Welcome to Oak Class Thursday 19 th September 2019
September 2019 Class 2 Pupils Teacher Teaching Assistant Mrs Musty Miss Withey Mrs Scott Year 5 6 Year 6 12
Mixed Age Teaching
English Skills Weekly SPaG Structure Spelling Weekly SPaG Structure 1. Introduce the new spelling Punctuation and Grammar pattern of the week and learn 1. Introduce the punctuation or the etymology. grammar focus of the week. 2. Get to understand the pattern 2. Learn how to apply the term in through practice and examples of their written work. different words. 3. Children are then encouraged to 3. A weekly homework based on the use the feature in their written work pattern which then leads into a test and that is given a particular focus in the following week. (Teacher will teacher models and feedback. pick up any children who find the test tricky and work with them on the pattern in a flexible Guided Reading intervention) We carry out guided reading along with independent 1:1 reading and the reading we do within our English lessons. a In English this term, we are starting by Guided reading focuses on retrieving information looking at Ancient Egyptian Myths. Following from a text, using inference and how to answer a this, we are going to study a historical fiction variety of comprehension questions. We also work novel ‘Secret’s of a Sun King’ by Emma on word meaning (synonyms and anonyms) within Carroll. After half term, we will focus on non- a text. fiction texts and base our writing around this.
Behaviour Positive behaviour is rewarded with praise, stickers, house points and marbles in the jar. If children do not follow the class instructions or behave in an inappropriate way they will receive a verbal warning. If a child ignores a second warning (final warning) and their behaviour persists they will miss playtime. If behaviour persists, parents will also be informed.
Assessment Below Expected Above Based on age related expectations set out in the National Curriculum 2014
Physical Education Every child will need: A Rodmarton PE t-shirt, shorts/jogging bottoms, • plimsolls or trainers Dark, plain tracksuits can be worn in the winter for outdoor P.E. Please keep P.E kits in school all week throughout the term.
Spelling and Homework
Communication Class Teachers and support staff are available for • a short time before school in the morning. In addition Class Teachers will also be available after school for a short period whilst they dismiss. If you need to arrange an appointment to speak to • your Class Teacher at greater length, Mrs Sharp will coordinate times in the school diary. Parents Evenings are held twice a year. Once in • the Autumn Term and again in the Spring Term. Interim Reports are sent out mid-year with a final • end of year report in July. Children on the SEN Register will have additional • meetings with both the SENCO and Class teacher throughout the year ( x 3).
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