west seattle and ballard link extensions

West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions Sound Transit Citizen - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions Sound Transit Citizen Oversight Panel March 21, 2019 Agenda Project overview Level 3 alternatives Level 3 evaluation results EIS scoping Next steps 2 Project overview ST3 Representative project

  1. West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions Sound Transit Citizen Oversight Panel March 21, 2019

  2. Agenda Project overview Level 3 alternatives Level 3 evaluation results EIS scoping Next steps 2

  3. Project overview

  4. ST3 Representative project • Identifies mode, corridor, number of stations, general station locations • Informs cost, schedule, operating needs 4

  5. West Seattle project timeline PLANNING DESIGN CONSTRUCTION START OF SERVICE 2017–2022 2022–2025 2025–2030 2016 2030 Alternatives development Final route design Groundbreaking Board identifies preferred Final station designs Construction updates alternative* and mitigation Procure and commission Draft Environmental station and public art Safety education Impact Statement Obtain land use and Testing and pre-operations Final Environmental construction permits Impact Statement Property acquisition/ Board selects project Relocation to be built Federal Record of Decision PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT *The Sound Transit Board identifies preferred alternatives and other alternatives to study. 5

  6. Ballard project timeline PLANNING DESIGN CONSTRUCTION START OF SERVICE 2017–2022 2023–2026 2027–2035 2016 2035 Alternatives development Final route design Groundbreaking Board identifies preferred Final station designs Construction updates alternative* and mitigation Procure and commission Draft Environmental station and public art Safety education Impact Statement Obtain land use and Testing and pre-operations Final Environmental construction permits Impact Statement Property acquisition/ Board selects project Relocation to be built Federal Record of Decision PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT *The Sound Transit Board identifies preferred alternatives and other alternatives to study. 6

  7. DESIGN PLANNING 2016 2017–2019 2019–2022 Alternatives Draft Environmental development Impact Statement Board identifies Final Environmental preferred alternative* Impact Statement Board selects project to be built Federal Record of Decision *The Sound Transit Board identifies preferred PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT alternatives and other alternatives to study in the Environmental Impact Statement. 7

  8. DESIGN PLANNING 2016 2017–2019 2019–2022 Alternatives Draft Environmental development Impact Statement Board identifies Final Environmental preferred alternative* Impact Statement Board selects project to be built Federal Record of Decision *The Sound Transit Board identifies preferred PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT alternatives and other alternatives to study in the Environmental Impact Statement. 8

  9. Alternatives development process LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE* Alternatives development Alternatives development Alternatives development Early-2018 Mid-2018 Late-2018 / Early-2019 Early-2019 Conduct early scoping Technical analysis Refine and screen alternatives Study ST3 representative Refine and screen project and alternatives alternatives Conduct Environmental Impact Statement Screen alternatives (EIS) scoping PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT *The Sound Transit Board identifies preferred alternatives and other alternatives to study in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). 9

  10. Community engagement and collaboration Early EIS Scoping Scoping Period Period 10

  11. Level 3 alternatives

  12. Summary of Level 3 alternatives ST3 Representative Project West Seattle Elevated/ C-ID 5th Ave/ Downtown 6th Ave/ Ballard Elevated • C-ID station options: 5th Ave Cut-and-Cover and 5th Ave Mined West Seattle Tunnel/ C-ID 4th Ave/ Downtown 5th Ave/ Ballard Tunnel • Junction station options: 41st Ave, 42nd Ave and 44th Ave • C-ID station options: 4th Ave Cut-and-Cover and 4th Ave Mined • Ballard station options: 14th Ave and 15th Ave 12

  13. ST3 Representative Project 13

  14. Summary of Level 3 alternatives ST3 Representative Project West Seattle Elevated/ C-ID 5th Ave/ Downtown 6th Ave/ Ballard Elevated • C-ID station options: 5th Ave Cut-and-Cover and 5th Ave Mined West Seattle Tunnel/ C-ID 4th Ave/ Downtown 5th Ave/ Ballard Tunnel • Junction station options: 41st Ave, 42nd Ave and 44th Ave • C-ID station options: 4th Ave Cut-and-Cover and 4th Ave Mined • Ballard station options: 14th Ave and 15th Ave 14

  15. Interbay Station at Alaska Junction 17 th /Thorndyke elevated station oriented north/south Smith Cove Station near Galer St Delridge Station High level further south fixed bridge at 14 th Ave 6 th Avenue route through downtown Terry/Mercer route in South Lake Union Chinatown/ID station options At grade along 5 th Ave Bored Tunnel/ Cut and Cover Station • E-3 Busway 5 th Ave Bored Tunnel/ Mined Station • West Seattle Elevated/ C-ID 5th Ave/ Downtown 6th Ave/ Ballard Elevated 15

  16. Summary of Level 3 alternatives ST3 Representative Project West Seattle Elevated/ C-ID 5th Ave/ Downtown 6th Ave/ Ballard Elevated • C-ID station options: 5th Ave Cut-and-Cover and 5th Ave Mined West Seattle Tunnel/ C-ID 4th Ave/ Downtown 5th Ave/ Ballard Tunnel • Junction station options: 41st Ave, 42nd Ave and 44th Ave • C-ID station options: 4th Ave Cut-and-Cover and 4th Ave Mined • Ballard station options: 14th Ave and 15th Ave 16

  17. Junction tunnel station options Interbay Station at 41 st Ave • 17 th /Thorndyke 42 nd Ave • 44 th Ave • Delridge Station further south and west Ballard tunnel station options 14 th Ave • 15 th Ave • North crossing of Duwamish South Lake Union Station on Harrison At grade along Chinatown/ID station options E-3 Busway 4 th Ave Cut and Cover Tunnel and Station • 4 th Ave Bored Tunnel/ Mined Station • West Seattle Tunnel/ C-ID 4th Ave/ Downtown 5th Ave/ Ballard Tunnel 17

  18. Level 3 evaluation results

  19. Evaluation criteria 17 criteria consistent in all levels of evaluation • Financial sustainability • Reliable service • Historically underserved populations • Travel times • Station area land use plan consistency • Regional connectivity • Modal integration • Transit capacity • Station area development opportunities • Projected transit demand • Environmental effects • Regional centers served • Traffic operations • ST Long-Range Plan consistency • Economic effects • ST3 consistency • Technical feasibility 19

  20. Evaluation measures 50+ quantitative and/or qualitative measures Ratings for Lower, Medium and Higher performing Key differentiators and considerations among alternatives Lower Medium Higher Performing Performing Performing 20


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