What are you going to get out of this? • A deeper understanding of • Ways you can talk about a what makes a journalist tick. case when you can’t really “talk” about it. Bob Vines • You will prepare for an Washakie County interview based on your Victim/Witness personal “elevator speech.” Coordinator Editor • Tips on writing press releases, Northern Wyoming providing comment, simple ways Daily News to promote your program. 2003-2015
If talented writers honestly thought the world didn’t need to be changed, they’d take jobs in *advertising that are half as difficult and three times as lucrative. * public relations
Journalists aren’t trying to tell you their version of what is right and wrong, because anyone who has been a reporter for five years forgets how to tell the difference.
(did something fry their noodle?)
sound familiar?
The biggest influence on the content of most news stories is simply who calls back first.
If I have learned anything from working in journalism, it’s that people who read newspapers apparently can’t read newspapers.
Instead of “NO COMMENT”
Bob Vines Washakie County Victim/Witness Coordinator Editor Northern Wyoming Daily News 2003-2015
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