welcome t oday s outcomes

WELCOME! T odays Outcomes The plan is a high-level plan; we need - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Please sit in mixed teams . WELCOME! T odays Outcomes The plan is a high-level plan; we need to learn from our employees and community what questions they have and where they would like us to land in response to those questions. We wont

  1. Please sit in mixed teams . WELCOME!

  2. T oday’s Outcomes The plan is a high-level plan; we need to learn from our employees and community what questions they have and where they would like us to land in response to those questions. We won’t be able to make everyone happy, but we do want to craft the myriad additional details that the complete plan will require with the input from these groups. • Understand the rationale and priorities for the DMPS Return to Learn plan. • Understand the DMPS Return to Learn Plan at a high level. • Help us identify what we may have missed or perspectives that were not considered in the planning process.

  3. Our Lenses Equity Safety Achievement

  4. We Heard You All (100%) of Anti-Racist Town Hall discussion groups called for increased focus on social- emotional learning, restorative practices, and building teachers’ & leaders’ skills to talk about race and social justice. We will invest in that skill development.

  5. Anti-Racist T own Hall Findings Finding Action Steps So Far… Teaching, learning and assessment is Full curriculum review of • driven by adults using literacy/English Language Arts whitewashed curriculum Review of district-selected • assessments Recruitment, selection and retainment of • Black employee affinity group staff produces a majority white staffing meetings starting the week of July 13 population A lack of capacity within the district to • Including social emotional learning, create positive, supportive school social justice, and race talk in the experiences for students 2020-21 professional development calendar The current school system is perpetuating Including more community and family • systemic racism input in our return to learn planning

  6. Core Beliefs for R2L • Return to Learn plans should reflect the needs, desires, and parameters of our community, students, staff, parents, and health professionals. • Return to Learn plans are designed to prioritize and support the health, safety, and well-being of students and staff. • Resources and efforts will be placed FIRST on ensuring that EVERY student has access to high quality, grade level instruction; variety of options for SOME comes secondary. • The board goals and instructional levers determine where time, energy, and resources should be placed. • A high-quality plan is prioritized, focused, versatile, and adaptive due to the rapidly changing environment in which we live.

  7. Survey Participation Students Grades 5- Parents: 74.7% Staff: 77.6% 11: 32.8%

  8. Survey Results

  9. Instructional Models 100% Virtual Learning Hybrid Model Model Teachers and students are Students attend school for engaged in instruction in-person instruction on a through Canvas and virtual rotating schedule in order meeting platforms. The to reduce the number of district is working to put as students in a building on a many courses online as given day. When they are possible, but the course not in-person, they will be options will not be as engaged in virtual learning. expansive as they have been in the past.

  10. Virtual Model DMPS is investing resources in the expansion of our Virtual Campus to include K-8. If families choose to enroll your student in the 100% virtual option, your student will be served by our K-12 Virtual Campus. More details related to Virtual Campus can be found at https://virtualcampus.dmschools.org/. Information on K-8 will be available soon.

  11. DMPS Virtual Campus is a K-12 • online school designed to provide greater equity of access and opportunity for success to ALL students. • Rigorous , Standards- Driven Learning • Relevance • Opportunities for, Virtual collaboration, cognitive complex tasks Campus • Individualized: Student Voice, Choice and Ownership We strive to partner with all • students, by understanding, personalizing, and accommodating to their flexible needs in their current life situations.

  12. K-8 Hybrid Model Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Cohort A; In- Cohort A; In- Full virtual for Cohort B; In- Cohort B; In- person learning person learning all students person learning person learning and staff; buildings disinfected Cohort B; Cohort B; Full virtual for Cohort A; Cohort A; Virtual Virtual all students Virtual Virtual Learning Learning and staff; Learning Learning buildings disinfected

  13. High School Hybrid Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9 th Grade 10 th Grade 11 th Grade 12 th Grade Comprehensive Full Virtual for High Schools Students In- Students In- all students Students In- Students In- person person and staff; person person learning learning buildings learning learning disinfected 12 th Grade 11 th Grade 10 th Grade 9 th Grade Central Campus Full Virtual for Students In- Students In- all students Students In- Students In- person person and staff; person person learning for learning for buildings learning for learning for Lab-based Lab-based disinfected Lab-based Lab-based courses courses courses courses Central Academy Full Virtual Full Virtual Full Virtual for Full Virtual Full Virtual all students and staff; buildings disinfected

  14. Preschool • We are prepared to offer full-virtual learning. • Current enrollment is low - if current trend persists, then we will offer 4 days in-person (M,T,Th,F) and Wednesdays virtual for both students and staff. • If enrollment increases, then we will move to a hybrid model similar to K-8 and assign cohorts. • Drake University has already determined that they will cap enrollment at 10 students per class for Head Start.

  15. Health and Safety Social Distancing PPE – Mandatory Face Coverings for students and staff Hand Hygiene Monitoring and Excluding for Illness Lunch in Classrooms

  16. T echnology and Access • One-to-One Learning Platform (every student assigned a laptop device). • Preschool & Kindergarten students will be assigned a tablet device. • Plans to strengthen and support infrastructure needed for more reliable connectivity is still underway.

  17. Transportation and Food Services • Every effort will be made to provide transportation to students who qualify. • Even though we anticipate fewer students on a bus due to a rotating schedule, we cannot guarantee safe distancing. Students will be required to wear masks and have assigned seats. • Meals will be provided for every student, regardless of virtual or in-person instruction.

  18. Childcare • Metro Kids will be available – currently working with the state for approval of full-day childcare; fee structure must be approved by DHS and DMPS School Board. • Developing a childcare site map that provides the location of DHS licensed childcare providers throughout the city as well as available club programming (Boys and Girls Club, YMCA, CFUM, etc.).

  19. ONLINE REGISTRATION BEGINS JULY 13 • Selection of learning model (virtual vs. hybrid) • K-8 students: request to move cohorts in the hybrid model

  20. Learning Model Decision Considerations 100% Virtual learning: • Families/students will be expected to commit to virtual learning for at least the first term of the school year (August 26 to October 28). • Virtual learning will be self-paced to allow for flexible scheduling of learning. Hybrid learning: • Face coverings will be required. • May need to quickly shift to 100% virtual learning due to COVID-19 status in the community or a school outbreak. • If eligible and in need of bussing: full social distancing is not possible (cloth face coverings required).

  21. Q&A

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