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Welcome to Year 1 Curriculum Presentation Monday 16 th September - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to Year 1 Curriculum Presentation Monday 16 th September 2019 Meet the staff 1B- Mrs Biard, Miss Andrews 1CS- Mrs Carroll, Mrs Scanlon 1DB- Mrs Bell Year 1 Teaching Assistants- Mrs Butler, Mrs Steadman, Mrs Fraser, Miss

  1. Welcome to Year 1 Curriculum Presentation Monday 16 th September 2019

  2. Meet the staff  1B- Mrs Biard, Miss Andrews  1CS- Mrs Carroll, Mrs Scanlon  1DB- Mrs Bell  Year 1 Teaching Assistants- Mrs Butler, Mrs Steadman, Mrs Fraser, Miss Swales

  3. Expectations  Homework- Children are expected to read every evening. Each week we would like the children to further their topic knowledge using the home learning ideas.  Equipment needed- Please provide a glue stick and a box of tissues each term. If anything specific is needed for a topic, we will request this closer to the time.  E-safety- CEOPS website can help with this

  4. Expectations PE  1B will have PE every Monday  1DB will have PE every Thursday  1CS will have PE every Tuesday  Behaviour – As a school, we have been using the coloured behaviour chart which keeps continuity for the children, as well as showing them that there are high expectations throughout the school.

  5. Timetable for the week  All of Year 1 will be doing Maths, English and Phonics in the mornings.  In the afternoon we will be covering the following foundation subjects: Art, DT , Computing, History/Geography, Music and Science, through our creative curriculum.  We will also have two hours of RE each week

  6. Routines  Morning: The Year 1 gate opens at 8:40am. We will close the gate at 8:50am as Registration begins. By the spring term, we will encourage the children to walk independently through the Year 1 gate to their classroom.  Playtime is at 10:30-10:45. Fruit is provided for all children. If you wish to do so, you may provide your child with an alternative fruit or vegetable snack.  Lunchtime is at 12:00-13:00. Children in KS1 are provided with free school meals which consist of a range of healthy choices. Please ensure the office are told of any allergies/dietary needs that your child has.  End of the school day: The Year 1 gate opens at 15:05 and is locked by 15:15 at which point, your child will need collecting from the main office.

  7. RE  1B class assembly will be 21 st November at 10.10 am  1CS class assembly will be on 17 th October at 10.10 am  1DB class assembly will be on 7 th November at 10.10 am  This year we will be covering the following RE topics: 1. Belonging 2. Families 3. Judaism 4. Waiting 5. Change 6. Meals 7. Special people 8. Being sorry 9. Holiday and Holydays 10. Islam 11. Neighbours

  8. Our School Creed This is our school, Let peace dwell here, Let the school be full of contentment, Let love abide here, Love of our school, Love of one another, Love of mankind, Love of life itself And love of Jesus. Let us remember That as many hand built our school, So many hearts make our school. Amen.

  9. Curriculum overview  English  Handwriting  Presentation  Phonics

  10. Curriculum overview  Maths- mastery  Approach to teaching maths  Presentation  Resources and expectations of children using resources

  11. Creative Curriculum  This year we are following a creative curriculum to teach the foundation subjects and Science, through one theme. The projects we will be working on in Year 1 are;  Dinosaur Planet (History, Science, Geography)  Splendid Skies (Science, Geography, Art, DT)  Moon Zoom (Science, History, Art, DT)  Paws, Claws and Whiskers (Science, Geography, Art, DT)  The Enchanted Woodland (Science, Geography, Art, DT )  Bright Lights, Big City (History, Science, Geography, DT )

  12. Curriculum  Music: The children will learn three notes on a recorder A, B and G.

  13. Curriculum – Science  In Science this year we will be covering the following topics, through our creative curriculum: 1. Materials 2. Plants 3. Animals (including humans) 4. Seasonal changes 5. Space 6. Healthy eating

  14. Assessment  Against NC learning objectives for each subject  Children need to be meeting a certain amount of objectives in order to be Meeting ARE expectations by the end of the academic year. Please note that no children will be working at ARE by the Autumn term parents evening.  Children’s progress is tracked and discussed at progress meetings  We will use: 1. Evidence from children’s books 2. Formative assessment – AFL ( questioning, checking understanding, thumbs up, RAG cards). 3. Summative assessment – tests and tasks  Data drops – autumn term, spring term, summer term- reported to parents at parents evenings and on end of year reports.  All children are working towards (W) at the beginning of the year as each year group curriculum expectations are different.

  15. Trips & visits  We have planned for The Travelling Natural History Museum to visit on Tuesday 1 st October. You will have received a letter about this last week.  We are planning other great opportunities for the children to develop their learning further through workshops and trips. We will provide further information, including costs (which will be kept to a minimum), dates and requests for helpers closer to the time.

  16. Any questions


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