mathematical Careers Conclusion Recap Recommended Reading
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